Influenza Clinical Trial
Official title:
Efficacy of Oseltamivir in Reducing the Duration of Clinical Illness, Viral Shedding, and Transmissibility Reduction Within Households Among Participants in an Influenza Disease Burden Surveillance Cohort in Urban Dhaka, Bangladesh
Background In preparation for a global influenza pandemic, there is an urgent need for
representative data from populations and settings where the pandemic is most likely to arise.
There are no data on oseltamivir efficacy from Asian urban slum populations concerning
duration of illness and viral shedding, nor whether efficacy depends on starting treatment <
48 hours or ≥ 48 hours after illness onset. Finally, there are no data on the capacity of the
drug, in such settings, to affect household and community transmission rates.
Aims and Objectives This proposal aims to compare the duration of clinical illness among
patients treated with oseltamivir vs placebo < 48 hours and ≥ 48 hours after illness onset.
It will compare the duration of viral shedding among all treatment groups vs placebo, risk of
transmission to household contacts by treatment group and whether neuraminidase inhibitor use
creates resistance. Secondarily it aims to measure the effect on influenza.
Design and Methods A double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial design among a population
in an urban slum under current influenza disease burden surveillance will be enrolled.
Infection status will be confirmed by rRT-PCR. Patients ≥ 1 year old will be randomised to <
48 hour and ≥ 48 hour treatment arms. Family members and neighbours will also be assessed by
PCR and a basic reproductive number calculated (R0).
Relevance These findings will address whether oseltamivir can affect illness duration and
severity, affect transmission, incidence and resistance in high risk urban Asian settings
where a pandemic is most likely to arise.
Purpose Influenza is a disease of global importance, having caused three pandemics in the
20th Century. Although concerns persist about a new pandemic, possibly from an avian
influenza A strain, more people died during the 20th Century from seasonal epidemic influenza
than from any single pandemic, thus global preparedness must address both epidemic and
pandemic influenza. It is generally believed that if a pandemic emerges, an efficacious
vaccine will either not be either generally available or broadly protective. Additional
strategies are required for effective control. Neuraminidase inhibitors, including
oseltamivir, have shown efficacy in limited controlled trials against both human influenza,
and have been used in avian influenza cases. Numerous questions, however, persist about the
extent of their efficacy. These include whether or not they are effective if given after 48
hours post-symptom onset, whether they reduce the duration and titre of viral shedding, their
effect on transmission to household contacts, and how quickly - or even if - resistance will
emerge in a high endemic setting during seasonal use. Finally, clinical trials to date have
used small samples sizes under controlled settings in industrialized countries. There are no
data on the efficacy of neuraminidase inhibitors in over-crowded urban settings with rates of
influenza and other respiratory infections, like Dhaka, Bangladesh. The findings from this
study will enable better assessment of the performance of neuraminidase inhibitors under the
conditions similar to those from which a global pandemic is likely to occur.
This study will evaluate whether oseltamivir is effective at reducing illness and household
transmission during the seasonal influenza epidemic in a crowded urban setting in Dhaka,
Design/Methods This will be a double-blind placebo randomised controlled clinical trial that
will identify study subjects in clinic who present with signs/symptoms suggestive of
influenza. Patients will be screened using a commercial rapid diagnostic test of high
sensitivity and specificity (QuickVue A + B, Quidel, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA), and their
status will be confirmed using RT-PCR. Rapid test-positive patients will be randomised to
oseltamivir or placebo for the standard twice daily, five-day course. A total of 512
PCR-confirmed patients will be recruited and treated. Patients will provide nasopharyngeal
specimens on the day of presentation (day 0), and on days 2, 4 and 7 to determine duration of
viral shedding. All patients will be followed up at home daily by field research assistants
(FRAs), who will monitor their progress using standardised forms, and refer back to clinic
anyone who meets criteria for treatment failure. Once a patient meets criteria for recovery,
they will be referred back to clinic for an exit interview with the physician. At the end of
the study, comparisons will be made between groups on duration of illness, duration of viral
shedding and household and inter-household transmission rates, as well as whether there were
differences between those who started oseltamivir < 48 hour or ≥ 48 hours from the onset of
1. Requirements for subject population, rationale for use: The influenza virus, once
suspected to primarily attack older persons, is now recognised to cause more illness in
children, particularly those < 5 years. Indeed, both hospitalisation rates, serious
complications, and even mortality among healthy children < 5 years approach those of
older persons with chronic conditions that place them at high risk [1]. Children are
also the most potent spreaders of influenza infection in the community [2]. However, in
order to model the impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on duration of illness, and
especially on intra and inter-household transmission, the entire age spectrum must be
examined, as in the early stages of an epidemic, adults may be among the first to show
infection signs and seek treatment, even though children will be more important in the
spread of the epidemic in its early stages [3].
