View clinical trials related to Mitochondria.
Filter by:Cranberry is a fruit native to North America that is widely grown in Quebec and has been shown to have the highest antioxidant capacity among the most commonly eaten fruits. Consequently, consuming cranberries prior to exercising may help to improve exercise endurance by preventing accumulation of reactive oxygen species. For aerobic endurance, in order to maintain a certain pace for a long duration, runners need to effectively neutralize reactive oxygen species. Although it is not the only component involved in running, offsetting reactive oxygen species should improve running performance. To test this, we plan to investigate the effects, both acute and chronic, of a cranberry extract on the oxygen consumption in 18-35 year old males and females. The present research project will contribute to expand our knowledge of how cranberry extract can exert a positive effect, and thus improve aerobic performance or even every day life. This project can benefit a wide range of the population, from sedentary individuals and older adults to elite athletes by providing an all-natural supplement alternative.
Muscle mass loss is a common adverse effect of cancer. Muscle mass loss occurs with or without reduction in body weight. Cancer cachexia (CC) is the involuntary loss of body weight of >5% within 6 months and it occurs in 50-80% of patients with metastatic cancer. It is estimated that CC is a direct cause of up to 30% of all cancer-related deaths. No treatment currently is available to prevent CC, likely because the chemical reactions that causes of this devastating phenomenon in unknown. No treatment currently is available to prevent muscle mass loss in patients with cancer but is urgently needed as the reduced muscle mass and function is associated with impaired physical function, reduced tolerance to anticancer therapy, poor quality of life (QoL), and reduced survival. There is evidence of an interdependence between informal caregiver (e.g. spouse) and patient QoL. Thus, identifying caregiver distress and needs can potentially benefit QoL for patients with cancer cachexia. Despite the enormous impact on disease outcomes, it is not known why the loss of muscle mass and function occurs and very few studies have investigated the underlying molecular causes in humans. In particular, there is a severe lack of studies that have obtained human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue sample material. Such reference sample materials will be invaluable to obtaining in-depth molecular information about the underlying molecular causes of the involuntary but common muscle mass and fat mass loss in cancer. At a whole body level, cancer cachexia is associated with reduced sensitivity to the hormone insulin, high levels of lipids in the blood, and inflammation. Within the skeletal muscle, the muscle mass loss is associated with elevated protein breakdown and reduced protein build-up while emerging, yet, limited data also suggest malfunction of the power plants of the cells called mitochondrions. The role of malnutrition and how it contributes to weight loss is understood only to the extent of the observed loss of appetite and the reduced food intake because of pain, nausea, candidiasis of the mouth, and breathlessness. Evidence is increasing that the environment of the intestinal system could be implicated in cancer cachexia, yet, the possible effect of cancer and the cancer treatment on the intestinal environment is not understood. Thus, large and as yet poorly understood details of this syndrome precede a later weight loss. Exercise training could help restore muscle function and how the chemical reactions works in cancer. In healthy people, and patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity exercise potently improves health. Exercise has been thought to slow down the unwanted effects of cancer cachexia by changing the reactions mentioned above. Thus, there is a tremendous gap in our knowledge of how and if exercise can restore the cells power plants function, muscle mass, strength, and hormone sensitivity in human cachexic skeletal muscle. Tackling that problem and examining potential mechanisms, will enable us to harness the benefits of exercise for optimizing the treatment of patients with cancer. The data will provide novel clinical knowledge on cachexia in cancer and therefore addressing a fundamental societal problem. Three specific aims will be addressed in corresponding work packages (WPs): - investigate the involvement of hormone sensitivity of insulin and measure the chemical reactions between the cells in patients with lung cancer (NSCLC) and describe the physical performance and measure amount of e.g. muscles and adipose tissue across the 1st type of cancer treatment and understand how that is related to the disease and how patients and informal caregiver feel (WP1). - find changes in the chemical reactions in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue (AT), and blood samples in these patients, to understand how to predict how the disease will develop (WP2). - measure changes of skeletal muscle tissue in response to exercise and see if it might reverse the hormone insensitivity and improve muscle signaling and function (WP3). The investigators believe that: - the majority of patients with advanced lung cancer, at the time of diagnosis already are in a cachectic state, where they lose appetite, and have hormonal changes, and an overall altered chemical actions between the cells affecting both muscle mass and AT. The investigators propose that all this can predict how the disease will progress, and how patient- and informal caregiver fell and how they rate their quality of life. - lung cancer and the treatment thereof is linked with changes in the blood, the muscle tissues, and the adipose tissues, especially in patients experiencing cachexia, that could be targeted to develop new treatment. - exercise can restore the muscles and improve insulin sensitivity and improve the function of the cells power plants in patients with lung cancer-associated muscle problems.
