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Integration of Family Planning and HIV Services in Tanzania

An Evaluation of Integration of Family Planning Into HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Clinics in Tanzania

HIV positive women and couples have broad reproductive health needs that are not always met within HIV services. The integration of family planning (FP) services into Tanzania's HIV Care and Treatment Clinics (CTC) will address the fertility desires of CTC clients and ultimately result in the reduction of unintended pregnancies and HIV incidence. One strategy for integrating FP and CTC services is to use a "facilitated referral" model. Facilitated referrals are enhanced referrals for additional services that have been used in other settings and which are the preferred intervention strategy the Government of Tanzania would like to pilot test. This study will evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, and costs of implementing a "facilitated referrals" intervention by examining FP use among female clients attending HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Centers. This study will measure whether there is a reduction in unmet need for contraception among female CTC clients after the facilitated referral integration intervention has been implemented.

NCT00941876 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Treatment Effects of Escitalopram (Lexapro®) on Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Patients With HIV and AIDS

Treatment Effects of Escitalopram (Lexapro®) on Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy,Cognition, and Immune Status Among Patients With HIV and AIDS: A 6-week Open-label, Prospective, Pilot Trial.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether escitalopram is safe, well tolerated, and effective in the treatment of HIV-infected patients with generalized anxiety disorder.

NCT00887679 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

High-Dose Fluconazole for the Treatment of Cryptococcal Meningitis in HIV-Infected Individuals

A Phase I/II Dose-Finding Study of High-Dose Fluconazole Treatment in AIDS-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis

Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. CM most often affects people with compromised immune systems, like those with advanced HIV infection. This study explored the safety, tolerability, and therapeutic effect of a new treatment regimen with high-dose fluconazole for management of CM in HIV-infected patients.

NCT00885703 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Study on the Antiviral Therapy and Immune Reconstitution of Chinese HIV/AIDS Patients

Research on the Antiretroviral Therapy and Immune Reconstitution on Chinese HIV/AIDS Patients

This study will recruit 520 treatment-naive and 150 treatment-experienced patients to take the first line or second line of antiviral therapy. This study aims to set up a well-trained clinical and laboratory team in China, to explore the effects and side-effects of the first-line and the second line of ARV treatment in Chinese HIV/AIDS adult patients, to investigate the side-effects of ARV drugs, such as hepatotoxicity, lipoatrophy, cardiovascular influence, to explore the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of Chinese generic ARV regiments and effective drug concentrations and to explore primary and secondary drug resistance in China and the immune reconstitution characters of long term ARV in Chinese adult AIDS patients. This study might provide more practical and optimizing prove for the treatment guideline for resource limited areas.

NCT00872417 — HIV Infections
Status: Not yet recruiting

Efficacy and Safety of Mycograb as Adjunctive Therapy for Cryptococcal Meningitis in Patients With AIDS

A Multicenter, Randomized Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Mycograb® as Adjunctive Therapy for Cryptococcal Meningitis in Patients With AIDS

This is a multicenter, randomized, efficacy and safety trial to evaluate Mycograb®. Subjects will be randomized to one of the 3 arms: 1/ Amphotericin B (0.7 mg/kg/d) plus 5-flucytosine (100 mg /kg/d); 2/ Amphotericin B plus Mycograb® (dosed 1 mg/kg via a central line or peripheral venous line twice daily for 7 consecutive days); 3/ Amphotericin B plus 5-flucytosine plus Mycograb® (dosed 1 mg/kg via a central line or peripheral venous line twice daily for 7 consecutive days). After 2 weeks, all patients will be switched to fluconazole at 400 mg/d for 8 weeks and 200 mg/d thereafter. The total duration of the study will be approximately 24 months

NCT00847678 — Cryptococcal Meningitis
Status: Terminated

Effective Aids Treatment and Support in the Free State (FEATS) - FEATS

Effective Aids Treatment and Support in the Free State (FEATS): Adherence and Nutritional Support for Effective and Sustainable Antiretroviral Treatment in Resource Constrained Settings

The aim of this study is to investigate the benefits of ARV treatment to patients, to the family members of patients on ARV treatment, and to communities at large. The study also aims to investigate the impact of a peer adherence support and a nutritional intervention on measures of treatment success. To this end, 648 patients who had commenced ARV treatment in the past month at twelve selected health care facilities will be recruited into the study. In addition, 204 randomly sampled households from the communities served by the twelve selected clinics will be recruited into the study. Trained enumerators will at baseline conduct semi-structured interviews with patients and households. Following the baseline survey, patients recruited into the study will be randomly assigned to one of three groups: - Patients receiving ARV treatment and the associated support currently provided in the public sector ARV treatment programme. - Patients receiving (a) plus bi-weekly visits by an experienced ARV patient who has been trained as a peer adherence supporter - Patients receiving (a) and (b) plus a weekly nutritional supplement in the form of two 400g cans of meatballs and spaghetti in tomato sauce The group of 'comparison' households comprises the fourth group. Trained enumerators will conduct follow-up interviews with all patients and households at approximately six- and at twelve-months respectively. In addition, the ARV coordinator and other providers working in the ARV treatment programme at each of the twelve selected health care facilities will be interviewed by trained enumerators, at baseline and again at six- and at twelve-months. Clinical data will be obtained from patient files at baseline and at completion of the study. Using these data, various outcomes of importance to the study will be compared between the four study groups, using experimental and non-experimental methods.

