View clinical trials related to Respiratory Sounds.
Filter by:Unrestricted parental smoking habits are lifestyle risk behaviors associated with chronic, systemic inflammation, which promotes the pathogenesis of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke in early life contributes to the development of specific NCDs in children, i.e. asthma. Early preventive measures to improve lifestyle behavior in parents are therefore of utmost importance. The aim of ELIPSE-II is to assess whether an eHealth application intervention for parents is feasible and efficacious in lowering levels of urinary cotinine as a measure of second-hand smoke exposure in their children .
The goal of this single-centre observational study conducted at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow, Scotland, is to employ a multi-omics approach to investigate the "gut-lung axis" in health and disease. Part A is a cross-sectional study design investigating the postulated bidirectional link between the gut and lung microbiomes in children suffering from respiratory or gastrointestinal conditions. Children with no GI or respiratory issues attending for orthopaedic care will be used as a benchmark for a healthy gut-lung axis. The main questions we aim to answer are: - What does a healthy gut-lung axis look like? - Do children with respiratory issues show an altered gut microbiome? - Do children with GI issues show an altered lung microbiome? Part B is a longitudinal study design, that aims to assess the effects of biologics on the gut-lung axis by comparing the gut and lung microbiomes in children with asthma at two time-points who are indicated to start biologics therapy (Asthma treatment) or will not receive biologics therapy (asthma control). Participants will provide: - airway samples (to investigate the lung microbiome) - blood samples (to assess inflammatory and metabolic factors which may mediate communication between the two sites) whilst under general anaesthetic for a treatment related to their standard of care - stool samples (to assess gut microbiome) - dietary information (food diary and/or food frequency questionnaire) to assess relationships between diet and the gut-lung axis.
Preschool children (aged 1-5 years) account for 75% of all UK childhood wheezing hospitalisations. This has not changed over 20 years, meaning current treatments are not working and a new approach is needed. Currently, all preschool wheezers are treated with inhaled steroids. However, only about 25% of patients, with allergies, respond well to inhaled steroidsÍž for the other 75%, they are ineffective. This research group has found that some preschool wheezers may have other causes but there are no specific, non-invasive tests to match the right treatment to each child. The goal of this observational study is to test various bedside tests for this purpose in preschool children with wheeze, to see if they are feasible, accurate and acceptable in this age group. The research team would like to investigate the following aims: Aim 1 - To test the proposed panel of simple bedside tests below, to see how accurately they corelate with lower airway infection or inflammation. Aim 2 - To test the acceptability of these bedside tests are to parents and children, and if they reflect the child's symptoms, symptoms control and medication use. Aim 3- A small proof-of -concept study, to test if these simple bedside tests, can be used to determine treatment for each individual child. The panel of simple non-invasive tests that the research team are proposing are: 1. Skin prick tests to common allergies (house dust mite, cat, dog, grass, tree pollen, mixed moulds) 2. Finger prick blood test 3. Phlegm test for bacteria 4. Nose and throat swab for bacteria 5. Lung function test called forced oscillation technique (FOT)
The goal of this observational study is to assess the laryngeal air column width difference measurement on point of care ultrasound as a predictive indicator of post-extubation stridor in the pediatric critical care population. The main question it claims to answer is: In pediatric intensive care unit patients, can point of care ultrasound measurements of laryngeal air column width difference be used as a sensitive and specific tool to predict post extubation stridor in comparison to standard qualitative and quantitative evaluations? Participants will be enrolled when they are on or approaching extubation readiness. At this time, an ultrasound of their airway will be performed by the investigators and the laryngeal air column width difference will be recorded.
Bronchial asthma may present with symptoms other than the commonly reported complaints (cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath and wheezing). Less common symptoms include chronic or recurrent productive cough, inspiratory dyspnoea or recurrent pneumonia. Children presenting with these symptoms are often diagnosed with asthma bronchiale and benefit from antiasthmatic management.
This is a parallel, Phase 3, 2-arm study to evaluate the efficacy and long-term safety of dupilumab treatment in children 2 to <6 years of age with uncontrolled asthma and/or recurrent severe asthmatic wheeze. The study will be conducted in 2 parts. Part A will be a 52-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the safety and efficacy of dupilumab in children aged 2 to <6 years old with uncontrolled asthma and/or recurrent severe asthmatic wheeze. At the end of Part A, all eligible participants will be offered participation in Part B, an optional open-label extension phase. Study details include: Part A: The study duration of part A will be up to 68 weeks consisting of a 4-week Screening, a 52week treatment period, and a 12-week post-treatment follow-up period. For participants who will chose to participate in Part B, the study duration will be up to 120 weeks (additional 52-week treatment period). Part B: For participants who will choose to participate in Part B, the study duration will be up to 120 weeks (Part A [4-week Screening and a 52-week treatment period] plus additional 52-week treatment period and a 12-week post-treatment follow-up period).
This observational clinical study is an evaluation of a diagnostic tool through comparison. Similar to a validation study, the output of the RESP device will be compared to physician auscultation, surrogated by having an attending pulmonologist listen to blinded recordings.
The overall aims of this protocol are to determine whether prenatal supplementation with vitamin C to pregnant smokers can improve pulmonary function at 10 years of age in their offspring. This is an additional continuation of the Vitamin C to Decrease Effects of Smoking in Pregnancy on Infant Lung Function (VCSIP) trial, to follow the offspring through 10 years of age. The hypothesis for this protocol is an extension of the VCSIP trial that supplemental vitamin C in pregnant smokers can significantly improve their children's airway function tests. The investigators aim to demonstrate sustained improvement in airway/pulmonary function and trajectory through 10 years of age.
The study is video assisted cross-over study evaluating the effect of inhaled salbutamol in wheeze in children 6-24 months old.
The goal of this clinical trial is to assess whether wheeze as assessed by a commercially available wheeze monitor is comparable to lung function as measured during a spirometry test. The main questions it aims to answer are whether measures of airflow obstruction (FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEF) correlate with wheeze score (Tw/Ttot%). Participants consenting to take part will undergo wheeze measurement prior to and during a spirometry test and will be asked to complete a series of symptom questionnaires.