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Low-level Light Therapy for Primary Dysmenorrhea

Skin Adhesive Low-level Light Therapy for Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-therapeutic approach of skin adhesive low-level light therapy (LLLT) in females with primary dysmenorrhea (PD).

NCT02026206 — Primary Dysmenorrhea
Status: Completed

A Clinical Study of Light Therapy on Depressive Episodes of Bipolar Disorder

The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of light-emitting diode(LED) light therapy on Chinese patients with Depressive Episodes of Bipolar Disorder and to gather prime research data and application parameters of LED light source which is not currently available in China.

NCT02009371 — Depressive Episodes of Bipolar Disorder
Status: Completed

Efficacy of Pulsed Light Therapy for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye Syndrome

Efficacy of Pulsed Light Therapy for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye Syndrome

Our primary aim is to determine whether pulsed light therapy (PLT) is effective in reducing symptoms and improving clinical stigmata of dry eye syndrome (DES) associated with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in patients with facial rosacea (which includes ocular rosacea). The uses of PLT are for treatment of rosacea, hair removal, pigmented lesions, and skin telangiectasias. The risks include the potential for transient sunburn-like sensations (i.e. redness, burning sensation) and particularly if not used properly, the potential to cause burns, blistering, scarring, and pigmentary changes.

NCT01917539 — Dry Eye Syndrome
Status: Withdrawn

Stannsoporfin With Light Therapy for Newborn Babies With Jaundice - JASMINE_204

A Phase 2b Multicenter, Single Dose, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Two Doses of Stannsoporfin in Combination With Phototherapy in Neonates

It is normal for red blood cells to die, even in newborn babies. The waste from that is called bilirubin. The liver clears bilirubin out of the body. Some babies are born with illness that makes red blood cells die too fast, so the liver is not strong enough to keep up with it. The yellowish color in eyes or skin means there is too much bilirubin in the body. It can be dangerous if a baby's bilirubin gets too high. Special lights are put on jaundiced babies (called phototherapy) to help the liver get rid of bilirubin. This study tests an experimental drug to see if it can help the liver even more, by safely cutting down the amount of bilirubin the body is making in the first place.

NCT01887327 — Jaundice, Neonatal
Status: Completed

Transcranial Bright Light Therapy in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - SAD3

Transcranial Bright Light Therapy in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)- a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial

Bright light therapy (BLT) has been found to be effective in treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The mechanism of action of conventional BLT in the treatment of SAD is under debate. Recently, transcranial bright light (TBL) via ear canals has been proved to modulate the neural networks of the human brain and improve cognitive performance in healthy subjects. Moreover, TBL has been found to alleviate symptoms of SAD in open trial. In this case the investigators will study the effect of transcranial bright light treatment via ear canals on depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients suffering from SAD in randomized controlled double-blind study design.

NCT01784705 — Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Status: Completed

An Investigation of Light Therapy for Cancer-related Fatigue (The LITE Study) - LITE

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Light Therapy on Biomarkers, Sleep/Wake Activity, and Quality of Life in Individuals With Post-treatment Cancer-related Fatigue

Cancer-related fatigue is one of the most common and distressing symptoms associated with a cancer diagnosis.Fatigue related to cancer often appears before a diagnosis, worsens during treatment, and lasts for years after treatment in up to 35% of patients. Despite the long-term effects of cancer-related fatigue, the treatment options available are not always appropriate or helpful for all patients.Light therapy is an effective treatment for other disorders related to fatigue. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of light therapy on quality of life, sleep patterns, and physical measures of immune function and stress hormones in individuals with post-treatment cancer-related fatigue.

NCT01780623 — Cancer
Status: Completed

Effects of Bright Light Therapy in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Effects of Bright Light Therapy of Sleep, Cognition, Brain Function, and Neurochemistry in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) or "concussions" are an increasingly prevalent injury in our society. Patients with post-concussion syndrome have been shown to have deficits on tests of short term memory, divided attention, multi-tasking, information processing speed, and reaction time, as well as alteration in mood and emotional functioning. Many patients have other vague complaints including fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleep disturbances, and chronic headaches. Furthermore, sleep disruption of one of the most common complaints in patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries, with as many as 40 to 65% of patients with mTBI complaining of insomnia. Sleep problems in these patients are associated with poorer outcome, while resolution of the sleep disturbance is associated with improvement in cognitive functioning. Despite recent evidence of the correlation between sleep quality and recovery from traumatic brain injury, and the well-established role of sleep in neural plasticity and neurogenesis, there have been virtually no direct studies of the causal effects of sleep on recovery following mTBI. However, it is quite likely that sleep plays a critical role in recovery following brain injury. A particularly promising non-pharmacologic approach that shows potential in improving/modifying abnormalities of the circadian rhythm and sleep-wake schedule is bright light therapy. For the proposed investigation, we hypothesize that bright light therapy may be helpful in improving the sleep of patients with a recent history of mTBI and may also have other mood elevating effects, both of which should promote positive treatment outcome in these individuals. Bright light therapy may increase the likelihood that they will recover more quickly, benefit more extensively from other forms of therapy, and build emotional and cognitive resilience.

NCT01747811 — Concussion, Mild
Status: Completed

Treatment of Post-Traumatic Brain Injury (Post-TBI) Fatigue With Light Therapy

Treatment of Post-TBI Fatigue With Light Therapy

This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of 4 weeks of daily light exposure in reducing Post-Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Fatigue immediately post-treatment and at a one-month follow up. The investigators hypothesize that individuals receiving 4 weeks of bright white light treatment will report significant reductions in fatigue compared to individuals receiving dim red light treatment for the same duration of time, and that these treatment effects will be maintained one month after treatment completion.

NCT01725750 — Traumatic Brain Injury
Status: Completed

Study of the Use of Low Level Laser Light Therapy to Treat Toenail Fungus

An Evaluation of the Effect of the Erchonia FX-405™ on Treating Toenail Onychomycosis Clinical Study

The purpose of this study is to determine whether low level laser light is effective in the treatment of toenail fungus.

NCT01534689 — Onychomycosis
Status: Completed

Efficacy Study of the Effect of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on Reducing Upper Arm Circumference

An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Erchonia ML Scanner (MLS) as a Non-invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for the Reduction of Circumference of the Upper Arms Clinical Study

The purpose of this study is to determine if the Erchonia® ML Scanner (MLS) low level light laser device can help to reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

NCT01376037 — Body Contouring
Status: Completed