View clinical trials related to Muscle Spasticity.
Filter by:Post-stroke spasticity is a common complication affecting the neurological recovery, self-care daily activities and patients' quality of life. Extracorporeal shock waves (ESWT) have been proven therapeutic effects on decreasing spasticity and regaining function. Stroke patients often suffer ankle plantar flexor spasticity with poor ankle movement control, leading to abnormal gait patterns and risk of falling; local pain appears as well in the ankle. Research showed application of ESWT to lower extremity spasticity reduced ankle plantar flexor spasticity, ankle pain and increased the range of ankle motion. However, the current study did not investigate the effect of ESWT on different muscles in patients with post-stroke ankle spasticity. Therefore, this study will compare the effect of focused ESWT on combination of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to gastrocnemius muscle alone in the post-stroke ankle plantar flexor spasticity.
In France, more than 110.000 patients are hospitalized for stroke per year. It is the leading cause of sudden disabilities in adults. Incidence of spastic foot is evaluated at 1 year post stroke from 18% to 56% of hemiplegic patients. Spasticity, defined as an increase in the velocity-dependent response to muscle stretch measured at rest, is part of the upper motor neuron syndrome and is characterized by an increase in tonic stretch reflex. It has been proposed that upper motor neuro syndrome may induce not only spasticity but also other types of muscles overactivity such as spastic dystonia, co-contraction and clonus. In hemiplegic patients, lower limb spasticity within the posterior part of the leg frequently results in equino-varus foot and toes claw. These abnormal postures in hemiplegics may affect activities of daily living such as shoes fitting, balance, ambulation-walking, comfort (pain) and may become irreducible (tendon shortening) if not treated. The purpose of this study is to compare the interest of each treatment (BoNT-A versus STN) in order to specify both techniques indications and up-date current guidelines of lower-limb spasticity for hemiplegic patients. This study aims to confirm a greater reduction of calf muscles spasticity after STN as compared to BoNT-A, as observed in the only published monocentric randomized controlled trial. Our study originality is to perform a multi-center RCT with a pre-established sample size. This study will also quantify progress towards personal goals using the goal attainment scaling (GAS) and will assess other components related to the consequences of carve muscle spasticity on balance, ambulation, self-care and quality of life.
The goal of this clinical trial is to demonstrate the improvement of motor functions related symptoms in patients with MS and spasticity using Exopulse Mollii suit stimulation in Multiple Sclerosis patients with spasticity. The main questions it aims to answer are: - to evaluate the short-term impact of EXOPULSE Mollii suit on balance in adult MS patients suffering from spasticity. - to assess the effects of EXOPULSE Mollii suit on mobility, upper and lower limbs muscle tone, pain, fatigue and quality of life. Participants will participate in: - One baseline visit for inclusion during which the patient will undergo the first session (active or sham) along with evaluations (before and after the session) - One visit after two weeks during which the patient will undergo the second session (active or sham) along with evaluations (before and after the session) - One visit after two weeks of the second stimulation condition; the patients will undergo a third evaluation and receive the EXOPULSE Mollii Suit for the four-week open label phase and will use the suit at home for an active stimulation session every other day for four weeks. - One visit at the end of the open label phase to perform the fourth and last evaluation and return the EXOPULSE Mollii suit. Researchers will compare both Active and Sham groups to demonstrate the improvement of motor functions related symptoms in patients with MS and spasticity using Exopulse Mollii suit.
This study uses medical records that allow retrospective data extraction of clinical manifestation to assess the natural history of HPDL mutations
This study aims to describe the comparative effects of dynamic surface training and trunk targeted training in order to ensure which method is best in improving gross motor function , balance and trunk control in children with spastic cerebral palsy . this will be randomized control study which includes participants with age 5 to 10 years
48 participants (24 women and 24 men) with autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) will participate in 2 phases : control phase (12-week usual care) and intervention phase (12-week home-based rehabilitation program). The participants will be evaluated at baseline, week 12 (end of control phase) and week 24 (end of intervention phase) to quantify the effects of an individualized home-based rehabilitation program. Participants will also participate on a focus group at the end of the program to evaluate the acceptability of the program and the perceived changes.
Physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. This study is conducted to identify the most appropriate physiotherapy approach. The purpose of the study is to compare two physical rehabilitation strategies i.e., Neck-trunk stabilization exercises and Bobath therapy, to investigate their effectiveness on trunk control and upper limb function. The aims of treatment are to influence muscle tone and improve postural alignment by specific handling technique.
The purpose of the study is to measure the outcomes of a standard care, an ultrasound guided mini-invasive percutaneous procedure, performed on recent stroke patients on reduces pain, increases function & quality of life The primary objective of the project is to reduce shoulder and/or knee pain in patients who have had a stroke so that they can more readily engage in rehabilitation. Secondary objectives are to reduce analgesic medications, increase independence and improve range of motion, to promote non-drug treatment measures in the medical toolkit, and to include an interdisciplinary care team in patient selection for interventions.
Spastic paresis (SP) is a common motor condition in children and is often caused by cerebral palsy. Skeletal muscles develop differently in children with SP due to brain damage in early development; muscle strength and muscle length are reduced compared to typically developing (TD) children. Especially, the calf muscles are affected, which particularly affects their ability to walk and to run, hindering participation in society. There are several treatments aimed to increase the range of motion of the joint by lengthening the muscle, for example botulinum toxin injections. However, these treatments can have a weakening effect on the muscle due to deconditioning from immobilization and due to paralysis. In rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands functional power training (MegaPower) is offered to children with SP who want to walk and run better. It has been shown that this training improves calf muscle strength and performance during functional walking tests. However, the effect of MegaPower training on muscle morphology (i.a. muscle volume and length) is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the effect of MegaPower training on the muscle morphology of the medial gastrocnemius in children with SP using 3D ultrasonography. It is expected that MegaPower training results in an increase of muscle volume as well as elongation of the muscle belly. Muscle volume could increase due to hypertrophy of the muscle fibers induced by the training, which could elongate the muscle belly length due to the pennate structure of the medial gastrocnemius. A double-baseline design will be applied for this study with three different measurement times (T0-T1-T2) to compare the training period (12 weeks) with a period (12 weeks) of usual care.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of movement and posture disorders associated with a non-progressive affect during brain development that can cause limitation of activity and disability. The most common movement disorders in CP are spasticity and dystonia. Currently, the treatment of muscle stiffness called spasticity includes physiotherapy, casting and device, various drugs and surgical treatment. Botulinum toxin injection into the muscle also acts by reducing muscle contraction. ESWT is a method used in various musculoskeletal diseases. It has been previously applied to pediatric patients and has been shown to be effective and painless in ankle muscle stiffness. However, there are few studies investigating the effect of ESWT on functionality.