View clinical trials related to Female Sexual Dysfunction.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to determine if blood flow to the clitoris is increased by topically applying a cream that causes increased blood flow. This will be measured with a sonogram.
The purpose of this study is to determine if a topical vasodilating cream will improve female sexual experience.
Beta-blockers (BB) are an important treatment for high blood pressure and heart disease. However beta-blockers can cause sexual dysfunction (SD) and this common side effect limits successful use of this class of medications. Sexual side effects often result in drug discontinuation, compromising therapy goals. The investigators are conducting the study to determine if nebivolol, a newer beta blocker that is selective for receptors in the heart and causes vasodilation in the body causes fewer sexual side effects, or even improves sexual function, compared with metoprolol succinate.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of up to 200 mg of PF-00446687 on acute sexual arousal and sexual interest in post menopausal females, as well as examining the safety and toleration of the drug.
The long term aims of this project are to 1) Understand the effect of varying degrees and levels of SCI and dysfunction(SCI/D)on females sexual response: 2) Identify the specific neuronal pathways involved in female sexual responses; and 3) Develop and evaluate new assessment and treatment methods for neurogenic sexual dysfunction in women.