View clinical trials related to Problem Behavior.
Filter by:This project is designed to develop and test a career guidance intervention called Opening Doors (OD) expected to assist individuals with psychiatric disabilities acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to pursue and advance in their careers. This project is a three-stage mixed methods study to 1) refine and pilot-test the Opening Doors career guidance intervention, 2) conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) to test the efficacy of the intervention with a waitlist control group, and 3) conduct a qualitative and process sub-study of the critical ingredients of the OD intervention from the perspective of participants. This study takes place at the Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR). It is hypothesized that when compared to control group participants, individuals receiving Opening Doors will report 1) higher levels of vocational and pre-vocational activities, 2) greater career adaptability, fewer dysfunctional and more functional career thoughts, 3) greater work hope when compared to the waitlist control group participants, 4) greater vocational goal attainment, and 5) improved symptoms and functioning.
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of provision of a child bed through the Beds for Kids program on objectively measured child sleep, and on daily child behavioral functioning and caregiver functioning over a 14-day period for preschool-aged children.
We evaluated the effectiveness of a combination of a comprehensive health assessment consisting of the combination of a screening full body scan employing graphic patient education and motivational techniques followed by intensive, individualized behavioral training and management program on improved adherence to beneficial lifestyle behaviors, as well as possibly reduced risk of disease.
Mental health in Chilean children and families is an urgent public health problem. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among children between 4 and 11 years old is 27.8%, a higher percentage than was found in adolescents between 12 and 18 years old, which is 16.5%. The most frequent disorders in the population between 4 and 11 years old were disruptive disorders (20.6%), followed by anxiety disorders (9.2%). Mental health problems generate a high burden of disease on society in general; and there is an important treatment gap, especially among economically vulnerable populations. Prevention strategies appear to be the more recommendable options, mainly if these interventions can be implemented early in life and at low cost. Few preventive interventions aiming to increase resilience in the face of adversity, have been rigorously evaluated in Chile among preschoolers. There is substantial international evidence that shows that strengthening basic psychological skills, such as emotion regulation and social problem-solving, can reduce the incidence of mental pathology and improve various academic indicators. The curriculum of the Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving Program, also known as I Can Problem Solve (ICPS), is focused on the development of the cognitive process and children's social problem-solving skills. ICPS has been found to be effective in increasing pro-social behaviours and reducing aggressive behaviour among preschoolers. No previous studies in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries have been conducted aiming to explore the acceptability and feasibility of ICPS to provide information to evaluate later the effectiveness of this intervention at a larger scale. The main objective of this study is the evaluation of the acceptability and feasibility of an adapted version of ICPS in the national context at educational institutions with high socio-economic vulnerability, with the ultimate goal of increasing social-emotional competence and reducing emotional and behavioural problems in preschoolers.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of telemedicine-based intervention at urban and rural skilled nursing facilities to recommend multidisciplinary dementia care to residents with dementia who are at risk for unnecessary hospitalization due behavioral or neuropsychiatric symptoms and/or complications as well as caregivers and facility staff. The multidisciplinary team is comprised of trained behavioral neurologists, social workers, advanced practice providers, primary medical team and nurse coordinators.
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) recently identified Internet gaming disorder as a new potential psychiatric disorder which need further research. Several studies showed the important prevalence of psychiatric disorders among patients suffering from internet gaming disorder. Investigators hypothesize that on an other side the prevalence of internet gaming disorder among patients suffering from psychiatric disorders shall be high but it has never been studied yet. The main goal of this trial is to examine the prevalence of internet gaming disorder using the Internet Gaming Disorder Test-10 (IGDT-10) among inpatient aged from 12 to 17 of 4 psychiatric units of French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Secondary goals will be to assess a parental version of the IGDT-10 (IGDT-10-P) and to compare the two versions. IGDT-10 will be passed during 6 months to every inpatient and IGDT-10-P to their parents within the 21 first days of the hospitalisation.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate a family counseling intervention, entitled "Tuko Pamoja" (Translation "We are Together" in Kiswahili). The intervention, delivered by lay counselors and through existing community social structures, is expected to improve family functioning and individual mental health among members. The sample includes highly distressed families with a child or adolescent (ages 8-17) exhibiting emotional or behavioral concerns; as such, particular emphasis is placed on adolescent-focused outcomes, including mental health and well-being.
In this Phase II SBIR project we will enhance a wireless WiFi-based insole that was designed and successfully tested during a Phase I trial with elderly persons with dementia and their caregivers, and then investigate its efficacy in terms of caregiver activity, burden, and quality of life in Phase II. Evaluation will use semi-structured interviews and participant observation data collected from professional and family caregivers of patients with moderate or mild dementia.
Emergence agitation (EA) is one of the unpleasant symptoms after general anesthesia. The patient can be irritable, uncooperate, cry, moan and combative behaviors. Sometimes the patient may need to be thrashed to prevent physical harm. The mechanism of EA is still unknown. EA is usually self limiting within 45 to 60 minutes after wake up from anesthesia. The incidence of EA is much higher in pediatric group when compared with adult. In some centre the incidence of EA can be up to 67 % depends on anesthesia technique, race, and child's temperament. Kain et al, reported that the patient who had marked EA tended to have post operative maladaptive behaviors. These maladaptive behaviors such as insomnia, eating disturbance, aggressive behavior and even developmental regression can be happen until one year after anesthesia. From the previous study, reported that fast emergence was associated with a high incidence of agitation. This prospective observation study is conducted to determine that emergence time has any effect on EA or not. The authors use process electroencephalogram (entropy) to monitor emergence time which defined as the time which state entropy level over sixty to eighty. Meanwhile, we will evaluate the emergence time by the conventional method which used the time from ceasing anesthesia to the time of eye opening by normal voice stimuli. The primary outcome of this study is the correlation between emergence time (both from Process EEG and clinical presentation) and incidence of emergence agitation. Two secondary outcomes will be measured. Firstly, the correlation between emergence time and postoperative behavioral changes. Secondly, the relationship between entropy monitoring and clinical symptoms.
On July 14, 2016, in Nice, children and their families were attacked by the organization "EI". In Nice, 86 deaths, including 10 children, the youngest at 4, were recorded. A number of children, still difficult to assess exactly but over 100, was bereaved. After a traumatic event, multiple clinical consequences may appear in children. Among these consequences, the most common is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The aim of the study is to characterize the psycho-social factors of risk and / or protection interfering in the children's future, following the mass trauma of 14 July 2016 in Nice on a sample of pediatric population exposed in comparison of children controls. Ancillary study, entilted "The Physalis Child", prospectively observe the presence or not of non-psychotic acousto-verbal hallucinations (AVH) in the population with PTSD from the "Program 14-7". The main objective of this ancillary study will be to identify factors of social and emotional cognition linked to the presence of non-psychotic HAV within the cohort of children exposed to the mass trauma of July 14, 2016 in Nice but also to any type of individual trauma. Ancillary study, entilted "trail of the 14 July attack", prospectively observe the risk of traumatic reactivation.