2. Potential risks, likelihood, seriousness and impact of methodology: The risk is greater
than minimal, in that oseltamivir is not routinely prescribed for influenza infection in
Bangladesh, and as with any licensed drug, there are potential side effects, the most
common being gastrointestinal upset, nausea and vomiting - all of which are rare but
reported, as well as sleep or behaviour disturbances, which are even less common and not
causally linked to oseltamivir. Likewise, nasopharyngeal washes and swabs are not
routinely collected in Bangladesh, and cause minor discomfort during the procedure,
however complications, primarily from nasopharyngeal swabs, such as nosebleeds, are also
uncommon. There are no alternatives to these procedures for these samples, which are
needed to document whether a person had influenza and for how long.
3. Procedures for minimising risks, effectiveness assessments: 1) All physicians have been
trained on the procedures for specimen collection, as this has been ongoing in Kamalapur
since 2004. A refresher course will be provided to all study physicians prior to the new
study to ensure correct procedure. 2) All physicians will be trained about potential
side effects, and will relate these to the patients and their caregivers, as they
currently do with any medication. 3) FRAs will be trained to look for signs of illness
as well as complications to the medication during their daily home visits, and will
refer back to clinic any patient with signs suggestive of complication (e.g. skin rash,
repeated vomiting).
4. Confidentiality and anonymity: All patient information, which is recorded on a case
report form, (CRF) will be kept in a locked cabinet. Only project staff will see it.
Patients' name and other potential identifiers will be removed from data shared in
public fora. Published data will be aggregated and anonymised.
5. Description of consent procedures: One consent form will be for household consent for
participation in weekly home visits for influenza surveillance, and collection of
samples for rapid diagnostics (nasal swab) and nasopharyngeal wash or nasopharyngeal
swab specimens for index cases, and for subsequent household suspected cases (Household
consent, Appendix 1), This form will be obtained by the field research assistant (FRA),
as are all surveillance forms used in Kamalapur. This is the same format as the current
influenza surveillance for children < 5 years of age. The FRA will read the consent form
in its entirety to any responsible adults (those with legal responsibility for the
children in the home, or if there are no children, for home itself) in the home, and
answer their questions using standardised responses (key points). The second consent
form will obtain consent for the index case to receive antiviral or placebo
administration, and to provide subsequent NPW or NPS specimens on days 2, 4 and 7
(Oseltamivir Study, Appendix 2). A study physician will obtain this consent form in
clinic. If the subject (index case) is an adult (age ≥ 18 years), consent will be
obtained from the subject himself/herself; if the subject is a child, consent will be
sought from his/her parents or legal guardian. The Oseltamivir study consent form
readability score is Flesh-Kincaid Grade level = 7.8. An Assent form will be read to
children aged 7-14 years. The Assent form readability score is Flesh-Kincaid Grade level
= 5.6. The methodology of obtaining consent for both forms will be standardised. The FRA
using the home visits consent form, or the study physician using the antiviral
administration form, will read the entire consent form to the patient or parent if the
patient is a minor, as this is an illiterate population. If parents have questions, the
study physician will provide clarification of the consent form from a standardised set
of key points that cover each section of the consent form. Patients, or parents if the
patient is a minor, who indicate that they understand and agree to the terms of the
study will be asked to provide written consent. If they cannot sign the form, a thumb
impression will be taken.
6. Interviews: The only interviews will be those conducted in the home by the FRA to either
screen for illness or follow-up ill patients at home, and will focus on illness signs
using standardised screening calendar questionnaires or follow-up questionnaires. The
other interviews occur in clinic with the study physician, and again focus on history of
present illness, past medical history, physical exam, follow-up and an exit interview,
as described above. These physician-patient interviews are fundamentally the same as
between any physician and patient, except that they are standardised.
7. Potential benefit to individual and society, risk/benefit: Patients may receive direct
benefit if they receive the treatment drug, including a mild reduction in the duration
of influenza symptoms. In addition, household members of persons treated with
oseltamivir may experience fewer influenza illnesses, if transmission is reduced.
