View clinical trials related to Overweight and Obesity.
Filter by:This research seeks to examine psychological factors that may impact relationship between incentives and health behavior engagement, specifically physical activity. Additionally, it will compare the impact of two different incentive schedules on behavior engagement, one providing immediate rewards (i.e. rewards received on a daily basis) and another providing delayed rewards (i.e. rewards received at the end of the study period), with an active self-monitoring intervention condition in which no rewards are offered. Study participants will provide reports of their physical activity each day for three weeks, and in the two incentive conditions, they will receive small monetary rewards for their physical activity. Following the three week reporting and reward period, participants will complete two additional assessments, measuring psychological constructs and behavior engagement following the cessation of rewards. The study will also examine how cognitive and anthropomorphic factors may contribute to intervention response and the effects on psychological constructs.
This study aims to identify new morphological and quantitative magnetic imaging parameters of pituitary gland and sellar region in overweight and obese patient at baseline and after 3 years, dividing patients in 3 groups (weight loss through diet and lifestyle changes, weight loss through bariatric surgery, no weight loss)
This is a pilot randomized clinical trial testing an implementation intervention to support delivery of a behavioral weight loss program at community mental health programs.
Previous research shows that a diet high in fat has harmful effects on gut health. This increases the chance of developing obesity-related diseases (such as type 2 diabetes) and disrupts cognition and mood. Research has suggested that gut health can be improved by taking certain supplements, including resveratrol (a polyphenol found primarily in red grape skins). Resveratrol has also been shown to improve brain blood flow and possibly brain function - however, there is limited research studying this. This study will investigate the effects of 12 weeks daily consumption of resveratrol on cognitive function, cerebral blood flow, gut microbiota and systemic inflammation in overweight and obese healthy adults.
The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that dietary weight loss (WL) through alternate day fasting (ADF) will enhance appetite control, health markers and wellbeing following WL compared to standard daily calorie restriction (CR).
The objective of this application is to pilot test and evaluate the acceptability and efficacy of a program to facilitate weight loss by enhancing memory for a recently consumed meal.
The concept "Dare to be satisfied with food" is an educational method of group treatment based on regular meals and food based on Nordic nutrition recommendations. The method has been developed by a district nurse at the city of Ljungby, Sweden and has shown permanent weight loss in a limited number of persons who tested the method. It is important to test the method scientifically and in the long term for possible implementation in routine activities in the healthcare sector. Adults with overweight and obesity (BMI 27-45) will be recruited to the study by announcing in newspapers in the counties of Kronoberg and Kalmar and then randomized to intervention group and control group, where the control group receives dietary advice according to the Swedish National Food Agency's guidelines for overweight and obesity (including brochures).
The goal of the project is to test a remotely delivered, standalone behavioral weight loss intervention designed to help adults initiate the important dietary, physical activity (PA) and behavioral changes necessary to achieve weight loss.
Physical inactivity is considered to be one of the ten principal risk factors for death worldwide. Children need to perform one hour of daily moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity whereof at least twice a week these activities are of vigorous intensity. In 2010, the percentage of 4-11 year-old normoactive Dutch children was approximately 20%. In addition, there is a dose-response relationship between BMI by sex and physical activity levels. Previous interventions that aimed to increase childhood physical activity produced small to negligible effects. One possible explanation is that individuals were not intrinsically motivated towards PA during the intervention period. Children spend a substantial amount of their time behind a game consule. There are a number of applications that motivate increase in PA in a fun way through engaging individuals in games that mix real and computing worlds. These games became known as serious games. In this study we want to investigate if the incorporation of a serious game BOOSTH in combination with an activity tracker to stimulate physical activity behaviour in overweight/ obese children.
The study sets out to determine the effect of smartphone pedometers on the body mass of overweight and obese clients at the general outpatient department, national hospital Abuja. It is a synopsis of the proposed dissertation submitted to the West African College of Physicians in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the part 11 Fellowship examination of the faculty of Family Medicine.