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Boston Alcohol Research Collaboration on HIV/AIDS (ARCH) Cohort: The 4F Study

Addressing Alcohol/HIV Consequences in Substance Dependence - Boston ARCH Cohort: The 4F Study

The purpose of this study is to follow a cohort of HIV-infected adults who have alcohol and/or drug use to: 1) test the associations between alcohol (and illicit drugs and polypharmacy (multiple prescribed medications)) and falls (fractures secondarily), and whether frailty mediates these associations; and 2) test the associations between alcohol (and illicit drugs and polypharmacy) and utilization (emergency department use and hospitalization for falls and fractures), and whether frailty mediates them. To achieve the stated aims the investigators will expand (to 400) and continue to follow an existing prospective cohort (The Boston ARCH Cohort) of adults with HIV infection and a high prevalence of exposure to alcohol, other drugs, and polypharmacy. The Boston ARCH Cohort is a longitudinal cohort (1-3.5 years of follow-up) of 250 HIV-infected men and women with current substance dependence or ever injection drug use that have a spectrum of alcohol use.

NCT03414411 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Project Minority AIDS Prevention: Reaching Black and Hispanic MSM About PrEP and TasP Using Social Media - MAP

Reaching Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino MSM Through Social Media About Treatment as Prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

This project has the potential to improve the implementation science of treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake as a public health strategy for reducing new HIV infections in the United States. The investigators will develop and pilot test an intervention that combines messages sent over social media plus a newly developed interactive website specifically developed by and for Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino MSM to encourage treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis use. Findings from this research can guide policy guidelines and recommendations for treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake for high-risk groups.

NCT03404531 — HIV Infections
Status: Recruiting

Quality Control of CE-Certified Phonak Hearing Aids - 2017_37

Quality Control of CE-Certified Phonak Hearing Aids - 2017_37

Phonak Hearing Systems pass through different development and study stages. At an early stage, feasibility studies are conducted to investigate new algorithms, features and functions in an isolated manner. If the benefit is proven, their performance is then investigated regarding interdependency between all available algorithms, features and functions running in parallel in a hearing aid (pivotal/pre-validation studies) and, as a result, they get optimized. Afterwards, and prior to product launch, the Phonak Hearing Systems undergo a final quality control in terms of clinical trials. This is a pre-validation study, investigating optimized algorithms, features and functions. This will be a clinical evaluation which will be conducted mono centric at Sonova AG Headquarters based in Stäfa (Switzerland).

NCT03379766 — Hearing Loss, Sensorineural
Status: Completed

Hearing Aids and the Brain

Hearing Aids and the Brain

Hearing aids are being fit on inexperienced hearing aid users and the short-term and long-term effects are measured. This research aims to improve understanding of the individual factors that contribute to receiving benefit from hearing aids and lead to more individualized treatment of hearing loss.

NCT03279510 — Hearing Loss
Status: Completed

Influence of Audiovisual Aids in the Preanesthetic Interview

Influence of Audiovisual Aids in the Preanesthetic Interview: A Comparison of the Effect of Face-to-face-interview Versus a Brochure and Video Assisted Interview

1000 patients will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about preanesthetic visit right after the interview. On a daily randomization the Groups will be assigned to: Group A = face-to-face interview; Group B = interview plus brochure, Group C= interview plus movie. Evaluation of patient satisfaction und knowledge transfer will be evaluated with a questionnaire filled out right after the interview with the anesthesist.

NCT03274336 — Patient Satisfaction
Status: Completed

Quality Control of CE-Certified Phonak Hearing Aids - 2017_27

Quality Control of CE-Certified Phonak Hearing Aids - 2017_27

A methodical evaluation of new CE-labelled Phonak Hearing Systems is intended to be conducted on hard of participants with a hearing loss to grant quality control prior to product launch. The aim of the investigation series is to ensure a stable overall performance of the new hearing systems, a good sound quality during phone calls as well as maximum benefit for the participant with the devices.

