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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03845985 Completed - Clinical trials for Alcohol Use Disorder

Piloting "Signs of Safety": A Deaf-Accessible Therapy Toolkit for Alcohol Use Disorder and Trauma

Start date: June 3, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The U.S. Deaf community - more than 500,000 Americans who communicate using American Sign Language (ASL) - experiences nearly triple the rate of lifetime problem drinking and twice the rate of trauma exposure as compared to the general population. Although there are validated treatments for alcohol use disorder (AUD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in hearing populations, there are no evidence-based treatments for any behavioral health condition that have been validated for use with Deaf clients. To address these barriers, the study team has developed "Signs of Safety", a Deaf-accessible therapy toolkit for treating AUD and PTSD. The study team's ongoing aims are to conduct a two-arm pilot RCT of "Signs of Safety" and to collect data on feasibility, preliminary clinical outcomes, and potential mediators and moderators of outcome.

NCT ID: NCT03821259 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms in Later Life

Start date: November 6, 2018
Study type: Observational

Older adults are becoming a growing proportion of people utilising mental health services. However, the needs of this population are poorly understood despite the evidence that mental health conditions are manifested differently in old age. One of those conditions is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which has been associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes in old age, including health problems, difficulties in daily functioning, less satisfaction with life and multiple psychiatric co-morbidities, such as depression and anxiety. Despite the serious consequences, PTSD symptoms in old age tend to be underreported or misperceived as a physical illness or part of an ageing process. Traumatic life experiences do not necessarily lead to PTSD. Psychological resources, including emotional stability and social support, allow individuals to find appropriate coping strategies and maintain well-being in old age. Group identification, defined as a sense of belonging to a specific group, influences the response to social support and may be important in predicting distress in old age. On the other hand, socioeconomic deprivation is likely to increase this distress as exposure to traumatic events is more prevalent in disadvantaged populations. The present study will investigate the impact of those factors on PTSD symptoms in later life. The researcher will recruit 85 older adults from the Older People Psychological Therapies Service, who are in receipt of psychological treatment for PTSD, anxiety or depression. Participants will be asked to provide basic demographic information, which will be used to describe the participant characteristics and to estimate the degree of socioeconomic deprivation. Participants will also complete five measures to screen for cognitive impairment and measure PTSD symptoms, lifetime trauma exposure, emotion regulation and group identification. The findings will help improve the diagnostic process and development of psychological treatments for PTSD in older adults by expanding our knowledge of this condition in later life.

NCT ID: NCT03816007 Completed - Clinical trials for Chronic Low Back Pain

Yoga and Mantram for Chronic Pain and PTSD

Start date: April 1, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

PTSD is prevalent among Veterans and is associated with physical and functional impairments in addition to PTSD symptoms. Veterans with PTSD experience more chronic pain and pain-related functional limitations than Veterans without PTSD. Mind-body interventions such as yoga and meditation are non-pharmacological options for treating both chronic pain and PTSD. This pilot study will add an existing mantram repetition (MR) component designed for Veterans with PTSD to an active yoga intervention known to improve function in chronic back pain patients. The study will examine the acceptability of the interventions, adverse events, and the feasibility of recruitment, attendance, retention, treatment fidelity, and assessments by recruiting and randomizing 32 VA patients with PTSD to either yoga plus MR or to a relaxation/health education control. Health outcomes including pain-related function, pain, and PTSD symptoms will be measured. If feasible, the data will be used to plan a full-scale trial of enhanced yoga for pain in VA patients with PTSD.

NCT ID: NCT03777020 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Service Dog Training Program for Military Veterans With PTSD

Start date: August 22, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an invisible wound of war, affects approximately 20%1 of the 18.5 million U.S. veterans and places them at higher risk for impaired biopsychosocial functioning. PTSD symptom severity (PTSDSS) is significantly correlated with stress and psychosocial consequences of inability to regulate emotions, control impulsive behaviors, and function within family and society. Alarming veteran PTSD rates and its insidious effects demand empirically validated treatment programs. More than a million veterans receive new diagnoses of each year. VA PTSD therapy programs reach only 1% of veterans. Nearly 35% of veterans do not respond to widely used psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy treatments. Training a service dog (SD) is a novel rehabilitative animal-assisted intervention that shows promise in other populations. This project evaluates the efficacy of a service dog training program (SDTP) as an alternative and adjunctive treatment and rehabilitative option for veterans with PTSD.

NCT ID: NCT03770156 Completed - Clinical trials for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Terrorist Attack - Continuity of Care

Start date: January 22, 2020
Study type: Observational

On November 13th 2015, a terrorist attack killed 129 victims in Paris. An emergency crisis unit (CUMP) has been activated in Paris in the days following the attack and a subunit was in charge to answer to the phone calls of victims and their relatives. The same emergency crisis unit have been activated for the terrorist attack in London, 2017 june 3, terrorist attack in Barcelone 2017 august 17-18, terrorist attack in Strasbourg 2018 December 11 The purpose of this observational study is to document the evolution of psychiatric symptoms among subjects who called the CUMP and to collect information about the type of medical or non-medical care they were seeking for.

