View clinical trials related to Metabolic Syndrome.
Filter by:The need for new models of integrated care that can improve the efficiency of healthcare and reduce the costs are key priorities for health systems across the United States. Treatment costs for patients with at least one chronic medical or cardiovascular condition make up over 4-trillion dollars in spending on healthcare, with estimations of a population prevalence of 100-million affected individuals within the next decade. Therefore, the management of chronic conditions requires innovative and new implementation methods that improve outcomes, reduce costs, and increase healthcare efficiencies. Digital health, the use of mobile computing and communication technologies as an integral new models of care is seen as one potential solution. Despite the potential applications, there is limited data to support that new technologies improve healthcare outcomes. To do so requires; 1) robust methods to determine the impact of new technologies on healthcare outcomes and costs; and 2) evaluative mechanisms for how new devices are integrated into patient care. In this regard, the proposed clinical trial aims to advance the investigator's knowledge and to demonstrate the pragmatic utilization of new technologies within a learning healthcare system providing services to high-risk patient populations.
The main purpose of this study is to compare the impact of concurrent high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and whole-body electromyostimulation exercise (WB-EMS) or low-volume conventional strength training (CST) on the cardiometabolic risk profile, overall physical fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength), body composition, inflammatory markers and subjective health outcomes after a 12-week intervention trial in overweight individuals at increased cardiometabolic risk. Furthermore, this study aims to investigate the influence of intra-session exercise order on all outcomes.
The balance between hunger and satiety is imperative for an individual's survival and overall health.). Without this balance, individuals can become morbidly obese or lack adequate nutrition for survival. Craniopharyngioma (CP) is a benign tumour that occurs at the base of the brain in children. Unfortunately, pediatric neurosurgeons sometimes inadvertently destroy a child's satiety centre during CP tumour removal surgery. This leaves the child with a post-operative complication: an insatiable appetite. This form of obesity is called "hypothalamic obesity". This study is designed to investigate Deep Brain Stimulation for hypothalamic obesity in n=6 young adults who have stabilized tumours.
Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid extracted from medicinal herbs, has been demonstrated to produce beneficial effects on diabetes and hyperlipidemia, fewer study reported its modification on lipid metabolism in schizophrenia. Metformin, have been used for metabolic abnormalities in schizophrenia, findings from these studies indicated that they did have some effect,which are still in experimental stage.This study is aim to compare the efficacy and safety of berberine and metformin for preventing metabolic dysfunction in schizophrenia patients.
Reduced ambulatory activity has been shown to effect the response to a high fat tolerance test (HFTT) after acute exercise. This study will evaluate the effect of varying levels of daily ambulation on response to a HFTT after an acute aerobic exercise bout.
The primary objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of STABLOR® consumption on visceral fat mass compared to placebo, in persons with metabolic syndrome during 12 weeks of consumption.
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a health concern among Asians. Growing evidence indicates that Korean Americans had higher MetS prevalence compared to non-Hispanic Whites, but a culturally and linguistically appropriate lifestyle intervention has not been developed for Korean American middle-aged and older women. Thus, the investigators propose to develop a 4-week lifestyle intervention (Women's Active Living for Koreans (WALK) Study) to increase physical activity (PA) and reduce sedentary behavior for Korean American women.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) include filling, emptying or post-voiding state alterations; producing symptomatology depending of the underline mechanism. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common underlying disease, which increases with age and significantly affects men over 50 years. There are currently no prevention or curative treatment guidelines, as their pathophysiological mechanism is not exactly known. Several factors have been implicated, such as hormones, aging, lifestyle or diet. BPH is associated with metabolic disorders, the basis of which is insulin resistance and its associated pathologies: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome. Patients without these metabolic signs have a lower incidence of BPH and / or LUTS. Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with greater proliferation and a reduction of cellular apoptosis at the prostate level; leading to an increase in prostate volume or symptoms. Likewise, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) imbalance, both in favor of sympathetic (emptying symptoms) or parasympathetic (filling symptoms), influences LUTS. SNA activity can be measured non-invasively, repetitively and effectively by measuring the heart rate variability (HRV). Caloric restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON, hereinafter only CR) is the most physiologically adapted nutritional alternative to our ancestral needs and has been shown in humans to reduce insulin resistance and associated pathologies. It has also been observed that CR improves the balance of the SNA and allows to improve LUTS. Proliferation inhibition and prostatic apoptosis induction, mediated through CR, by insulin-IGF-1 axis reduction and mTOR metabolic pathways inhibition, are the central axis of this project. CR will be used to reduce insulin resistance, IGF expression and inhibition of the PI3K / AKT / mTOR pathway, to reduce prostate cell proliferation and promote prostatic tissue apoptosis; in this way it will be possible to reduce its volume and improve the symptomatology. Additionally, CR will allow us to evaluate the potential benefits it has on certain metabolic diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, hypertension, etc.), anthropometric values (BMI, abdominal perimeter and skin folds) and autonomic nervous system functionality (HRV) .
