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Clinical Trial Summary

This project aims to evaluate, in recent post-acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients on dual antiplatelet therapy, the impact of regular exercise training on platelet aggregability and the correlation between the level of platelet aggregability and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA).

Clinical Trial Description

1. Introduction: Platelet reactivity is closely involved in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, despite the development of newer and more effective antiplatelet drugs (among other therapeutic interventions), the risk of ischemic events recurrence after an episode of ACS is still high. On the other hand, acute and strenuous exercise, a known trigger of ACS, when performed by untrained individuals, leads to sympathetic hyperactivity and increased platelet aggregability. Contrary to these findings, regular supervised exercise training leads to regulation of the autonomic system with consequent decrease in the incidence of ACS, as shown in previous studies. However, the relationship between regular supervised exercise training on platelet activity in patients post-AMI on dual antiplatelet therapy, has not been previously studied and is the main goal of the present project. 2. Objectives: This project aims to evaluate, in recent post-AMI patients on dual antiplatelet therapy, the impact of regular exercise training on platelet aggregability, analyzed by VerifyNowP2Y12® test. Secondary exploratory analysis includes: 1) the influence of acute and strenuous exercise on platelet aggregability measured immediately after the two cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) that patients will be submitted; 2) the correlation between the level of platelet aggregability and MSNA in trained and control groups; 3) the influence of exercise training on platelet aggregability measured by Multiplate® adenosine diphosphate (ADP) test and Multiplate® aspirin (ASPI) test; 4) the influence of exercise training on the mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet count; 5) the influence of exercise training in other laboratorial parameters as lipids, blood glucose and inflammatory activity; 6) finally, the primary endpoint of the study will be evaluated in different prespecified subgroups such as diabetics, elderly, obese and patients with chronic kidney disease. 2.1. Primary endpoint of the study: Evaluate the influence of regular supervised exercise training for 3 months on platelet aggregability, analyzed by VerifyNowP2Y12® test, in patients with recent AMI utilizing dual antiplatelet therapy. 2.2. Main secondary analyses: A. Evaluate platelet aggregability immediately after acute exercise before and after the exercise training period; for this propose, blood sample will be drawn immediately after the first and second cardiopulmonary exercise testings, in trained and control groups. B. Correlate the platelet aggregability level, evaluated by VerifyNowP2Y12®, Multiplate-ADP®, Multiplate-ASPI®, with the level of MSNA. 2.3. Other exploratory analyses: A. Evaluate the primary endpoint of the study utilizing Multiplate-ASPI® and Multiplate-ADP®; B. Evaluate the MPV in trained and control groups, and its correlation with platelet aggregability; C. Analyze, in trained and control groups, the following parameters: Platelet count; LDL-cholesterol; HDL-cholesterol; Triglycerides; Lipid transference for HDL; Fasting glucose; Glycated hemoglobin; C-reactive protein (CRP) ultrasensitive; B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP); Troponin and Creatine Kinase MB-mass peak obtained during hospitalization; Genetic polymorphisms; Heart rate variability and spontaneous baroreflex control. D. Analyze the primary endpoint within the following subgroups, taking into account the parameters obtained during hospitalization: Sex (male / female); ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) or non-STEMI; Basal heart rate (<70 or ≥ 70 bpm); History of arterial hypertension (presence or absence); LDL levels (<100 or ≥ 100 mg/dL); Age ≥65 years and <65 years; Body Mass Index <30 or ≥ 30 kg / m2; Creatinine clearance (MDRD) <60ml / min / m2 or ≥ 60 ml / min / m2; Current or not smoking; History of diabetes (present or absent); HbA1c <6.5 or ≥ 6.5%; GRACE risk score ≥140 and <140; Beta-blocker use. 3. Methodology: This is a prospective, randomized study. Patients with stable AMI admitted to a Coronary Care Unit, eligible to participate, will be randomized to a supervised exercise training program for three months at a rehabilitation unit or to a control group not formally trained. Patients who agree to participate will be included after the necessary explanations and the signature of the informed consent form. 3.a. Sample size calculation: To perform the sample calculation, previously published data wich showed platelet agreeability average of 32.9 ± 16 P2Y12 reactions units (PRU) in post-AMI patients on ticagrelor was utilizes. For an expected 35% decrease in platelet aggregability at trained group, and taking into account power of 80% and alpha index of 0.05, including 31 patients in each group is required. Admitting a percentage of losses of 40% given the difficulties inherent in the assessment of the sympathetic activity and adherence to the training program, the initial plan contemplates the inclusion of 90 patients in the study. 4. Study design: Prospective study in which eligible patients with uncomplicated AMI admitted to a Coronary Care Unit will be randomized to performing a exercise training program by three months or for an untrained control group, at a 1:1 or 1:2 rate, in order to adjust for more frequent early follow-up interruptions in exercise training group. All patients included after the necessary explanations and after signing the informed consent form. The patients will be submitted to the collection of material for laboratory evaluation including platelet aggregability tests, the assessment of a CPET in 01 and 04 months of the follow-up (end of treatment). The MSNA will be performed at the end of followup. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT02958657
Study type Interventional
Source University of Sao Paulo General Hospital
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date October 30, 2016
Completion date March 31, 2019

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