View clinical trials related to Mycobacterium Infections.
Filter by:The trial is randomized, blinded, two arms, active comparator controlled, clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Mycobacterium w in combination with standard care as per hospital practice versus standard care alone in critically ill adult patients suffering from COVID-19 infection.
The "COVID-19 infection self-test and alert system" (hereinafter referred to as "COVID-19 self-test applet") jointly developed by Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Institute for precision medicine, artificial intelligence of Tsinghua University was launched on February 1,2020. Residents , according to their actual healthy situation, after answering questions online, the system will conduct intelligent analysis, make disease risk assessment and give healthcare and medical guidance. Based on the Internet population survey, and referring to the diagnosis and screening standards of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, investigators carried out the mobile applet of Internet survey and registry study for the Internet accessible identifiable population, so as to screen the suspected population and guide the medical treatment.
Sources of NTM infection and modes of transmission among CF patients are poorly understood. Healthcare-associated transmission of NTM among CF patients has been suspected and is of growing concern for CF Centers. There is a need for a systematic evidence-based approach to investigating potential episodes of healthcare-associated transmission. Clusters of highly similar strains of NTM in CF patients cared for at the same CF Center may arise from healthcare sources including patient-to-patient transmission and/or acquisition from water sources within a healthcare setting. The primary objective of the study is to facilitate a standardized process by which CF Centers may perform data abstraction on patients identified with highly similar NTM isolates and determine if clustered NTM strains are related to strains isolated from healthcare setting water biofilm sources. HALT NTM is available to the entire CF Foundation Care Network, under a collaborative agreement, to initiate a standardized, independent, confidential, internal NTM outbreak investigation. Patients that are identified by whole genome sequencing as having highly similar NTM strains and receiving care in the same CF Care Center are eligible. The study's primary endpoint is to identify potential modes and sources of healthcare-associated acquisition of CF NTM, thereby revealing risk factors for NTM acquisition.
The study will use the VereMTB tool for rapid diagnosis of TB or non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) pulmonary infections in hospitalised patients, with positive results in acid-fast bacilli smears, which are emerging in many regions of the world.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of open-label exposure of gNO in patients with NTM lung disease. Subjects will receive the study drug by inhaling through a nasal mask. Subjects will be treated for 3 weeks (5 days per week) and followed monthly for 3 months.
This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose study to evaluate safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of single doses of BTZ043 in healthy adult volunteers. The study is conducted at a study centre in Germany. Up to 50 male and female participants will be included in this study in up to 5 cohorts; each cohort will consist of 10 subjects: in each cohort 8 subjects will be assigned to BTZ-043 and 2 to placebo. The doses tested will be: 125mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1000mg and 2000mg. Safety will be assessed via regular vital sign measurement, 12-lead ECG parameters, physical examination and safety laboratory assessments. Subjects will be hospitalized from Day -1 until discharge in the morning of Day 3. After completion of all Day 3 assessments of a cohort, blinded safety data will be reviewed and the next dose increment will be decided by the Trial Steering Committee (TSC).
An open labeled Study (NCT03331445) is demonstrating encouraging safety and efficacy results for most subjects receiving 160ppm nitric oxide gas (gNO) for treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) over a 15 day treatment regimen. In one subject, who had a reduction in sputum culture concentration of Bacterium bolletii from plus 3 to plus 1 corresponding to a 2-3 log10 cfu/gm reduction during the treatment, the one-week post treatment follow-up sputum culture had increased to plus 2. It is hypothesized that a longer treatment period may be necessary to fully eradicate NTM from the sputum culture in chronic lung disease. This study will extend the period of gNO exposure for a prolonged period of time (3 months) to attempt to fully eradicate the NTM in this single subject. This study will transition from the medical clinic to supervised delivery in the patient's home environment.
The trial is an open-label, non-controlled, multicenter, pilot clinical trial of inhaled molgramostim (recombinant human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor; rhGM-CSF) in subjects with persistent pulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) infection. Subject will be treated for 24-weeks with inhaled molgramostim and will be followed up for 12-weeks after end of treatment. The primary aim of the trial is to investigate the efficacy of inhaled molgramostim on NTM sputum culture conversion to negative.
A Prospective, Open labeled, multi-Center, Evaluation of the Efficacy Safety and Tolerability of Nitric Oxide Given Intermittently via Inhalation to Subjects with NTM (specifically MABSC) Nitric Oxide (NO) has been shown to play a critical role in various biological functions. In the airways, NO is considered to play a key role in the innate immune system in which the first-line of host defense against microbes is built. In vitro studies suggested that NO, in part per million (ppm) concentrations, possesses anti-microbial activity against a wide variety of phyla including fungi, and antibiotic-resistance bacteria. In this study the investigators wish to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of 160 ppm Nitric Oxide intermittently delivered via inhalation to subjects infected with Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), specifically with MABSC.
Treatment of adults with chronic Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex lung infections who have failed or are intolerant of rifampin. Rifabutin may be a reasonable alternative agent in patients who fail rifampin or or intolerant of rifampin.