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Effects of Light-therapy in Alzheimer's Disease - ALZ-Light

Effects of Bright Light to Improve Agitation and Sleep Disorders in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease

Background: Management of patients with Alzheimer's disease associated with behavioral disturbances is difficult especially in those with agitation/aggression and insomnia and nighttime behaviors. No treatment has shown any efficacy to control these disturbances and psychotropics drugs, i.e. sedatives and hypnotics have numerous adverse effects. Objective: Assess the effect of bright light therapy on behavioral disturbances of patients with Alzheimer's disease, especially the effect on agitation/aggression and insomnia and nighttime behaviours. Study design: Multicenter non pharmacological intervention trial, controlled, randomized, open, two-arm design : control group and intervention group. Centres : Rehabilitation and long term-care units of 4 geriatric hospital wards. Patients: 120 patients admitted in geriatric hospital wards (30 by centre), with probable Alzheimer's disease according to DSM-IV diagnosis criteria and agitation/aggression (associated or not with insomnia or nighttime behaviors) according to the Neuropsychiatric inventory, nurse scale (NPI-nurse). Treatments: Intervention group: patients will participate in a program of bright light therapy realised during a one-hour sessions of occupational therapy,. These sessions will be realised for groups of 6 patients and will be done every week day, at late morning, for 4 consecutive weeks). During the session, patients will be exposed to 10000 lux-bright light. Patients of control group will participate in a program of occupational therapy of same duration and rhythm, realised in standard light conditions (about 300 lux). Assessment: Patients with be assessed on 3 occasions: inclusion, two and four weeks after the beginning of the programs. Assessment will comprise ; NPI-nurse scale and Cohen-Mansfield scale for behaviour disturbances, wrist actimetry for sleep and nighttime behaviours (total sleep length, nocturnal wake episodes and nocturnal motor agitation). Judgment criteria: Principal: changes in the agitation/aggression item of NPI-nurse scale. Secondary: changes of the nightime behaviours item of NPI-nurse scale, the Cohen-Mansfield, total sleep duration and numbers of nocturnal wake episodes measured by wrist actimetry. Statistics: Changes in agitation/aggression scores od the two groups will be compared by Mann and Whitney test. Expected results and perspectives; If bright light exposure is efficient, professional caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients might apply this cheap and non pharmacological approach to improve behaviour and sleep of these patients. This study might contribute to better define the place of a non invasive and promising technique, wrist actigraphy, to assess sleep and behaviour disturbances in psychogeriatric patients

NCT02686190 — Alzheimer's Disease
Status: Completed

Light Therapy for the Treatment of Back Pain in Pilots (LLL&Pilots) - LLL&Pilots

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Light Therapy for the Treatment of Back Pain in Pilots

Back pain is a common complaint among pilots. Current treatments include physiotherapy and chiropractic manipulations. Low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) in the visible to near-infrared range was shown to reduce neck and low back pain. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of Light Therapy for treatment of back pain in pilots.

NCT02665507 — Back Pain
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Chronobiology, Sleep Related Risk Factors and Light Therapy in Perinatal Depression: the Life-ON Project

Chronobiology, Sleep Related Risk Factors and Light Therapy in Perinatal Depression: the Life-ON Project

In a 3 years longitudinal, observational, multicentre study, about 500 women will be recruited and followed-up from early pregnancy (10-15 gestational week) until 12 months after delivery. The primary aim of the present study is to systematically explore and characterize risk factors for perinatal depression (PND) by prospective sleep assessment (using wrist actigraphy, polysomnography and various sleep questionnaires) and blood based analysis of potential markers during the perinatal period (Life-ON study). Secondary aims are to explore the relationship between specific genetic polymorphisms and PND (substudy Life-ON1), to investigate the effectiveness of BLT in treating PND (substudy Life-ON2) and to test whether a short term trial of BLT during pregnancy can prevent PND (substudy Life-ON3). The characterization of specific predictive and risk factors for PND may substantially contribute to improve preventive medical and social strategies for the affected women. The study results are expected to promote a better understanding of the relationship between sleep disorders and the development of PND and to confirm, in a large sample of women, the safety and efficacy of BLT both in prevention and treatment of PND.

NCT02664467 — Depression
Status: Completed

Bright Light Therapy Efficacy for Depressive Symptoms Following Cardiac Surgery or Acute Coronary Syndrome: Pilot Trial - BEAM-P

Bright Light Therapy Efficacy for Depressive Symptoms Following Cardiac Surgery or Acute Coronary Syndrome: Pilot Trial

Bright Light Therapy Efficacy for Depressive Symptoms Following Cardiac Surgery or Acute Coronary Syndrome: Pilot Trial (BEAM-P) is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that seeks to assess the feasibility of conducting a full trial which would assess the efficacy of Bright Light Therapy (BLT) for improving depressive symptoms post-cardiac surgery or acute coronary syndrome.

