View clinical trials related to Peroneal Neuropathies.
Filter by:PURPOSE: The purpose of this study will be to identify whether patients in the subacute stage of stroke, who demonstrate foot drop, will have better gait outcomes when using a Double Adjustable AFO, or a Posterior Leaf Spring AFO. A secondary purpose will be to determine whether one week of practice significantly changes gait outcomes with either of the AFO conditions. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Twenty participants over the age of 18, of any gender and ethnicity, diagnosed with first time unilateral stroke, 4 - 20 weeks post-stroke onset, resulting in hemiparesis with foot drop will be recruited for this study. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Not able to receive a double adjustable AFO through their insurance 2. Unable to follow two steps commands 3. Unable to ambulate 20 feet with or without assistive device with a minimum level of assistance of contact guard assistance. 4. Cerebellar Stroke 5. Inability to ambulate prior to stroke 6. receiving chemotherapy at the time of study OUTCOME MEASURES: 1. Six Minute walk test 2. Gait Symmetry and Gait velocity measured with GAITRite for self paced velocity walk and fast paced velocity walk. DATA COLLECTION: Data will be collected three times over two weeks period. First Visit: Demographics, Fugl-Meyer Lower Extremity Assessment of sensorimotor function, Mini Mental State Examination 6MWT and GAITRite measurements using Both types of AFO in a random order. Afterwards participant will be given one type of AFO (randomly selected) to practice walking for a week. Second Visit: 6MWT and GAITRite measurements using the type of AFO they were practicing with. Then the other type of AFO will be given to practice walking for a week. Third Visit: 6MWT and GAITRite measurements using the second type of AFO that they were practicing with the week prior. Patient will be asked which type of AFO they prefer to use.
Deficits in ankle control after stroke can lead to foot drop, resulting in inefficient, aberrant gait and an elevated falls risk. Using a novel ankle robot and newly invented adaptive control system, this study tests whether robotic-assisted treadmill training will improve gait and balance functions in chronic stroke survivors with foot drop impairment. It is hypothesized that, compared to treadmill training alone, integrating adaptive ankle robotics with treadmill training will reduce drop foot during independent overground walking, resulting in greater mobility, improved postural control, and reduced fall risk.
People with multiple sclerosis (MS) often suffer from foot drop, which impairs their walking ability. Foot drop is the inability to lift the foot during the swing phase of walking. The purpose of this study is to find out if electrical stimulation of the leg, using the Bioness L300 Foot Drop System, can be used to treat foot drop in people with MS. It is expected that using this system will reduce foot drop, and therefore improve walking ability, particularly in the areas of speed, strength, balance and falls.
The purpose of this study is to determine if a new diagnostic technique, called neuromuscular ultrasound, can improve our ability to diagnose focal nerve disease.