View clinical trials related to Pregnancy.
Filter by:In the plasma of any pregnant patient circulates DNA (also called circulating free DNA). The vast majority of this circulating free DNA is of maternal origin and about 10% is of fetal origin (fetal circulating free DNA). This percentage of fetal circulating free DNA (corresponding to the fetal fraction) increases with gestation. The pathophysiological hypothesis of this research is that there is a change in the fetal fraction (FF) of fetal circulating free DNA in patients with autoimmune disease (AID). The underlying mechanism would be a massive release of maternal cfDNA responsible for a dilution of fetal cfDNA. This dilution of fetal cfDNA would result in a decrease in the estimate of the foetal fraction of circulating free DNA. However, when the foetal fraction of circulating free DNA is insufficient (4% most often), screening for Trisomy 21 (T21) by fetal circulating free DNA becomes uninterpretable (NC for "non-contributory" result), and cannot be used to assess the risk of T21. In this case, the dose of fetal circulating free DNA can be performed again after 15 days, as the amount of fetal circulating free DNA increases with gestation. In a small number of cases the result will remain NC. As tests using DNA are becoming more widespread, it is important to prospectively evaluate the results of these tests in the population of patients with AID, which represents about 3 to 5% of pregnant women.
AZITHROMYCIN VERSUS SULPHADOXINE‑PYRIMETHAMINE FOR PROPHYLAXIS AGAINST MALARIA IN PREGNANCY IN OWO, SOUIHWESTERN NIGERIA: A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL OBJECTIVE: This study is to compare the efficacy of Azithromycin versus sulphadoxine‑pyrimethamine as options of chemoprophylaxis against malaria in pregnancy. METHOD: This is a randomized controlled trial with parallel assignment that will be conducted in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of the Federal Medical Centre. One hundred and sixty four (164) pregnant women who are eligible will be randomly allocated to 2 groups (A and B) of 84 each, using computer generated random numbers. Group A will receive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prophylaxis while Group B will receive azithromycin. All other aspects of antenatal care till delivery will be the same for all the women recruited. Maternal venous blood samples for malaria parasitaemia will be collected on recruitment and repeated at follow-up visits at any gestation there are symptoms of malaria; maternal peripheral blood film, placental and cord blood samples will be collected at delivery. All data will be documented in the data collection sheet. The results obtained will be subjected to statistical analysis using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21, Armonk, NY:IBM. The level of significance will be set at 5%. Outcomes will be compared across groups using Chi-square.
The investigators seek to describe the composition, architecture, and electrical conduction properties of the human uterine myometrial artery and their impact on vascular reactivity upon exposure to hypertensive stress. Non-pregnant women and pregnant women with and without hypertensive complications will be studied to evaluate the influence of these states on the myometrial arteries. Vascular over-reactivity and disruption of the normal pregnancy-associated physiologic changes of relaxed vascular tone possess the potential for non-compensated blood flow to the uterus and placenta that is insufficient to meet the metabolic demands of a growing placenta. With an understanding of these changes, the research team will be able to propose basic mechanistic changes of pathologic myogenic tone that may ultimately be investigated as potentially modifiable processes to reduce the development and/or severity of these pregnancy complications (gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, small for gestational age, intrauterine growth restriction and intrauterine fetal demise. ).
Back pain during pregnancy is common with up to 90% of pregnant women experiencing either low back pain (PLBP), pelvic girdle pain (PGP) or a combination of both pains. Although pregnant women seek out various forms of pain relief methods such as pain medication, exercise, education, pelvic support belts, and chiropractic treatments, there is limited evidence with regards to the efficacy of these treatments. Recently manual therapists, such as chiropractors, have used tape in an effort to relieve pain from musculoskeletal injuries with varying results. In the pregnant population, there have been limited studies to date on the role of taping and pregnancy-related back pain and none of this research delineates the efficacy of tape with respect to the 3 pain patterns experienced by pregnant women.