NCT02621567 — Depressive Symptoms Post Cardiac Surgery or Post Acute Coronary Syndrome
Status: Completed

Low Laser Light Therapy After Impacted Third Molar Removal

A Unique Application of Low Laser Therapy After Third Molar Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Third molars extraction is a surgery frequently performed in dentistry. It is generally associated to a great postoperative distress rendered by pain, swelling and trismus, caused by surgical trauma inflammation. Several methods have been proposed to prevent these complications and to increase tissue repair quality. The use of low level laser therapy (LLLT) has been reported in dentistry since 1970. A large number of studies have reported the benefits of LLLT without collateral damage, positive effect as an anti-inflammatory agent and benefits in accelerating wound repair. However, some clinical applications strategies have been contradictories in everyday practice with results not always equivalent. Objective: To verify if a single LLLT intra or extra oral application, singly, are analogous in their effects in controlling postoperative edema, trismus, pain and wound repair in third molar surgery.

NCT02602431 — Pain
Status: Recruiting

Anti-psoriatic Effect of TL01 Light Therapy

Studying the Effect of Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Phototherapy on Skin Dendritic (DCs) Cells in Psoriasis Patients

This is a pilot study to investigate the effect of TL01 narrow band UVB therapy on the resident dermal dendritic cells characterized by expression of CD1c and CD141. These cells were reported to have a role in induction of tolerogenic regulatory T cells and production of IL-10. The investigators proposed to investigate the effect of NB-UVB on these subsets of cells after two weeks of treatment to provide better understanding of the mechanism of action of light treatment.

NCT02599415 — Psoriasis
Status: Completed

An Evaluation of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on Improving the Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

An Evaluation of the Effect of the Erchonia ALS on Alzheimer's Disease

This study evaluates the effect of applying low level laser light therapy to individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease to see if it may improve their memory, thinking and behaviors. Half of the participants will receive the real treatment with the laser device and the other half of the participants will receive a placebo treatment (not active laser).

NCT02537626 — Alzheimer's Disease
Status: Completed

Effect of a Single Nights' Wake Followed by Bright Light Therapy for Severe Depression

Wake and Bright Light Therapy for Depression Among Admitted Patients

A randomized controlled trial comparing wake therapy (single night) followed by bright light therapy to treatment as usual.

NCT02503124 — Depression
Status: Terminated

Light Therapy and Electrical Stimulation on Functional Performance in Volleyball Athletes

Low Level Laser Therapy and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Knee Extension Strength and Jump in Volleyball Athletes: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: Volleyball players constantly perform vertical jumps, the higher the height of the jump is better sports performance of these players. Several methods have been tested to improve jumping performance in these players. It will be investigated the addition of electrical stimulation and phototherapy to jump training in volleyball athletes. DESIGN: randomized controlled trial. METHODS: This study will be conducted with 36 male athletes volleyball with minimum experience of 12 months sport. Will be randomized and assigned to 3 groups (control group, NEMES group and group phototherapy). All 36 healthy volleyball athletes who passed the initial selection and agreed to participate in the study, conduct a muscle strength and jump training program, which is held in both legs simultaneously. The 12 healthy athletes electrical stimulation group will perform the same training program described above, but strength training is associated with electrical stimulation. The 12 healthy athletes participating in the phototherapy group will undergo a phototherapy protocol before performing the strength and jump training. All selected participants will undergo an assessment of muscle strength of knee extensors and evaluate the jump. These evaluations were baseline, 6 weeks and 8 weeks after baseline.

NCT02443701 — Muscle Weakness
Status: Completed

Trial Estimating the Efficiency of the Light Therapy in Brain Trauma Sequel Fatigue - phototrauma

Controlled Randomized Trial Estimating the Efficiency of Blue Enriched White Light on Sequel Fatigue, in Victims of Severe Cranial Traumas

After a brain injury (BI) , patients complain in particular about sequel fatigue. This symptom affects about 50 % of the patients; it is severe, with a repercussion on quality of life, reeducation and occupational reintegration, and persists often at a distance of the accident. The investigators' hypothesis is that patients who presented a severe BI could benefit from a treatment by withe blue enriched bright light in order to improve fatigue and quality of life.

NCT02420275 — Diffuse Brain Injury
Status: Completed