View clinical trials related to Muscle Tightness.
Filter by:In this study, the effect of plantar fascia release with a magnetic fascial cork ball on hamstring and lumbar extensor muscle elasticity will be investigated.
To Compare the effects of Pilates exercises an yoga on rounded shoulders
This randomized control trial was conducted to investigate the efficacy of trigger point dry needling which is a modern treatment intervention compared with ischemic compression release in the patients having neck pain due to myofascial trigger points.
The goal of this clinical trial was to compare the effect of two different types of stretching techniques in elderly population. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. What is the immediate effect (after a single intervention) of these stretching techniques on muscle flexibility, amount of knee joint motion and muscle activity? 2. What is the effect of a four week intervention program of these stretching techniques on muscle flexibility, amount of knee joint motion and muscle activity? There were three groups with ten randomly allocated participants in each group. Intervention group I was given a stretching technique called contract-relax technique and the Intervention group II was given static stretching. The third group was not given any treatment and was taken as a control. The main aim was to find out that whether the two techniques are effective or not and which one of the two is better than the other in terms of improvement in the above mentioned parameters.
The primary aim of this study is to adapt Cognitive Muscular Therapy so that it can be used to manage chronic low back pain. A secondary aim is to understand the potential therapeutic benefit of this intervention.
Background: Basketball is considered a medium-high injury sport, because of the mechanisms of injury, which can be acute, by repetition mechanisms or by overload. An effective way to avoid muscle overload injuries is to perform an extensibility workout such as an analytical active stretching program. The objective of this study is to achieve adherence to a stretching program by motivating young basketball players. Methods: Randomized experimental clinical trial controlled by a single blind person. 21 child players between 11 and 12 years, divided into intervention group (IG) and control group (CG). IG carries out a supervised static stretching program at the end of training 3 days/week for 12 weeks and CG has normally developed the standard stretches of their Basketball Club. The extensibility of various muscle groups was valued in both groups. In addition, motivation was valued by Sport Motivation Scale.
Interventional study of the effects of a trunk extensor muscles fatigue protocol on trunk extensors stiffness.
A total of 154 healthy young individuals will be recruited by purposive sampling method to participate in a randomized, single-blinded, sham-controlled study. Recruited participants will be randomly dividing into two groups, the Active high-intensity laser therapy (a-HILT) group, and the Sham high-intensity laser therapy (s-HILT) group. The treatment duration will be 10 minutes per session on both lower limbs for each day for 3 days/week for 2 weeks. Hamstring muscle length will be assessed at baseline, end of the 2-week post-intervention period.
This project will be Randomized control trial conducted to check the effects of foam rolling and stretching exercises on university sport's students so that we can have best treatment option for duration will be for 6 months, purposive sampling data will be done, subject following eligibility criteria from University of Lahore athlete students , were randomly allocated in two groups via lottery method, baseline assessment will be done, Group A participants were given baseline treatment along with foam rolling effects , Group B participants were given baseline treatment along with stretching exercises, pre or post intervention assessment will done via goniometer and Lower extremity functional scale (LESF)and three sessions per week will be given, data will be analyzed by using SPSS version 25.
This study will be a randomized clinical trial. the study will be conducted in Mubarak Hospital Sargodha. a sample size of 44 subjects will be taken. subjects will be divided into two groups using the lottery method. group 1 will be treated with Bowen technique along with heating pad and group 2 will be treated with sustained stretching technique along with heating pads thrice a week for 3 weeks. subjects will come after 1 month for follow up. the follow-up will show which technique is more effective in improving hamstring flexibility and range in healthy females. the outcome measures active knee extension test and sit and reach test will be used to check hamstring flexibility and range at baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up. data were analyzed using spss 26.