View clinical trials related to Pneumonia, Viral.
Filter by:In the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, imaging studies proved its diagnostic utility to determine the severity of lung involvement. Computed tomography (CT) is a state-of-the-art study proven to be a highly sensitive diagnostic test complemented by RT-PCR testing to determine the disease and the degree of severity. In March 2020, the Dutch Society of Radiology developed a standardized assessment scheme for COVID-19 lung disease, called CO-RADS. This system proposes a level of suspicion of pulmonary involvement of COVID-19, based on the simple chest tomography findings. The level of suspicion ranges from very low (CO-RADS 1) to very high (CO-RADS 5), with two additional categories involving a technically deficient study (CO-RADS 0) and a positive RT-PCR test for SARS -CoV-2 known before tomography (CO-RADS 6). For its part, acute respiratory damage secondary to SARS-COV2 pneumonia causes acute respiratory distress syndrome, which warrants immediate medical attention. During the evaluation and triage of patients with suspected or confirmed SARS-COV2 infection, it is a challenge for health personnel given that the severity and clinical presentation is highly variable. The patient's risk stratification is carried out using previously established and validated risk scales and is a fundamental tool for making clinical decisions. Some of the risk indices and scales have been developed and used in the pandemic epicenters, such as China and Europe. Useful for the clinician is the national early warning scale (NEWS 2), severe disease risk assessment score (COVID-GRAM), the rapid severity index for COVID-19 (qCSI), evaluation score of Modified sequential organ failure (mSOFA), the sepsis-induced coagulopathy score (SIC), the ROX index as a predictor of success to the high-flow nasal cannula. The evaluation of the risk of thrombotic complications such as the Padua risk, of cardiac complications such as QT segment prolongation, through the Tisdale risk score. Risk stratification is essential in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation; upon admission, the clinician will discern if the patient requires in-hospital medical treatment, the risk of severe disease, and progression to assisted mechanical ventilation. This work aims to establish whether the severity of the findings identified by cardiac tomography upon admission and the risk established by the different established prognostic indices.
Introduction: SARS-CoV2 infection produces severe pneumonia with pulmonary alveolar collapse. There is no specific treatment to date. In experimental models and humans with septic shock, there is a high production of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and can cause multiple organ failure. The administration of antioxidants such as n-acetylcysteine (NAC), vitamin C, melatonin, and vitamin E participate in increasing the intracellular content of GSH, ROS sequestration, protection of the lipids of cell membranes, cytosol proteins, nuclear DNA, mitochondrial and decrease LPO. Justification: as there is no specific antiviral therapy, the therapeutic options are limited, complications and mortality are high; It is intended to evaluate the effect of antioxidants on the storm outcome of the dysregulation of oxidative stress. Hypothesis: It is postulated that adjuvant therapy with antioxidants and Pentoxifylline reduces the use of ventilators in patients with or without septic shock secondary to severe SARS-COV2 pneumonia as decreases lipoperoxidation, and corrects dysregulation of oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant capacity. Objectives: To evaluate whether it is possible to avoid intubation or decrease assisted mechanical ventilation days, improve oxidative stress dysregulation in patients with SARS-COV2 infection with severe pneumonia with or without septic shock. Methodology: Quasi-experimental, open analytical, prospective, and longitudinal study (before-after). In patients over 18 years of age who are admitted to the CITIBANAMEX Center with or without septic shock secondary to severe SARS-COV2 pneumonia. There will be two groups: 1) patients without septic shock and 2) patients with septic shock secondary to severe pneumonia due to SARS-COV2. A single antioxidant will be applied following the clinical decision tree (NAC, Vit C, Vit E, melatonin) more Pentoxifylline orally or by orogastric tube for a total of 5 days from the start of the protocol. APACHE II will calculate the risk, SOFA, MEXSOFA, measurements of IL-8, vitamin C, NO3 / NO2, LOP, total antioxidant capacity will be carried out at baseline and 48 hours. SOFA will be calculated for seven days, in addition to days of hospitalization, days of mechanical ventilation. It was evaluated 28 days after discharge by telephone.
Multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel, blinded, interventional, treatment clinical trial with two arms. Population: 500 Hospitalized patients with pneumonia derived from COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-19), either confirmed by RT-PCR (Real Time polymerase chain reaction), or suggested by typical findings on the computed tomography scan symptomatic. Experimental group: nitazoxanide 500mg 8 / 8 hours for 5 days. Control group: placebo 8/8 hours for 5 days.
