View clinical trials related to Respiratory Sounds.
Filter by:In modern thoracic surgery, double-lumen endobronchial tube (DLET) is the first choice for intubation. One lung ventilation can be perfectly performed by DLET, with the benefit of maintaining adequate gas exchange and establishing great surgical field. Traditionally, we use stethoscope and fiberscope for DLET site evaluation. However, there are some concerns over traditional methods. Stethoscope evaluation can be subjective from person to person; fiberscope, on the other hand, can cause additional bronchial injury as it is an invasive procedure. We hope to utilize patches, also known as electronic stethoscope, which provide non-invasive and visualized spectrum information, to assist anesthesiologists evaluate DLET insertion site more precisely in patients undergo thoracic surgery.
The purpose of this study is to learn more about how asthma develops in early childhood. This will help doctors understand how to prevent and treat asthma better.
This observational study evaluates whether lung sound analysis with LungPass device can be used to differentiate upper and lower respiratory tract infections (URTI and LRTI)
This observational study evaluates whether lung sound analysis with LungPass device can be used to differentiate exacerbation and stable state asthma and COPD.
In this study the investigators record sounds of voice, breaths and cough of subjects who tested positive for COVID19. The investigators then feed these sounds into an artificial intelligence and see if it can learn to recognise features to make COVID19 diagnosis from these sounds in order to avoid to use swabs to test the general population.
Bronchiolitis is a common viral infection of the small airways of infants and some affected infants will require hospital admission. Severe bronchiolitis is a marker for greatly increased risk of developing both preschool wheeze and subsequent school age asthma. Since epidemiological studies suggest that exposure to microbial products protects against preschool wheeze, lysates of bacteria may prevent the development of wheeze after bronchiolitis, with long-term beneficial consequences. BLIPA is a phase 2b, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study, investigating the efficacy superiority of bacterial lysate (Broncho Vaxom) capsules over placebo, in reducing wheeze in infants after severe bronchiolitis. The primary end point of the study is parent-reported, healthcare-professional confirmed wheeze at 19-24 months. The study aims to test bacterial lysate capsules (3.5mg over 24 months) for safety, efficacy, and to advance mechanistic understanding of its action.
The primary objective of this study is to reduce respiratory tract infections and wheezing in moderate-late preterms in the first year of life by bacterial lysate administration. Next to determine the correlation of biological markers with respiratory symptoms, immune protection and treatment effect.
Wheezing is common in preschool children and affects quality of life. Although asthma treatments such as inhaled steroids (ICS), which reduce swelling (inflammation) in the airways are used in this age group, they are often ineffective. That is because only some preschool children have the type of inflammation (known as Type 2 inflammation) that responds to ICS, thus many children are being unnecessarily exposed to side effects. It is difficult diagnosing Type 2 inflammation through history and examination, thus other indicators are needed to ensure ICS are only given to children who will benefit. These indicators are commonly known as biomarkers, and we are trying to find out if they are useful. We want to measure three biomarkers, without changing children's treatment. The first is blood eosinophils. which can be measured using a finger prick sample (like the blood drop used for measuring sugar levels in diabetic children). The second is to determine if allergic sensitization is present to allergens that are breathed in; these will be house dust mite, grass pollen, tree pollen, cat and dog hair. The final biomarker is a molecule that is produced in the airways of preschool children with Type 2 inflammation, called nitric oxide (NO). This is easily obtained, by having children breathe through a mask and collecting their breath in a bag, measuring NO later on. The children will be followed up with monthly electronic questionnaires and 3-monthly visits (virtual or face-to-face) for a year to evaluate whether these markers individually or in combination relate to subsequent wheezing outcomes, and how acceptable the measurements are to families using a questionnaire and focus group approach. The results will form the basis of the design of a national trial of biomarker-driven therapy in such children.
Technological developments in the recent decades has enabled the integration of electronic and digital components in the stethoscope design, in an attempt to improve auditory performance and, moreover, to assist in improving user's diagnostic accuracy by incorporating computerized, digital technologies, artificial intelligence capabilities and deep-learning-based algorithms enhancing these devices. We believe that these technologies can be used to significantly improve the diagnostic performance in the primary care phase, by means of a sophisticated stethoscope that enables auscultation to sounds and signals typically found in the sub-sound frequency level. Their transformation into the sound range, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to characterize sound patterns that correspond to specific problems or diseases can substantially enhance the physician's or other care giver's performance to the benefit of the patients. At this stage, the software in development does not purport to make diagnostic decisions, but only to provide information that will enhance decision and diagnosis making process, therefore enable a more accurate and definitive diagnostic decision and perhaps decrease the number of additional diagnostic tests requested.
With the aid of computerized sound analysis, digital acoustic monitoring could provide a more sensitive, specific, and quantifiable indicator for perioperative respiratory abnormalities including wheezing. It is probable that the digital stethoscope has utility in the detection, monitoring, and resolution following treatment of acoustic changes characteristic of turbulent respiratory gas flow due to wheezing and/or the incomplete resolution of atelectasis following the re-initiation of ventilation in a collapsed lung.