View clinical trials related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Filter by:This research project will develop and implement a motivational interviewing and electronic messaging intervention to address obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), positive airway pressure (PAP) adherence, and risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in American Indians. The project will work with American Indian Elders, aged 50 years and older, from three Northern Plains Reservations and surrounding communities. A total of 300 American Indian elders with a confirmed OSA diagnosis and prescribed PAP therapy will be randomized to receive usual care consisting of PAP therapy alone (control condition) or usual care plus the culturally informed CATNAP MI component (intervention condition).
The purpose of this research study is to collect health and physiological data using commercially available wristband fitness tracker devices (FitBit and Garmin devices) to help determine their accuracy and reliability at measuring percent of night spent in REM sleep, oxygen desaturation, and apnea hypopnea index compared with currently available methods of in-laboratory polysomnogram and home sleep testing.
This is a pre-market study for ongoing product development aiming to explore the usability and performance of the study PAP systems to guide product development.
The goal of this clinical trial is to compare in OSA patients who regularly adhere to CPAP therapy. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: - To assess if proactive therapy can effectively treat OSA with lower mean therapy pressure compared to conventional APAP therapy - To compare user comfort between proactive therapy and conventional APAP therapy Participants will undergo the conventional APAP therapy and the new proactive therapy. Researchers will compare nights in which conventional APAP was used and nights in which proactive therapy was used to see if patients were treated with lower pressures and effectively.
The gold-standard in the diagnosis of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders (SRBDs) is polysomnography, but the time, effort, and expense of laboratory studies has limited relevant research and particularly epidemiological research that requires large samples. Research in adults has profited from the existence of several validated questionnaire instruments to assess for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders (SRBDs) or related symptoms. Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) developed and validated by chervil et al. (2000) is a 22 item questionnaire which had been shown to have a sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 87% for SRBDs. In this study 152 parents in charge of children and adolescents with and without SRBDs aged from 2 years to 18 years, will participate. collection of the study sample will take place in Phoniatric clinic and otolaryngology clinic, minna University Hospital. This sample will be divided into three groups: G1, G2, and G3. The validation of the Arabic Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (APSQ) will be executed in many stages: 1. Translation, linguistic and cultural adaptation with bilingual Phoniatrician and qualified translator who will perform translation and back translation. 2. Pilot study with the application of the translated version on a group of SRBDs participants "20 children and adolescents with SRBDs ". 3. History will be taken from all groups. 4. Application of the survey in its final version on participants with and without SRBDs.
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the maintain effect of palatal surgery and oropharyngeal rehabilitation (OPR) by using the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), tongue muscle strength and the space of the upper airway in patients with OSA.The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Will the severity of OSA, tongue muscle strength and the space of upper airway improve more in the palatal surgery combined OPR group than the other two groups? 2. Will The maintain effect of tongue muscle strength and the space of upper airway be better in the palatal surgery combined OPR group? Participants will be divided into 3 groups including palatal surgery combined OPR group, palatal surgery group and OPR group by the doctor's advice and their willingness.The OPR for the treatment groups included three 30-minute sessions of OPR per day, and the exercise would be performed 3-5 days per week for 3 months.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure on patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and persistent hypoxia despite optimal therapy.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder characterized by a cessation or significant decrease in airflow during sleep. CPAP is the preferred therapy and has high effectiveness at all levels of OSA severity. It acts as a pneumatic splint to maintain upper airway patency during sleep, preventing the soft tissues from collapsing. However, the patient's compliance continues to be an issue. One of the main contributors to CPAP therapy failure is difficulty falling asleep. To aid in the machine's adaptation, hypnotic medicine was administered.
The purpose of this clinical investigation is to evaluate the performance and safety of the F&P Caramel nasal mask in a home environment.
It is known that perioperative respiratory complications occur more often in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) patients during general anesthesia. Although there are prospective RCTs in this area, the need for further and larger studies remains due to the heterogenity of the results. Moreover, the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications in OSAS patients undergoing surgery in Turkey and the predictive factors affecting the respiratory adverse events are uncertain. Therefore, in this prospective observational cohort study, it was aimed to determine the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications and the predictor factors associated with patient, anesthesia and surgery in surgical patients with a confirmed or highly suspected OSAS diagnosis undergoing general anesthesia.