NCT03253003 — Hearing Loss, Bilateral Sensorineural, Progressive
Status: Completed

HIV/AIDS & Alcohol-Related Outcomes: Translational Evidence-Based Interventions - WELL

HIV/AIDS & Alcohol-Related Outcomes: Translational Evidence-Based Interventions

A clinical study for patients with HIV that investigates the best way to reduce HIV transmission risk, and to improve the overall health of people living with HIV/AIDS. Participants will complete four assessments over the course of one year and will be randomly assigned to a five-week treatment program.

NCT03238586 — HIV/AIDS
Status: Completed

Effect of Supplementation With Glutamine and Exercise in Women With HIV/AIDS

Impact of Physical Exercise Associated With Glutamine Supplementation in Health Indicators of People Living With HIV/AIDS

This study aimed to investigate the effect of an exercise session with weights associated with glutamine dipeptide (GLD) supplementation on cognitive function of people living with HIV/ AIDS. The sample consisted of 10 HIV+ women, who used the Antiretroviral Therapy Highly Active. The participants were randomized in a double-blind procedure to receive seven days of supplementation GLD or placebo (PLA). At the end of this first period, the participants held a workout with weights with cognitive assessments before and immediately after the session. To evaluate oxidative stress markers blood samples were collected before and 1 hour and 2 hours after the session.Then the participants rested for 7 days for the initial stocks of glutamine return to baseline levels (washout). Following was realized the crossing of the groups, so those who had received the GLD in the first week spent extra for 7 days with PLA and vice versa, and then they repeated evaluations and exercise session. The exercise session consisted of seven resistance exercises involving different muscle groups, with three sets of 8-12 repetitions with an interval of 90 seconds between sets and 120 seconds between the exercises. Stroop test was used to cognitive assessments, which aims to assess selective attention and inhibitory control over the color of conflict and word, and the N-back test, responsible for evaluating the central executive component of working memory by stimuli visual. Oxidative stress markers (TBARS, FOX, GSH, GSSG, AOPP) were analyzed in plasma samples.

NCT03236532 — Physical Activity
Status: Completed

Ibrutinib, Rituximab, Etoposide, Prednisone, Vincristine Sulfate, Cyclophosphamide, and Doxorubicin Hydrochloride in Treating Patients With HIV-Positive Stage II-IV Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas

Phase I and Dose-Expansion Study of Ibrutinib and R-da-EPOCH for Front Line Treatment of AIDS-Related Lymphomas

This phase I trial studies the side effect and best dose of ibrutinib in combination with rituximab, etoposide, prednisone, vincristine sulfate, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin hydrochloride in treating patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive stage II-IV diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Ibrutinib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Monoclonal antibodies, such as rituximab, may interfere with the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as etoposide, prednisone, vincristine sulfate, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin hydrochloride, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Giving ibrutinib and etoposide, prednisone, vincristine sulfate, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin hydrochloride may work better in treating patients with HIV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.

NCT03220022 — Ann Arbor Stage III Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Status: Recruiting

Innovative Strategy to Offer Online Test and Treat for Thai MSM/TG

Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (TRCARC)

This study will ask Thai MSM and transgender women (TG) participants to self-select to participate in one of the 3 different study groups which provide various degrees of integrated online interventions and offline interventions for the Recruit-Test-Treat-Retain for HIV prevention and care among 3 groups (A, B1 and B2). All participants will be followed up either offline or online for 12 months. HIV-negative participants will be scheduled for repeat HTC at months 6 and 12. HIV-positive participants will be scheduled either offline or online to review their treatment history at months 6 and 12. HIV-negative participants in Group B1 and B2 can choose again at months 6 and 12 to switch from the online to offline, and vice versa, at the HIV testing/post-test counseling step and the referral to HIV treatment step

NCT03203265 — HIV/AIDS
Status: Completed