NCT00821366 — HIV Infections
Status: Active, not recruiting

Cerebral Toxoplasmosis and AIDS - TOXODFA

Cerebral Toxoplasmosis and AIDS in the French Departments of America (DFA). Diagnostic Contribution of a PCR Assay and Genetic Diversity of Toxoplasma Gondii.

With a HIV incidence much higher in the DFA than in European French territory, this disease is a major public health problem in these areas, especially in French Guiana. Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a priority among the opportunistic infections in AIDS patients from the DFA because of its frequency (French West Indies) and of its lethality (French Guiana). The diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis may be difficult because based only on presumptive clinical and radiological features. The response to specific antitoxoplasmic therapy confirms a posteriori the diagnosis. In reference to the data collected by the Biological Resource Centre Toxoplasma, in particular in French Guiana, we think that T. gondii strains reactivating in AIDS patients from DFA are genetically different from those reactivating in AIDS patients from Europe, with an increased capacity for dissemination via peripheral blood in the first ones. This more frequent or more prolonged parasitemia could facilitate the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis by PCR test from peripheral blood samples in AIDS patients from the French departments of America.

NCT00803621 — AIDS
Status: Completed

Influenza Vaccination at a Reduced Dose Using Mesotherapy in HIV/AIDS Patients at the Hadassah AIDS Center, Jerusalem

Influenza Vaccination at a Reduced Dose of 1:10 Using Mesotherapy in HIV/AIDS Patients at the Hadassah AIDS Center, Jerusalem

Influenza vaccination has proved it's effectiveness over many years of usage including HIV/AIDS patients who are immunocompromised. In those patients, however, a noted rise in HIV viral load which follows intramuscular injection of the vaccine is of unknown significance over the long run. Mesotherapy is a procedure developed and practiced in france by which a reduced and diluted amounts of antigens is being introduced by multiple intradermal injections over the torso and upper back. Mesotherapy is mainly used as a vehicle for introducing pain medicine and cosmetics.

NCT00758212 — HIV Infections
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Feasibility Study: Effect of Patient Decision Aids for Total Joint Replacement on Surgical Referrals

Feasibility Study: Does Screening Plus Patient Decision Aids Reduce Unnecessary Surgical Referrals for Total Joint Arthroplasty in Practices With Long Waiting Lists for Surgical Consults?

Ministries of Health consider wait lists for total joint replacement a top priority. Research priorities to manage wait lists indicate the need to establish benchmarks that consider patient preferences. However, patients' preferences for hip or knee replacements are strongly associated with their misperceptions of the indicators for, and the risks and benefits of, these procedures. These misperceptions can be corrected with the use of patient decision aids. When decision aids are used in combination with assessing surgical eligibility, there may be a reduction in unnecessary referrals for surgery either because the patient is ineligible or because the eligible candidates make informed decisions to forgo this option. The study objective is to pilot test the feasibility of a trial evaluating the effects of patient decision aids on reducing unnecessary surgical referrals for total joint replacement, when used in combination with a general practitioner run clinic to screen patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis for surgical eligibility. The investigators expect to provide evidence of feasibility (e.g. ease of recruiting patients, delivering the interventions, measuring patient outcomes) and sample size needed for a larger scale study. This study should also provide evidence for planning implementation of the interventions and standardized training across other centers.

NCT00743951 — Osteoarthritis
Status: Completed

Effectiveness of Hearing-aid Based Wind-noise Algorithm

Methods of Wind Noise Suppression in Hearing Aids

Wind-noise is highly disturbing to hearing impaired individuals wearing hearing aids who wish to participate in outdoor conversations where wind is present or during activities such as walking or running. In these situations, wind noise significantly reduces signal-to-noise ratio and, consequently, the intelligibility of speech and sounds may be significantly impaired. This negative effect is exacerbated with the use of directional microphone schemes in the hearing iads. The objective of this project is to determine the efficacy of the MH Acoustics' multi-microphone wind-noise reduction invention for the digital hearing aids market. MH Acoustics' wind noise reduction technology is unique since it provides instantaneous convergence while maintaining directionality of the microphone array. Current commercial technologies do not provide this feature. We are hypothesizing that, due to the design of the algorithm, speech perception ability and sound quality perception will be better than that available with traditional directional and/or omnidirectional microphone schemes in windy environments.

NCT00738244 — Hearing Impairment
Status: Completed