Our research aims to address a critical gap in the provision of quality antenatal care (ANC) in India and Nepal, by developing and evaluating an intervention comprising of a tablet-based electronic decision support system (EDSS). This intervention -"mIRA" - is an mHealth integrated model of hypertension, diabetes, and antenatal care in primary care settings. mIRA aims to (a) prompt frontline health workers (FHWs) to provide evidence-based routine ANC, and also enhance the detection and management of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH), Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), and anemia, whilst improving adherence to National ANC guidelines; (b) facilitate record-keeping and reporting and; (c) link providers across various levels of care to improve continuity of care. A cluster randomized controlled (cRCT) to assess the effectiveness of the mIRA EDSS in improving ANC and enhancing the detection and management of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH), Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), and anemia will be conducted in Telangana, India. A mixed-methods process evaluation will be conducted in both India and Nepal. The process evaluation will contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms contributing to changes (improvement) in the quality of ANC by using the EDSS intervention.
The use of cosmetics is an important source of exposure to many chemicals including endocrine disruptors. Recently, national and international scientific recommendations have been issued to limit exposure to chemicals during pregnancy. However, the perception and the use of cosmetics by pregnant women is still little studied. The objectives of the PERICOS study are to identify the risk perception and the attitudes regarding cosmetic's use by the pregnant women. Understanding the risk perception, the knowledge, attitudes and expectations of women about the use of cosmetics during pregnancy will help to set up effective strategies to improve prevention of chemical exposure.
The identification and treatment of the disorders connected to the perinatal period has traditionally catalyzed the researchers' attention. Nevertheless, since the World Health Organization has recently coined the concept of positive pregnancy experience, which includes not only treatment of diseases, but also health education, and health promotion, research on antenatal care has expanded to a salutogenic perspective. In the wake of this perspective, a growing number of research have been examining the potential benefits of positive aspects and protective factors on maternal prenatal well-bein. This salutogenic perspective is supported by the emerging field of Positive Psychology. Evidence from Positive Psychology studies has shown that it is possible to build and enhance personal strengths, sense of meaning and positive feelings by practicing some brief positive exercises, called Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs). Recently, researchers have started to investigate the effects of a PPI on women's prenatal well-being, reporting promising findings in terms of potential direct effects of the positive intervention on women's prenatal stress in comparison to a treatment-as-usual control condition. In the past decade, many web-based delivered interventions have been designed and documented to be effective for the promotion of mental health and for the prevention and treatment of different disorders. Indeed, recent systematic reviews provides preliminary evidence that web-based interventions can be a promising and advisable form of intervention during the perinatal period. PPIs have been translated also in the online format. Preliminary evidence suggests that online positive psychology interventions can effectively enhance well-being and reduce depressive symptoms. The research team have developed the protocol for a web-based positive psychology programme addressed to promote and enhance women's prenatal well-being. This intervention programme will last five weeks and will be completely self-administered. It is intend to study the effect of the intervention on levels of mental well-being, depression, pregnancy related anxiety and other relevant variables, and the results will be compared to a waiting list control group.
Position of the tip of the inner catheter and air bubbles detection (at time,5min 10min)during embryo transfer influence the pregnancy rate in ICSI cycles .
Pregnant women with BMI>40 will be approached for participation in a study to reduce the rate of post-operative wound infection from C-section. Women will be randomized to a commonly used wound product (Kerlix-AMD) which consists of a PHMB-impregnated gauze versus normal gauze, and rates of post-operative surgical site infection will be assessed. Women with a planned procedure will also be randomized to applying Kerlix versus gauze for 3 days pre-operatively to determine if this improves outcomes as well.
The aim of the study is to assess the change of fetal heart rate in response to the amount of pressure exerted on the maternal abdomen. The amount of pressure will be quantified using an electronic pressure sensor (FSR 400- Round Force Sensor, Interlink).