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Orofacial Pain in Multiple Sclerosis

Orofacial Pain in Multiple Sclerosis

Although the orofacial pain is not typical symptom of multiple sclerosis, more than 50% of the patients experience some kind of pain. Acute pain usually in form of trigeminal neuralgia, that occurred in 2-3% of patients with multiple sclerosis. Chronic pain occurred in 40-50% of patients and most common forms are headache. Aim of this study is to investigate prevalence and evaluate the form of orofacial pain in patients with multiple sclerosis treated in General hospital Varaždin in period from 01.01. 2017. to 31.12.2022. Results of this investigation will determine better understanding orofacial pain , treatment and impact on everyday life.

NCT06021561 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Withdrawn

Olfactory and Trigeminal Functions in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: Case-control Study

Olfactory and Trigeminal Functions in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

The sensation of smell is influenced by the somatosensory and chemesthetic sensati¬ons of the nose: for example, the cooling sensation of menthol or the prickle of carbon dioxide from carbonated drinks. These sensations are mediated in the nose by the trigeminal nerve and there is increasing evidence that trigeminal and olfactory functions are closely linked and potentially interdependent. In addition, trigeminal activation is crucial to the perception of nasal airflow. Some researchers speculate about the impact of trigeminal nerve on the entire olfactory sensation and about the presence of some specific "trigeminal cells" into the nose.Patients with Multiple sclerosis (MS) can suffer from quantitative olfactory disorders that generally are of light entity and do not interfere with daily life activities but it is important to underline that olfactory loss can be an onset sign of the MS. Considering the "trigeminal component" in the olfaction, because trigeminal nerve inflammation is quite common in MS patients due to central and peripheral inflammation, it could be possible that these patients suffer from changes in the quantitative, but more in the qualitative smell functions that are generally not identified because poorly investigated.

NCT06020937 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Not yet recruiting

Epidural Stimulation in Multiple Sclerosis

A Pilot Study to Explore the Use of Percutaneous Spinal Stimulation in Participants With Multiple Sclerosis

A study to quantify changes in motor performance of epidural stimulation in progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) patients over the course of 12 rehabilitation sessions.

NCT06019611 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Recruiting

Insulin Resistance in Egyptian Patients With Multiple Sclerosis - IR-MS

Insulin Resistance in Non-diabetic Multiple Sclerosis Patients: Prevalence, Pre and Post-treatment Effect on Clinical, Cognitive Profile, Laboratory, and Radiological Markers

The goal of this three-phase interventional study is to determine the prevalence of Insulin resistance in non-diabetic patients with multiple sclerosis in Egypt The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. what is the prevalence of insult resistance among Egyptian patients with Multiple sclerosis? 2. what are the effects of insulin resistance on multiple sclerosis disease activity and progression 3. what are the effects of treating insulin resistance on multiple sclerosis disease activity and progression participants with MS will be tested for IR to determine its prevalence, in the 2nd phase a group of MS patients with IR will be compared with another control group of MS patients without IR for clinical, laboratory, and radiological markers of disease activity and progression twice at baseline and after 1 year. in the 3rd phase, patients with IR will be divided into 2 groups one who will receive appropriate treatment for IR and the other group without treatment of IR and will be compared by the end of the 2nd year for clinical, laboratory and radiological markers of disease activity and progression

NCT06017726 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Not yet recruiting

The MS-CEBA Study: Determining Cognitive, Energetic, Behavioural and Affective (CEBA) Profiles in Multiple Sclerosis - MS-CEBA

The MS-CEBA Study: Determining Cognitive, Energetic, Behavioural and Affective (CEBA) Profiles in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an invalidating neurological disease known to cause physical symptoms, which usually are the main focus of treatment. However, non-physical, more neuropsychological, symptoms also frequently occur, concerning the Cognitive, Energetic, Behavioural and Affective (CEBA) domains. Symptoms in the CEBA domains are known to negatively affect societal participation, and thereby quality of life. Unfortunately, despite their negative consequences, CEBA symptoms are not always timely recognized in people with MS (pwMS). Moreover, despite the fact that there are various effective neuropsychological treatments available for neurological patients with these symptoms, most pwMS do not yet receive these treatments. Although findings in group studies confirm that each of the CEBA domains can be affected in pwMS and correlations between symptoms regarding different CEBA domains have been found, there are large differences between individual pwMS with regard to which CEBA symptoms co-occur and which CEBA symptoms prevail. In order to optimize care for pwMS (e.g. timely referring patients to suiting neuropsychological treatment) there is need for a large scale study investigating over the whole range of CEBA symptoms how frequent these occur, whether and how symptoms co-occur, and thus if CEBA profiles can be identified. Identification of CEBA profiles can serve to quickly identify pwMS with neuropsychological problems in clinical practice, and provide an indication for possible neuropsychological treatment. If CEBA profiles are identified, it is considered likely that multiple CEBA symptoms will be prominent within a single CEBA profile. Here, subjective burden of pwMS can play an important role in determining which symptoms the main focus should be on in possible neuropsychological treatment. Currently, a clear and standardized procedure with a feasible neuropsychological screening instrument quickly identifying and combining CEBA profile and subjective burden, providing a suitable indication for possible neuropsychological treatment, is lacking. The aim of the present study is identifying CEBA profiles in pwMS and subsequently developing a feasible screening instrument allowing quick identification of CEBA profile and subjective burden of pwMS in clinical practice, providing a suitable indication for possible neuropsychological treatment. If needed, combining of or adjustments to existing neuropsychological treatments will be suggested in order meet the needs of pwMS with CEBA symptoms. All of this with the ultimate aim to improve societal participation, and accordingly quality of life, of pwMS.

