View clinical trials related to Post-concussion Syndrome.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to decrease symptom burden, improve cognitive function, and improve quality of life outcomes in subjects with mild TBI and persisting post-concussion syndrome using Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment compared to a sham intervention. Specific Aims: 1. Evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen treatment to improve outcomes for adults with persisting post-concussion syndrome. Specifically, the investigators hypothesize that a prescribed course of hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) will improve outcomes and quality of life in adults with persisting symptoms >3 months after injury. 1. Decrease symptom burden as measured by the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ). 2. Improve cognitive function as measured by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Toolbox Cognition Battery. 3. Improve quality of life as measured by the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). 2. Assess the safety and tolerability of hyperbaric oxygen treatments and compliance with treatment in adults with persisting post-concussion syndrome.
Move&Connect is an interdisciplinary group-based program co-designed with youth and caregivers that provides skills training, mental health support, and psychoeducation to caregivers and combines these tenets with active rehabilitation for youth with concussion.
The study will investigate the effect of pharmacological preventive treatment, education, physiotherapy and psychological counselling on the headache and associated symptoms in patients refered to the Danish Headache Center
Our successful R01 discovered 1) the neural mechanistic difference between typically occurring convergence insufficiency (TYP-CI) and binocularly normal controls and 2) the underlying mechanism of office-based vergence and accommodative therapy (OBVAT) that is effective in remediating symptoms. Adolescent and young adult concussion is considered a substantial health problem in the United States where our team has shown that about half of patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms have convergence insufficiency (PPCS-CI), causing significant negative impact associated with reading or digital screen-related activities, and is believed to be one factor causing delayed recovery impacting return to school, sports, or work. The results of this randomized clinical trial will impact the lives of adolescents and young adults with PPCS-CI to guide professionals on how to manage and treat those with PPCS-CI by 1) comparing the differences between PPCS-CI and TYP-CI, 2) discovering the neural mechanism of OBVAT for PPCS-CI compared to standard-community concussion care, and 3) determining the effectiveness of 12 one-hour sessions compared to 16 one-hour sessions of OBVAT.
The emphasis on this study is to review the use of PBMT as a potential treatment modality to improve both sleep symptoms and consequent neuropsychological functions affected by sleep disturbances in a cohort of post-mTBI patients with sleep issues not secondary to sleep apnea.
We aimed to conduct a prospective longitudinal interventionnal monocentric study to assess the ability of seven tesla MRI to detect diffuses axonal lesions in patients presenting a post concussional syndrom (PCS) at seven days about a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Our first objective was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of seven tesla MRI runned at seven days after MTBI among patients presenting a PCS.
The purpose of this study is to test the effect of Auricular Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Field Stimulation (a Neurostim device) on children with pain and Post Concussion symptoms. An additional purpose of this study is to demonstrate that PENFS improves functioning in children with post Covid-19 symptoms.
The prevalence of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and adolescents is around 30% with 70-90% being classified as mild (concussion). Because the brain of a child is still developing, a TBI can have devastating effects and possibly creates lifetime challenges. Sleep seems to play an important role in the post-concussion recovery process. Auditory stimulation during sleep has been shown to reliably boost slow waves, a solid marker for the depth of sleep, and can thus be used to deepen sleep. This study aims to investigate the effects of sleep enhancement via auditory stimulation on recovery after a concussion in children and adolescents in their home. Therefore, half of the patients receive one week of auditory stimulation during deep sleep at their home using a mobile device. The other half follows the same study protocol, but no tones are administered (sham). Cognitive tests as well as symptom questionnaires are used to assess the recovery process. It is hypothesized that the patients in the intervention group will recover better than the ones who haven't received the intervention. Additionally, a group of children and adolescents who never sustained a concussion is included as a control.
Approximately 1.9 million youth sustain a concussion each year, and up to 30% experience persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS) such as headache, dizziness, and difficulty focusing that continue for weeks or months. PPCS results in greater utilization of sub-specialty care and can impact immediate and long-term social development, cognitive function and academic success. Previous recommendations for treating PPCS have focused on cognitive and physical rest, but more recently guidelines have shifted based on new research suggesting the benefit of rehabilitative exercise for PPCS. The rationale behind using exercise to treat youth with concussion is that gradually increasing physical activity facilitates return to full function. Rehabilitative exercise has since become one of the most common approaches to treating youth with PPCS, but access is challenging since most programs require weekly centralized visits with a concussion specialist. To bridge this gap, the investigators developed a telehealth-delivered approach to treat PPCS, utilizing physical activity trackers (Fitbits) and weekly video conferences with trained research staff. They then conducted a series of pilot studies with this approach, finding excellent feasibility, acceptability, and evidence for more rapid declines in concussive symptoms compared to controls. The investigators also found preliminary evidence that mechanisms behind this intervention may stem from both physiologic processes due to increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and psychologic processes such as reducing fear- avoidance of concussive symptoms. They now propose a fully-powered randomized controlled trial (RCT) to asses the efficacy of the "Mobile Subthreshold Exercise Program" (M-STEP) for treating youth with PPCS.
This novel pilot project will assess the effectiveness of corticosteroids in treatment of acute post-concussion headache. The investigators hypothesize that the use of corticosteroids will cause significant headache reduction in frequency and/or intensity than individuals who undergo the current standard of care. Additionally, the investigators hypothesize that corticosteroid use will lead to a reduction in other somatic symptoms including vestibular symptoms, leading to quicker return to school, work, and/or ability to play sports.