Patients will receive routine medical care regardless of treatment group, even if they
refuse to participate in the study. The daily home follow-up by the trained FRA is
another benefit, as she can help to identify any signs indicating the need for medical
attention. The information collected will be valuable to inform future pandemic planning
in Bangladesh and globally, as there is no information available for this regimen from
the developing world. The potential and real benefits thus outweigh the potential and
real risks.
8. Drug status: Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) is not an experimental drug, but is US Federal Drug
Administration (FDA) approved, having passed Good Clinical Practices licensing trials,
under the terms for use as in this trial. Furthermore, oseltamivir is manufactured by
Roche Pharmaceuticals, which has a branch in Bangladesh, which currently supplies local
pharmacies with the drug for sale.
9. Experimental new drugs: N/A
10. Placebo, indications for use in the study: In order to objectively demonstrate the
efficacy of the drug on duration of illness specifically, but household transmission
more generally, both patient and observer have to blinded to the intervention, as
knowledge of intervention assignment can affect recorded outcome (observational bias).
Although it is known that oseltamivir affects illness duration under controlled settings
and in settings with lower disease burden than those documented in Dhaka, Bangladesh, it
is not known how effective it will be under these conditions, nor is it known whether it
will work for patients who present later in the illness (≥48 hours). For this reason,
patients will be allocated to a study arm by pre-allotment using block randomisation,
along with the blinding by use of a placebo. No patient will be denied standard of care,
as any focal illness, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, otitis media,
sinusitis, or other common complications of influenza and similar pathogens, will be
treated with standard, WHO-recommended or approved regimens.
11. Experimental 'new' drug sponsorship: N/A
12. Use of records, organs, tissues, body fluids, and faetus/abortus: The study will acquire
nasopharyngeal wash and/or swab specimens, the objective of which is to collect
nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, which will be used in cell culture to isolate influenza
virus. The purpose of isolating the influenza virus is to validate whether or not a
patient actually had influenza, and if so, for how long was it shed.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT05523089 -
The Effectiveness of CD388 to Prevent Flu in an Influenza Challenge Model in Healthy Adults
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT05009251 -
Using Explainable AI Risk Predictions to Nudge Influenza Vaccine Uptake
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03282240 -
Safety and Immunogenicity of High-Dose Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine in Participants ≥65 Years in the US
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00971425 -
Evaluation of the Immune Response and the Safety of a Pandemic Influenza Candidate Vaccine (H1N1)
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00968526 -
Study to Evaluate Immunogenicity and Safety of an Investigational Influenza Vaccine (H1N1) in Adults
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00968539 -
Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity & Safety of an Investigational Influenza Vaccine (H1N1) in Adults
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT05525494 -
Patient Portal Flu Vaccine Reminders (5)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04074928 -
Safety and Immunogenicity Study of QIVc in Healthy Pediatric Subjects
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT04695717 -
This Study Was Conducted to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of IVACFLU-S Produced in Children From 6 Months to Under 18 Years Old and the Elderly Over 60 Years Old in Vietnam
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT05012163 -
Lottery Incentive Nudges to Increase Influenza Vaccinations
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04109222 -
Collection of Serum Samples From Children and Older Adults Receiving the 2019-2020 Formulations of Fluzone® Quadrivalent and Fluzone® High-Dose Influenza Vaccines, Respectively
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT03888989 -
Response to Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT02587221 -
Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Immunogenicity of an MF59-Adjuvanted Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Compared to Non-influenza Vaccine Comparator in Adults ≥ 65 Years of Age
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT03453801 -
The Role of CD4+ Memory Phenotype, Memory, and Effector T Cells in Vaccination and Infection
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT01440387 -
A Study of Immunogenicity and Safety of GSK Biologicals' Influenza Vaccine FLU-Q-QIV in Adults Aged 18 Years and Older
Phase 3 | |
Terminated |
NCT01195779 -
Trial to Evaluate Safety and Immunogenicity of GSK Biologicals' Influenza Vaccine GSK2584786A in Healthy Children
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT03321968 -
Lot-to-lot Consistency of a Plant-Derived Quadrivalent Virus-Like Particles Influenza Vaccine in Healthy Adults
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00972517 -
Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of an Investigational Influenza Vaccine (H1N1) in Children
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT04570904 -
Broadening Our Understanding of Early Versus Late Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness
Recruiting |
NCT03331991 -
Prevention of Influenza and Other Wintertime Respiratory Viruses Among Healthcare Professionals in Israel
N/A |