View clinical trials related to Myalgia.
Filter by:Lipin-1 deficiencies are responsible for severe rhabdomyolysis and muscle pain in childhood. A specific treatment does not exist. Our research team (Pr de Lonlay, Pr Van-Endert, Marine Madrange and Perrine Renard) identified the mechanism of this disease and propose a treatment to decrease rhabdomyolysis outcome and muscle pain. Further to a CPP approval in 2015, several patients have been treated by Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate off label use on a compassionate basis. The objective of this retrospective study is to describe the safety and efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate given on a compassionate basis to patients suffering from Lipin-1 deficiency within a period between 6 and 36 months.
Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is an acute micro-trauma or inflammatory response experienced in the most runners; and, it concurrently impairs athletic performance and may increase the risk of sports injury. Alleviating the symptoms of DOMS strategies are various; however, the specific recovery way remains unconcluded. Furthermore, few studies have investigated the effects of vibrating roller on alleviating the symptoms of DOMS and understand the biochemical changes in response to recovery of athletic performance. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that vibration rolling (VR) could provide a self-myofascial release. Meanwhile, vibration exercise could transmit vibration to specific muscle groups to decrease inflammation in corresponding to reduce muscular pain. Therefore, it could offer positive effects including improvements of flexibility, muscle stiffness, visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, jump, and dynamic balance.
The study will assess the recovery and performance of young athletes suffering from muscle damage induced by physical exercise. Model by comparing the safety and efficacy of ReWin(d) supplemention during 4 weeks to placebo over 72 hours post exercice.
Basal measurements are taken in relation to the study variables. Immediately subjects perform eccentric exercise on right hamstrings to develop delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Measurements of the study variables are taken in the same conditions 48, 96 and 168 hours after the exercise to study the evolution of the variables while recovering from DOMS.
Investigation of the biomechanical response in delayed onset muscle soreness using dry needling vs. sham
Children and adolescents are treated with routine treatment approaches for adults and one of the most commonly used treatments are occlusal appliances. The use of occlusal appliances in managing orofacial pain conditions is supported by evidence, but only for adults. However, the efficacy of the treatment approaches and any possible side-effects/impairment of mandibular growth are absent. Therefore, the aim of this project is to investigate the effectiveness and possible side-effects of different treatment modalities, such as an occlusal appliance, jaw exercises, NSAID for the conditions myalgia orarthralgia in the orofacial region in children with primary or mixed dentition.
Myofascial pain syndrome thought to be the main cause of neck pain and shoulder muscle tenderness in the working population is characterized by myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). This study aimed to examine the immediate and short-term effect of the combination of two therapeutic techniques for improving neck pain and muscle tenderness in patients with upper trapezius Myofascial Trigger points.
This research is being done to explore the potential benefit of a physical therapist-guided stretching program on musculoskeletal pain and well-being.
The primary aim this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial is to compare the analgesic effects of preemptive intravenous paracetamol and ibuprofen on headache and myalgia, and secondary aim is to evaluate the effects on hemodynamics, duration of seizure and postoperative side effects in patients who underwent electroconvulsive therapy .
Pistachios are an understudied and often unappreciated functional food. While nuts in general have received somewhat more attention for their nutritional properties from researchers, practitioners and the media, pistachios often seem to be overlooked. Meanwhile, pistachios appear to possess characteristics that suggest that they are likely to impart benefits that are equal to and perhaps above and beyond those of average nuts. We intend to explore the potential impacts of pistachios on recovery from rigorous exercise in well-trained athletes. We hypothesize that feeding 1.5 oz of pistachios will improve exercise recovery as determined by a reduction in delayed onset muscle soreness and suppression of markers of muscle damage, inflammation and oxidative stress in comparison to water and that the benefits will be greater with consumption of 3.0 oz of pistachios.