Background and study aims: Surgical and non-surgical normalization of body weight with obesity leads to a significant improvement in health and regression of metabolic syndrome. But as the reduction in body weight with obesity changes the life expectancy remains not clear enough. The use of endoscopic staplers does not exclude the emergence of serious complications of surgery, for example, including bleeding and leakage in the stapler suture line. Therefore, the advantages of using a band in the bariatrics are justified from a security standpoint. Currently, the gastric bypass is increasingly performed in the version of the mini gastric bypass (MGB). Another name for the procedure: one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB). The proposal to use for the staple-free (stepleless or steplerless) creation of a pouch (band-separated gastric bypass) with use for band a vascular prosthesis is justified, but it requires comparison of this method with a stapler variant. An important issue is comparing surgical and non-surgical weight loss with obesity and metabolic syndrome and comparing life expectancy with confirmation of changes in telomere length. This study compares loss of weight, changes in other health conditions that the patient may have (co-morbidities, such as diabetes), telomere length, quality of life, the number of complications and side effects, the degree of complexity of the surgical technique and operating costs of a new laparoscopic band-separated mini- gastric bypass (LBSMGB) procedure compared with the standard stapler (linear cutter) - separated mini-gastric bypass (LSSMGB). Additionally, surgical treatment will be compared with non-surgical treatment (hypocaloric diet therapy). Who can participate? Obese adult patients with a BMI of between 30 kg/m2 and 50 kg/m2. What does the study involve? Participants are randomly allocated to one of three groups. Those in the first (A) group undergo the laparoscopic band-separated mini-gastric bypass procedure. Those in the second (B) group undergo the linear cutter stapler-separated mini-gastric bypass procedure. In three (C) group including standard lifestyle intervention on weight and hypocaloric diet therapy. All patients are then followed up one month after surgery and again after 6 and, finally, 12 months after surgery where the changing body mass index, changes in co-morbidities, change telomere length and quality of life are assessed.
In the UK, around 1 in 16 men and 1 in 20 women will develop bowel cancer at some point in their lives. Most bowel cancers happen when a type of growth in the bowel called an adenoma eventually becomes cancerous. Cutting out adenomas reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer. Certain people are more likely to have adenomas than others, for example people who are overweight. People who are overweight are also more likely to develop liver disease by laying too much fat down in the liver. Studies in Asia have shown that people with fatty liver disease are more likely to have adenomas and these are more commonly found in the part of the bowel (right colon) furthest from the bottom end. Information on the link between obesity, fatty liver disease and adenomas is very limited, particularly in the Western population. The investigators will assess the link between body weight, fatty liver and adenomas in the UK population. 1430 patients will be invited; some through the bowel cancer screening programme and some with symptoms such as low blood count, bleeding or changed bowel habit. These patients will already have been referred for a camera test looking into the bowel, called a colonoscopy. Information including height, weight and some health questions will be taken. Blood samples will be taken. The investigators will compare the number of patients with adenomas who have liver disease or who are overweight with those who don't. This information will be used to develop a scoring system to predict risk of adenomas. This will help the investigators to decide if undertaking colonoscopies in these patients will identify those at increased risk of bowel cancer.