NCT06016309 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Recruiting

Sleep Disorders and Quality of Life in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Sleep Disorders and Quality of Life in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

1. To determine sleep disturbance in different types of multiple sclerosis. 2. To asses the effect of sleep disturbance on quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. 3. Correlation between sleep disturbance in different types of multiple sclerosis.

NCT06012513 — Sleep Disorder
Status: Not yet recruiting

Current Exercise Approaches in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Investigation of the Effects of Exercises With Mechanical Hippotherapy Device and Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises on Balance, Dizziness, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.

This study was conducted to examine the effects of exercises performed with mechanical hippotherapy device and Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises on balance, dizziness, fatigue and quality of life in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

NCT06005909 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Completed

Multiple Sclerosis: FutureMS-2 - an Observational Cohort and Scottish Precision Medicine Study

FutureMS-2: Clinical, Laboratory, and Genomic Predictors of Disease Activity in People Diagnosed With Relapsing Onset Multiple Sclerosis: an Observational Cohort and Scottish Precision Medicine Study

FutureMS is a project created in direct response to frequent questions people with MS ask their doctors. Every person newly diagnosed wants to know how MS will affect them over their life and what can be done to stop the disease progressing and improve their quality of life. FutureMS aims to help answer those questions. The original FutureMS study provided a snapshot of the impact of MS within a year of diagnosis. However, MS is a long-term condition and so the investigators now want to better understand the impact of MS, on the same individuals, after approximately 5 and 10 years of living with MS. This is the purpose of FutureMS-2.

NCT06001138 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Effects of Deep Sensory Assisted Rehabilitation on Gait and Balance in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Effects of Deep Sensory Assisted Rehabilitation on Gait and Balance in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

The effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation on improving the gait and balance disorders of patients has been proven. FTR applications in MS patients have become routine in developed countries. However, due to the high patient density in our country, FTR cannot be performed at the rate we want due to different reasons such as the inability to separate areas special for MS patients, the lack of special FTR applications for MS patients, and the inability to perform regular FTR follow-ups. Even if FTR is recommended and performed, our patients think that FTR is not very effective due to the above reasons and they do not continue. A team of neurology, physical therapy specialists, and physiotherapists was formed, in-service training was completed and a special rehabilitation program for MS patients was created. First of all, we will apply routine classical FTR to our patients. Sensory and deep sensory disorders, which are more common and severe, especially in the lower extremities, also negatively affect gait and balance. A rehabilitation program was created by adding exercises to improve sensation and deep sense, along with muscle strengthening. The results of the 1st and 21st sessions of the patients in the two groups who underwent classical rehabilitation and deep sensory-assisted rehabilitation will be compared. It was planned to evaluate the gait and balance parameters of the patients as numerical data with clinical scales and the C mill device we used in walking and balance exercises.

NCT05991297 — MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Status: Active, not recruiting

Multiple Sclerosis Pelvic Floor Telerehabilitation

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation in Females With Multiple Sclerosis: Comparison of Two Telerehabilitation Protocols

The goal of this clinical trial is to compare the effects of two different pelvic floor telerehabilitation protocols on selected measures of quality of life and health in females with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis (rrMS). The main questions it aims to answer are: - Is telerehabilitation sufficient to improve quality of life and health in females with rrMS, in particular dedicated to pelvic floor training? - Are self-administered training protocols or remotely-supervised training protocols equally effective? Participants will be randomized to two intervention groups: a self-administered training protocol (SELF) and a remotely-supervised (REMOTE) training protocol. Both protocols will consist in 10 sessions of pelvic floor training lasting 45 min each, once every 5 days. At the start and at the end of the protocol, all participants will complete 6 questionnaires regarding pain, quality of life and health.

NCT05984095 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Completed