Read more »Aging is the number one risk factor for the majority of chronic diseases. There are no pharmaceutical treatments to slow aging and prolong healthspan. The anti-diabetic drug metformin is considered a likely pharmaceutical candidate to slow aging. In this study, the investigators hypothesize that metformin treatment in subjects free of type 2 diabetes will improve insulin sensitivity and glucoregulation in insulin resistant individuals, but will decrease insulin sensitivity and glucoregulation in insulin sensitive subjects. Further, the investigators hypothesize that long-term metformin treatment will remodel mitochondria in a way that decreases mitochondrial function in subjects that are insulin sensitive, but improves mitochondrial function in subjects that are insulin resistant. The investigators will use a dual-site, 12- week drug intervention trial performed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled manner on 148 subjects recruited from two separate sites (Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM)). After consent and initial subject screening for chronic disease, subjects will be stratified to insulin sensitive (IS) or insulin resistant (IR) groups. Over a 12- week intervention, half of each group will take metformin and half will take a placebo. Pre- and post--intervention, subjects will complete a series of procedures to assess insulin sensitivity, glucose regulation, and biomarkers of aging. The same subjects will provide a skeletal muscle biopsy pre-- and post-intervention to assess the change in mitochondrial function and mitochondrial remodeling with and without metformin treatment. By completion of this project, the investigators expect to provide evidence that helps further delineate who may benefit from metformin treatment to slow aging.
Read more »This study will describe the change of mitochondrial oxygen tension (mitoPO2) compared to traditional parameters of oxygenation and oxygen balance in the first 24 hours of septic patients admitted to the intensive care unit of an academic hospital. The mitoPO2 will be measured on prespecified measurement moments in the ICU. With each measurement moment, arterial and central venous blood gasses will be taken too.
Blood flow restricted (BFR) exercise has been shown to improve skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise. BFR uses blood pressure cuffs (i.e., tourniquets) to reduce skeletal muscle blood flow during resistance exercise. One benefit of BFR is that skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise training including muscle hypertrophy and increases in strength can be achieved at lower-loads (e.g., 25-30% 1RM), that are often comparable to more traditional resistance training loads (70-85% 1RM). However, the impact that low-load BFR resistance exercise has on muscle quality and bioenergetics is unknown. The present study will examine the impact of 6 weeks of low-load, single-leg resistance exercise training with or without personalized BFR on measures of muscle mass, strength, quality, and mitochondrial bioenergetics. The investigators will recruit and study up to 30, previously sedentary, healthy, college-aged adults (18-40 years). The investigators will measure muscle mass using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and muscle strength and endurance using isokinetic testing. The investigators will normalize knee extensor strength to lower limb lean mass to quantify muscle quality. The investigators will also use near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure mitochondrial oxidative capacity in the vastus lateralis. Finally, the investigators will measure markers of systemic inflammation and markers of muscle damage using commercially available ELISA assays.
Read more »The purpose of this study is whether the mitochondrial oxygenation tension (mitoPO2) is a feasible and reliable tool in ICU patients with anaemia undergoing red cell transfusion to ultimately personalize blood transfusion decisions in the ICU.
This study will test whether a new non-invasive technique can quickly and precisely measure retinal metabolism (the amount of energy retinal cells use). The retina is the part of the eye that sends information to the brain. Participants in current NEI studies who have age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, or von Hippel-Landau disease may be eligible for this study. Healthy volunteers will participate as controls. Patients with AMD must be 60 years of age or older; those with VHL disease or diabetic retinopathy must be 18 or older. Participants undergo the tests and procedures required in the NEI study in which they previously enrolled. In addition, for the current study, they undergo metabolic mapping. For this procedure, the subject's eyes are dilated, and different amounts of low-level light are shone into the eye to see how different cells respond with changes in metabolism. Measurements are taken while the subject breathes room air and while he or she breathes medical grade oxygen for about 1 minute. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes.