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Feasibility of Adjunctive BLT for Amelioration of Fatigue in Chinese Cancer Patients Admitted to a Palliative Care Unit

Feasibility Study of Adjunctive Bright Light Therapy (BLT) for Amelioration of Fatigue in Chinese Cancer Patients Admitted to a Palliative Care Unit

Fatigue is the most common symptom in palliative care patients who have advanced cancer. Fatigue is also one of the most underreported hence under-treated symptoms. Patients may perceive it as a condition to be endured, whereas healthcare workers find it very challenging to assess and treat due to its subjective nature and multi-dimensional causes. However, evidence-based practice to tackle this distressing problem is still inadequate, and that a one-size fit all approach is unrealistic. Various pharmacological options have been examined, but due to limited evidence, no specific drug could be recommended. Latest development in management of fatigue includes non-pharmacological approach. Bright Light Treatment (BLT) has also evolved as a favourable treatment for cancer-related fatigue. BLT is the prescription of artificial bright light over a designated period of time. Recent clinical evidence showed that BLT reduced symptom of fatigue in patients undergoing active chemotherapy and cancer survivours. There is however no data on bright light therapy used in in-patient palliative care settings. A single group, prospective interventional study will be conducted in in-patient palliative care unit of Shatin Hospital (N = 42). The aim is to assess the feasibility and impact of BLT as an in-patient intervention in a cohort of local Chinese palliative care in-patients diagnosed with incurable cancer with documented symptom of fatigue, and to ascertain the changes of fatigue, mood, sleep and quality of life after 1-week exposure of BLT.

NCT04525924 — Cancer
Status: Recruiting

LLLT and Fractional CO2 Laser in the Treatment of Stria Alba

Low Level Light Therapy and Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser in the Treatment of Stria Alba: A Randomised Controlled Study

Stria alba (aka white or atrophic stretch marks) is a very common dermatologic condition that causes major psychological distress to those afflicted. We study the effect of low level light therapy using infra red diode 808/915 nm laser in comparison to fractional CO2 alone and combined both therapies.

NCT04165226 — Striae; Albicantes
Status: Completed

Using Early Time Restricted Feeding and Timed Light Therapy to Improve Glycemic Control in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Using Early Time Restricted Feeding and Timed Light Therapy to Improve Glycemic Control in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

The purpose of this study is to test whether eating earlier in the day and/or timed light therapy can improve blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. This study will also test whether these treatments improve other aspects of health, including the circadian (biological) clock, sleep, weight, body composition, cardiovascular health, quality of life, and mood.

NCT04155619 — Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Status: Recruiting

The Role of Circadian Clock Proteins in Innate and Adaptive Immunity

Light Therapy in Patients Undergoing an Operation for Appendicitis, a Septic Joint, Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection, Diverticulitis, or Medical Treatment of Pneumonia

Our data suggest that modulating the characteristics of light carries the potential to modify the host response to injury and critical illness and thus, improve outcome. The ability to modify the host response to the stress of major operations and sepsis carries immense potential to improve patient care. The primary purpose of this study is to determine if exposure to bright blue (442nm) enriched light, by comparison to ambient white fluorescent light, reduces the inflammatory response or organ dysfunction in patients undergoing 1) medical treatment for pneumonia, 2) a 2-stage arthroplasty for surgical management of a septic joint, 3) surgery for a necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI), and 4) surgery for an intraabdominal infection (e.g., diverticulitis). We will expose participants to one of two (2) lighting conditions: 1) high illuminance (~1700 lux,), blue (442nm) spectrum enriched light and 2) ambient white fluorescent light that provides the standard environmental lighting (~300-400 lux, no predominant spectrum) of the hospital. Both cohorts will be exposed to a 12 hours:12 hours light:dark cycle photoperiod. Those subjects assigned to blue light will be asked to shine this small portable blue enriched light on themselves from 0800 to 2000 for 3 days. At the transition from light to dark, the blue-enriched light is turned off, and additional blue wavelength light removed with an amber filter. Thus, the total period of intervention is 72 hours. The outcome of interest is change in the inflammatory response after surgery for appendicitis or diverticulitis as measured by the following parameters: white blood cell count, heart rate, the development of abdominal abscess, serum cytokine concentrations. The outcome of interest is change in the inflammatory response during pneumonia as measured by the following parameters: white blood cell count, heart rate, and serum cytokine concentrations.

