View clinical trials related to Hematologic Diseases.
Filter by:This is a single-dose, open-label study in participants with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) or severe sickle cell disease (SCD). The study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous CRISPR-Cas9 modified CD34+ human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (hHSPCs) using CTX001.
To determine the spectrum of pancytopenia with its frequency and etiology in children presenting to Assiut University Children Hospital during one year
Patients diagnosed with hematologic cancer are at substantial risk of dying, as 5-year survival among patients with acute myeloid leukemia is 20 % and only every second patient treated for incurable myeloma lives 5 years after date of diagnosis. Nevertheless, many overestimate their prognosis, and value of therapy. Patients with hematological cancers frequently have poor end of life outcomes, such as high treatment activity close to death, where clinical effects are doubtful, and low utilization of palliative care. Prognostic awareness and end of life (EOL) issues have urgency in the communication between patients, their caregiving relatives, and clinicians, in order to avoid futile treatments and suffering at EOL. Inspired by advanced care planning, the investigators developed the concept "Advance Consultations Concerning participants Life and Treatment" (ACT) in collaboration with a group consisting of hematologists, nurses, patients, and caregivers. The ACT concept consists of an 8-hour training day for clinicians, clinical tools, system changes, and preparation material for patients and caregivers prior to the consultation. ACT involves patients and caregivers earlier in preparation for life with chronic progressive disease and EOL-decisions, through an intervention based on compassionate communication and early planning of EOL-care. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the intervention on use of chemotherapy and quality of EOL-care in patients with hematological malignancy. Based on the results of the completed pilot study, the investigators are planning a nationwide 2-arm cluster randomized controlled trial where 40 physicians and 80 nurses across seven different hematological departments are randomized to either usual care or ACT training and completing ACT conversations. The investigators expect to include a total of 400 patients and their family caregivers. It is hypothesized that the ACT intervention will decrease use of futile chemotherapy, prepare patients and caregivers for difficult end-of-life-decisions, and improve quality of end-of-life care in hematology.
Sub-optimal transfer of clinical information during inter-hospital transfer (IHT, the transfer of patients between acute care hospitals) is common and can lead to patient harm. To address this problem, the investigators will use key stakeholder input to refine and implement an interoperable health information exchange platform that integrates with the electronic health record and improves the reliability of and access to necessary clinical information in three use cases involving transfer of patients between sending and receiving hospitals with varying levels of affiliation and health record integration. The investigators will assess the effect of this intervention on frequency of medical errors, evaluate the use and usability of this platform from the perspective of those that interact with it, and use these results to develop a dissemination plan to spread implementation and use of this platform across other similar institutions.
Freezing testicular tissue of prepubertal boys is a method for preserving spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) in case of imminent gonadotoxic treatment during childhood. In case of total azoospermia in adulthood and presence of a childwish, the investigators intend to perform the first in men autologous testicular tissue transplantation to restore fertility.
The primary aim of this study is to test and assess the implementation and effectiveness of continuous wireless vital signs monitoring with real-time alerts on: The frequency of patients monitored with adequate data quality as adequate clinical user satisfaction in the initial versus the last part of the trial (primary outcome).
This is a single-dose, open-label study in pediatric participants with TDT. The study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous CRISPR-Cas9 modified CD34+ human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (hHSPCs) (CTX001).
The primary aims of the proposed research are to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary evidence of efficacy of a self-guided, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based mobile app intervention (SparkRx) for the treatment of adolescents presenting with symptoms of depression in specialty medical care settings (e.g.Hematology/Oncology, Weight Management, etc.) at Children's Health System of Texas (CHST).
This is a single-dose, open-label study in pediatric participants with severe SCD and hydroxyurea (HU) failure or intolerance. The study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous CRISPR-Cas9 modified CD34+ human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (hHSPCs) (CTX001).
To establish a population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model of rituximab in children with hemopathy. To optimize the administration of rituximab in the treatment of children based on pharmacokinetic model.