View clinical trials related to Grief.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to learn more about the causes of Complicated Grief (CG) in those who experience the loss of a loved one. This study aims at learning more about the sleep patterns and emotions in participants with CG as compared to those who have lost a loved one but do not have CG. This study will consist of two aims: Aim 1: Approximately 10 complicated grief (CG) patients and 10 controls (without a current psychiatric diagnosis) will complete a 3-day home polysomnography (PSG) sleep assessment in addition to several self-report sleep and psychiatric measures. Aim 2: Approximately 10 CG patients (subsample from Aim 1) will complete 16 weekly sessions of complicated grief therapy (CGT) in addition to completion of repeated PSG assessments and self-report sleep and psychiatric measures.
This study will examine whether accelerated resolution therapy (ART) is effective for the treatment of prolonged and complicated grief and associated psychological trauma among older adult hospice caregivers who have experienced the death of an immediate family member at least 12 months ago.
The overall purpose of this project is to evaluate the effects of a family therapy intervention for grieving families with children. The main outcome variable is family communication.
The course of dementia over many years, gradual losses and uncertain life expectancy can lead to grief amongst family and friend carers. This study aims to examine the relationship between carers' feelings of grief before the death of a person with dementia and how well carers are prepared for that death. The study involves completing questionnaires with 150 carers of people with dementia (at home or in a care home). Twenty of these carers will be purposively selected to complete additional semi-structured questions to further explore the research questions. The questionnaires will examine whether being prepared for end of life is linked to having lower levels of grief. Preparation will be measured by important factors shown in research including: knowledge of dementia progression; knowledge of the person with dementia's end of life preferences; communication with healthcare professionals; family support; and having a Power of Attorney or advance directives. The study is part of a larger study that will also involve surveys with service providers and developing a resource for carers. The study will provide important insights into how we can better support grieving carers and help them plan and prepare for end of life care.
The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors of Complicated Grief (CG) among children and adolescents who lost a parent to cancer or from an other cause.
to investigate the effect of oral hygiene self-efficacy in patients with grief (G) and complicated grief (CG)
The BASIC study will take place in Kanduyi/Bungoma South Sub-County, in western Kenya, and focuses on children orphaned by one or two parents. Growing evidence demonstrates that orphaned children in low- and middle-income countries are at higher risk of mental health problems, but mental health professionals are largely unavailable in this area. Research suggests that some mental health treatments can be delivered effectively in low- and middle-income countries using a task-shifting approach, in which lay counselors with little or no prior mental health experience are trained to provide treatment, and deliver with supervision. However, very little is known about how to support local systems and organizations in delivering mental health care via task-shifting, particularly in a way that could scale-able and sustainable in the low-resource context. The BASIC team's prior work suggests that partnering with two government sectors, education and health, could be a low-cost and sustainable strategy to implement task-shifted mental health services. By training teachers (via the Education sector) and community health volunteers (via the Health sector) to provide mental health care, a larger population could potentially be reached. Before attempting any country or system-wide implementation, it is important to know what is needed to enable successful implementation in either or both sectors, client outcomes for those receiving mental health care when delivered via Education or Health, and cost of delivery in both sectors. The team aims to collect outcomes that are relevant to policy makers, and that can be considered along with cost and experiences in both sectors.
The investigators are adapting Complicated Grief Group Therapy (CGGT) for soon-to-be bereaved dementia caregivers at risk for complicated grief-Pre-Loss Group Therapy (PLGT) to facilitate healthy death preparedness and eventual bereavement. This will be the first known application of proven therapeutic strategies to address complicated grief applied to high-risk dementia caregivers prior to care recipient death to mitigate complicated grief. If proven to be effective in attenuating poor bereavement outcomes, PLGT could be translated into comprehensive caregiver support programs and delivered to active caregivers of living persons with dementia at risk for complicated grief through community-based caregiver support groups.
Psychological distress is a natural reaction following the death of a loved one. Nevertheless, research has shown that for a significant minority of bereaved individuals the grieving process is disturbed. These individuals experience an intense grief reaction that persists across time characterized by longing for the deceased or persistent preoccupation with the deceased. It has been suggested that this intense, persistent grief reaction meets criteria to be considered a distinct mental disorder. Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) has been proposed to capture this condition and will be included in the forthcoming ICD-11. The proposed project aims to prepare healthcare services to use the diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) by determining the frequency of PDG in a population sample of bereaved spouses and their adult children. It will also identify early predictors of PGD and trajectories of natural and prolonged grief as well as investigate the specificity of PGD in relation to other common loss-related reactions. Thus, the project will provide a prognostic tool to identify individuals with high versus low risk of developing PGD.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether psilocybin-assisted group psychotherapy is a safe and feasible treatment for demoralization in long-term AIDS survivors (LTAS).