View clinical trials related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Filter by:This trial develops a health-related symptom index for participants with and either treated or monitored for anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. The health-related quality of life index may help to capture the symptoms and related experiences of living with or being treated for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions.
The proposed study is a phase 1, open label, single arm study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity of single intravenous infusions of 3BNC117-LS and 10-1074-LS, each monoclonal antibody (mAb) dosed at 30 mg/kg in viremic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals.
This study is intended to evaluate: 1. Any changes in the gut microbiome from baseline compared to end of study in both healthy (HIV-negative) subjects and HIV+ patients with or without chronic diarrhea, following one month of treatment with crofelemer (Mytesi), delayed release 125 mg tablets twice daily (BID) following one month of treatment. 2. The safety and tolerability of crofelemer, (Mytesi) delayed release 125 mg tablets BID in healthy (HIV-negative) volunteers and HIV+ patients following one month of treatment.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, acceptability, and efficacy of Thermocoagulation for treatment of precancerous lesions among HIV-positive women in a screen-and-treat program in Western Kenya.
Technology that has a particular focus on patients' needs and ease-of-use and -access plays a significant role in the development of e-health and m-health. The proposed model of a secured mobile health application may promote patient's self-management and enhances adherence in chronic therapy exactly as it is easy-to-use, reducing patient's burden in accessing medication information and instructions, and providing the opportunity for direct communications with health providers in charge for each patient with access to mobile technologies. Consequently, medication errors and unnecessary paperwork in the healthcare system will be avoided as well as giving more time for healthcare providers to pay greater attention to delivering medical care effectively and efficiently.
In many sub-Saharan African countries, the scale-up of lifelong antiretroviral treatment (ART) to all pregnant and breastfeeding women under Option B+ has the potential to radically improve maternal health and reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission. However, loss to HIV care after delivery has emerged as an important threat to the hoped-for impact of Option B+. Evidence suggests that one important contributor to postpartum loss to HIV care is perinatal depression (PND). In non-pregnant HIV-infected populations, depression has been linked to poor ART adherence, reduced engagement in care, and ultimately worse HIV clinical outcomes. Thus, interventions that integrate PND treatment with targeted support for HIV care retention are critical to the success of Option B+. The Friendship Bench is an evidence-based depression counseling intervention delivered by trained, supervised lay health workers. It is proven to reduce depression in the general population in low-resource settings, but has not been adapted to address PND, or enhanced to support engagement in HIV care. The Friendship Bench offers an ideal framework for integrating retention support into a proven depression treatment model. Our long-term goal is to adapt, test, and scale up resource-appropriate interventions to reduce PND and improve engagement in HIV care. The objective of this proposal is to lay the groundwork for an effectiveness trial by adapting the Friendship Bench intervention to address PND and support engagement in care among perinatal HIV-infected women and assessing the feasibility, acceptability, and fidelity of the adapted intervention in Lilongwe, Malawi. In-depth perspectives on PND and its role in engagement in care will be gathered from HIV-infected women with PND, healthcare providers, clinic directors, and Ministry of Health officials using qualitative interviews and focus groups. This formative research will be used to develop an intervention protocol adapted to the unique needs of HIV-infected women during the perinatal period (Adapted Friendship Bench) and further enhanced to support engagement in HIV care (Enhanced Friendship Bench). The Adapted and Enhanced Friendship Bench interventions will be compared to enhanced standard care in a 3-arm pilot study. Feasibility, acceptability, and fidelity will be assessed at 6 months postpartum, along with the interventions' preliminary effectiveness across several mental health and engagement in HIV care measures.
Smoking is a significant cause of damage to health and quality of life specifically for Veterans with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Smoking cessation interventions for this population are lacking. The primary aim of this project is to explore smoking cessation treatment preferences among Veteran smokers living with HIV. The study team will refine the design and content of a smoking cessation treatment for Veteran smokers living with HIV. The intervention uses mobile health and telehealth technology to personalize smoking cessation counseling and medications and provide relapse prevention text messaging.
With support from the NIH, this pilot study will assess the feasibility of using wireless devices and financial incentives to motivate medication adherence among HIV-positive adults in the U.S., focusing on those with non-suppressed viral loads. While daily lotteries using wireless devices may have great potential for improving adherence to ART regimens, substantial questions exist as to whether it is: 1) possible to achieve high rates of uptake for a pilot offering wireless devices to high-risk populations; 2) achieve high rates of sustained engagement.
The purpose of this research study is to provide help and support for mental health and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk reduction among Romanian gay and bisexual men. GBM will participate in this study using mobile device (phones, tablets, or laptops) and will complete several confidential surveys and 8 confidential one-hour sessions, either with a trained counselor via chat or by reading about health information. This study also involves testing for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.
The Plan and Pledge pilot will incorporate behavioral economics approaches (nudges) into the pre-existing STAR self-test fixed-site distribution program, implemented by Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (Wits RHI) at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The objective of this pilot is to examine the use of commitment strategies to increase uptake of HIV self-testing in South Africa.