NCT ID: NCT03761732 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Islamic Trauma Healing: Feasibility Study

Start date: October 15, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will examine the initial feasibility of a program called Islamic Trauma Healing by conducting a small feasibility study (N = 26) of Islamic Trauma Healing in Somalia on key targets of PTSD, depression, somatic symptoms, and quality of life. The hypothesis is that those in Islamic Trauma Healing will show a reduction of PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, and somatic symptoms and show improvement in quality of well-being. Feasibility will also be examined by examining at retention, satisfaction, and community feedback.

NCT ID: NCT03736954 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

ICU Doulas Providing Psychological Support

Start date: November 12, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Many patients who survive critical illness suffer from symptoms of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after leaving the intensive care unit (ICU). Memories of frightening and delusional experiences in the ICU appear to be the strongest potentially modifiable risk factor. Research on the formation of fear and associated memories shows that if mitigating information about a traumatic event is introduced during the time between memory formation and its recall, the emotional experience of the memory can be modified in a positive manner. This means that in order to prevent mental health problems in critical illness survivors, psychological support needs to take place in parallel with medical treatment in the ICU. The Researchers hypothesize that early psychological support for the critically ill can decrease mental health morbidity in critical illness survivors. However, providing consistent psychological support intervention is a challenge for busy ICU clinicians. It is not feasible to hire behavioral medicine trained psychologists to become permanent ICU staff nationwide. Doulas, trained lay health care providers who provide emotional support to women in labor, have been identified as reliable yet affordable alternative. Given common elements of their services and our intervention, doulas are in an ideal position to administer early psychological support. The objective of this project is to refine and test a behavioral intervention to be administered in parallel with medical treatment in the ICU. This will be accomplished by training doulas in providing standardized psychological support intervention and refining the intervention based on stakeholder feedback

NCT ID: NCT03721770 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Psychological Impact in a Relative, Following the Announcement of the Death of a Loved One After Cardiac Arrest and the Early Request for Organ Donation

Start date: October 8, 2015
Study type: Observational

The fight against the scarcity of grafts is a major public health issue in France. Despite a very good success rate of transplants from brain-dead donors or living donors, the waiting time for transplantation continues to increase, leading to morbidity and mortality, as well as medical costs. Since 2005, the BioMedicine Agency has implemented a protocol authorizing kidney and liver samples taken from deceased donors after cardiac arrest (DDAC). This type of sampling has become a common practice in several regions of France and Europe. In case of DDAC, the sampling protocol poses a significant temporal constraint, since the patient must be taken within 6 hours after the cardiac arrest. This constraint leads to a specific organization of the announcement of the death and the request for non-opposition to the levy. The brutal loss of a loved one is a potentially traumatic experience for family members. The manifestations of the pathological components of mourning such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxio-depressive syndrome, pathological bereavement, are often expressed early in the first year after the death of the loved one. Families of organ donor patients probably represent a population at high risk for the expression of psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or pathological bereavement. The limited time available to prepare relatives to make a decision could promote the expression of psychiatric morbidity in the short or medium term. The data on this new transplantation procedure and its psychological consequences are insufficient, and we consider that if a state of post-traumatic stress occurred in more than 50% of parents, the procedure of announcement would be reviewed. The purpose of this study is to test this hypothesis. Most of the work on relatives of potential organ donors has focused on procedures for brain death. Most of this work has focused on characterizing the determinants of acceptance or refusal of organ donation in the family. The literature relating to the follow-up of relatives of a patient after organ donation is very poor: very few studies have focused on the psychological consequences and / or the psychological state of this population in the period post-death. In addition, very few qualitative and quantitative studies make it possible to evaluate the appearance of psychopathological manifestations related to the announcement of death simultaneously with a request for organ removal. This research, therefore, will make it possible to estimate the possible psychological impact on the bereaved family as well as an assessment of the psychological state. A mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) will make it possible to highlight explanatory factors of the quantitative results.

NCT ID: NCT03719651 Completed - Clinical trials for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Testing the LOCI Intervention

Start date: January 15, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The project will develop knowledge on how managers can lead the implementation of practices that have proven to be effective for post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in child and adult specialized mental health services. Specifically, the project will test the effectiveness of an intervention named the Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation (LOCI). This is an empirically and theoretically based innovation for implementation leadership that aims to support leaders in their organizational work of leading the implementation of EBPs in their clinics. It is hypothesized that the implementation of LOCI will improve leaders' general leadership qualifications, their implementation leadership qualifications, and the implementation climate in the clinics. Further, the investigators hypothesize that training in trauma screening will increase the amount of trauma screenings, moderated by the LOCI implementation, and also that training in trauma treatment will increase the amount of patients to be offered this kind of treatment, also moderated by the LOCI implementation.

NCT ID: NCT03703258 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Tools for Health and Resilience Implemented After Violence Exposure (Project THRIVE)

Start date: January 13, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Sexual assault victimization is a common and particularly harmful form of trauma that is associated with increased risk for high-risk drinking and other conditions of public health concern, such as PTSD. Given evidence that sexual assault survivors who have low social support or receive negative social reactions to sexual assault disclosure are more likely to experience PTSD and drinking problems, improving social support is a novel target for intervention. The proposed study will attempt to prevent the onset of high-risk drinking and PTSD in sexual assault survivors by developing and testing a web-based early intervention aimed at increasing contact with social supporters and mitigating the harm of negative social reactions; ultimately, results will contribute to advancing the field's understanding of the potential for social support to mitigate the harm of trauma.