Evaluate the safety pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD)of a single dose of Kamada anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)- CoV-2 in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 caused pneumonia
SARS-CoV-2 infection seems to induce in most critical cases an excessive and aberrant hyper-inflammatory host immune response that is associated with a so-called "cytokine storm", moreover pro-thrombotic derangements of haemostatic system is another common finding in most severe forms of COVID19 infections, which may be explained by the activation of coagulative cascade primed by inflammatory stimuli, in line with what is observed in many other forms of sepsis. Targeting inflammatory responses exploiting steroids' anti-inflammatory activity along with thrombosis prevention may be a promising therapeutic option to improve patients' outcome. Despite the biological plausibility, no good evidence is available on the efficacy and safety of heparin on sepsis patients, and many issues have to be addressed, regarding the proper timing, dosages and administration schedules of anticoagulant drugs. The primary objective is to assess the hypothesis that an adjunctive therapy with steroids and unfractionated heparin (UFH) or with steroids and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) are more effective in reducing any-cause mortality in critically-ill patients with pneumonia from COVID- 19 infection compared to low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) alone. Mortality will be measured at 28 days. The study is designed as a multicenter, national, interventional, randomized, investigator sponsored, three arms study. Patients, who satisfy all inclusion criteria and no exclusion criteria, will be randomly assigned in a ratio 1:1:1 to one of the three treatment groups: LMWH group, LMWH+steroids or UFH+steroid group. A possible result showing the efficacy of the composite treatment in reducing the mortality rate among critically ill patients with pneumonia from COVID-19 infection will lead to a revision of the current clinical approach to this disease.
randomized controlled trial comparing survival benefit of Tocilizumab therapy with dexamethasone in patients with severe COVID 19
The overall objective of this study is to determine whether a positional maneuver (e.g., prone positioning) decreases the need for escalation of respiratory-related care in patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia.
The primary purpose of this research is to determine whether Valproate alone, and in combination with Quetiapine, lowers confusion and agitation in persons with severe Corona Virus Disease (COVID)19 pneumonia during weaning from the breathing machine (ventilator). Though Valproate and Quetiapine are often given to persons with severe confusion with agitation, the purpose of this small research study is specifically for: a) persons infected with COVID 2019 on a ventilator whose agitation is not responding to the usual medications (like dexmedetomidine), and b) to reduce the time persons are treated with dexmedetomidine, which requires continuous close monitoring in an ICU.
The first person-to-person Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) transmission in Italy was reported on Feb 21st, 2020, causing one of the most massive outbreak in Europe so far that stopped immediately all elective surgical procedures. Bariatric surgery represents the most effective treatment to obtain an important, long-term weight loss and comorbidities' resolution, including respiratory disorders. A sensitive decrease of epidemic has been observed lately and a gradual and progressive stop of the lockdown (phase 2-3) was planned, when the virus is supposed to be under control and protocols are guiding the restart of the elective bariatric surgery. Several questions are currently open: Laparoscopic bariatric surgery is safe in the phase 2-3? What's the expected complications rate? The actual hospital protocols are effective to minimize the risk of postoperative COVID-19 infection? Aim: to analyse results of bariatric surgery during phase 2-3 COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Primary end point: 30 days COVID-19 infection, mortality and complications. Secondary end points: readmission rate 30 days, reoperations for any reason related to surgery. Study design: prospective multicenter observational. Setting: Italian National Health Service 8 high-volume bariatric centres. Enrollment criteria: No previous Covid-19 infection; Primary, standard IFSO approved bariatric procedures; No concomitant procedure; No previous major abdominal surgery; >18<60 years old; Compensated comorbidities; Official SICOB's surgical informed consent given, including COVID-19 addendum; Adherence to very restrictive protocols regarding: hospital admission, management of in-hospital patients and after discharge. Follow-up: scheduled outpatient visit 30th postoperative day. Data evaluation: all the cases performed during July/December 2020 will be collected in a prospective database. Patients operated during the period July/December 2019 in the same centers will be considered comparative group (control). Expected results: Transparent information to the patients, and the introduction of the COVID-19 protocol concerning patients and health-professionals protection, should guarantee a safe restart of bariatric surgery in Italy. The network of 8 high-volume centers sharing information and protocols in this "unexplored" period will be a guarantee for patients' safety. Bariatric surgery should induce a postoperative amelioration of the comorbidities reducing the risks in case of a second outbreak.
The current severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is complicated by pneumonia (15 to 20% of cases) requiring hospitalization with oxygen therapy. Almost 20 to 25% of hospitalized patients require intensive care and resuscitation; half die. The main cause of death is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, some deaths have been linked to pulmonary embolism (PE). Recognition of PE is important because there is specific treatment to limit its own mortality. The identification of biological parameters of hemostasis predictive of thromboembolic disease is crucial in these patients. To evaluate the frequency of PE in the patients having to be hospitalized is to practice of a systematic thoracic angiography scanner in the patients having no contra-indication for its realization, as well as during hospitalization in patients deteriorating without any other obvious cause. The thromboembolic events and disturbances of the coagulation system described in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonitis suggest that this viral infection is associated with an increase in the activation of coagulation contributing to the occurrence of thrombosis and especially from PE.