NCT03482245 — Pneumonia
Status: Recruiting

Effect of Laser and Potassium Nitrate Application on the Sensitivity Control in Bleached Teeth

Effect of Low-level Light Therapy Associated With Potassium Nitrate in the Control of Post-bleaching Dental Sensitivity: a Randomized, Double-blind, Split-mouth, Controlled Trial

To investigate the effects of desensitizing agents on the dental bleaching process, testing the hypothesis that they may control dental sensitivity.

NCT03434782 — Dentin Sensitivity
Status: Completed

Evaluation of the Efficacy and Tolerance of a Light Therapy Mask on Mild to Moderate Brown Spots and Moderate to Severe Facial Wrinkles

A Randomized, Evaluator-Blinded Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Tolerability of an Investigational Light Therapy Mask on Subjects With Mild to Moderate Mottled Hyperpigmentation and Moderate to Severe Facial Wrinkles

This research study will test how well a light therapy mask works for women with mild to moderate hyperpigmentation (brown spots) and moderate to severe facial wrinkles, as compared to a "sham" or inactive investigational light therapy mask. The study will also test if the light therapy mask causes any irritation. For the first 12 weeks of the study, participants will use the assigned mask, along with a provided cleanser and sunscreen. For the second 12 weeks of the study, participants will use just the cleanser and sunscreen.

NCT03312543 — Skin Aging
Status: Completed

A Study to See if Low Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT) Can Improve the Condition of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

A Pilot Evaluation of the Effect of the Erchonia Verjú™ and EVRL Lasers on Reducing Aminoalanine Transaminase (ALT) in Individuals With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

The purpose of this study is to determine whether low level laser therapy (LLLT) using the Erchonia VERJU and EVRL laser devices is effective in reducing aminoalanine transaminase (ALT) levels in individuals with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

NCT03163810 — Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Status: Withdrawn

Evaluation of the Effect of Fluoride and Laser Application on the Prevention of Sensitivity in Bleached Teeth

Effect of Sodium Fluoride at 1.1%, Associated or Not With the Low-level Light Therapy in the Prevention of Post-bleaching Sensitivity: a Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Trial

To investigate the effects of desensitizing agents on the dental bleaching process, testing the hypothesis that they may prevent dental sensitivity.

NCT03044171 — Dentin Sensitivity
Status: Completed

Light Therapy to Increase Energy in Adolescents and Young Adults Newly Diagnosed With Solid Tumors: A Pilot Study

Light Therapy to Increase Energy in Adolescents and Young Adults Newly Diagnosed With Solid Tumors: A Pilot Study

Fatigue is one of the most consistent and distressing symptoms reported by pediatric oncology patients. The investigators' work has demonstrated that in the period from diagnosis through the initial 8 weeks of treatment, adolescents and young adults with solid tumors experience substantial fatigue that is not related to sleep disruption. Fatigue can contribute to many adverse outcomes including poor treatment adherence, reduced social activities, depressive symptoms, behavior problems, and poorer quality of life. Unfortunately, no definitive intervention to reduce fatigue has been developed for pediatric oncology patients. Investigators propose a study to estimate the feasibility and acceptability of bright light therapy as an intervention to decrease fatigue in adolescents and young adults who are newly diagnosed and receiving treatment for solid tumors, including lymphoma.

NCT02429063 — Neoplasms
Status: Completed

A Single-Center, Prospective, Pilot Study to Compare the Effect of Diet in Overweight or Obese Patients With Psoriasis on Light Therapy

A Single-Center, Prospective, Single-Blind, Pilot Study to Compare the Effect of Diet in Overweight or Obese Patients With Psoriasis on Light Therapy

Weight loss may help psoriasis. Phototherapy helps psoriasis. Combining the two treatments may help even more. Determining if a high protein diet vs a low protein diet results in improving psoriais may help lead to future dietary effects on psoriasis therapy

NCT02193919 — Psoriasis
Status: Completed