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Filter by:Clinically, infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder often display gross motor delays in supine, prone, and sitting skills in their first year of life . Studies reveal that motor abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder can occur very early in developmental trajectory.
This two phase study is testing an online version of a transdiagnostic, cognitive behavioral therapy, against a modified version of that therapy emphasizing positive affect. The first phase of the trial will focus on content development for the modified therapy and the second phase will be a randomized control trial comparing the two.
Antidepressants are effective in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD), however, the stigma related with FD and antidepressants could affect treatment adherence and efficacy. Zhi Zhu Kuan Zhong capsules (ZZKZ), a traditional Chinese medicine fomula, showed therapeutic potential for FD. The study was designed to investigate whether ZZKZ could alleviate stigma in FD and obtain identical effects in patients with refractory FD.
Our long-term goal is to improve clinical outcomes among patients receiving psychological treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The primary objective of this project is to examine if stellate ganglion block (SGB) improves outcomes among military personnel and veterans receiving cognitive processing therapy (CPT), an empirically-supported psychological treatment for PTSD. To accomplish this objective, we will enroll adult military personnel and veterans with a current diagnosis of PTSD and/or subthreshold PTSD, provide CPT sessions over two weeks, administer SGB during or after CPT, and repeatedly assess key outcomes during follow-up.
In this study, the task was to evaluate the effectiveness of prescribing small doses of quetiapine (25-75 mg) for bipolar patients in remission in order to relieve symptoms of impulsivity.
The main goal of this trial is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of mRNA-3745 via intravenous (IV) administration in adult and pediatric participants with GSD1a.
1. Evaluation of the efficacy of aspirin in preventing preeclampsia and its serious complications during pregnancy and postpartum. 2. To establish a risk prediction model for severe pregnancy complications in pregnant women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
The purpose of this pilot trial is to examine the preliminary efficacy of online-delivered Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics - Enhanced (CBIT-E). In the study, 30 children with persistent tic disorders (PTDs) will be recruited via information provided to patients of the Marquette University (MU) Tic Disorders Specialty Clinic (TDSC) and information conveyed via local medical health professionals, with the goal of randomizing 10 participants to each group. For those randomized to CBIT-E, treatment will be administered according to the standard CBIT manual, but there will be two modifications. CBIT typically consists of the implementation of strategies to help manage the environment related to tics and the implementation of an exercise to engage in when an individual feels the urge to tic. CBIT-E will include these same techniques, plus additional in-session and out of session practice of the exercises, called competing responses, that individuals use when they feel the urge to tic. Treatment will be delivered over Microsoft Teams, which is a secure video conferencing system. The therapist will administer treatment from a private room in the Marquette University Tic Disorder Specialty Clinic, while the parent and child will be at their home. Treatment will include a screening visit, baseline assessment, 11 weeks (9 sessions) of CBIT-E, a post treatment assessment, and a three-month follow up assessment. Further, starting after session 3, there will be four 15-minute practice periods scheduled each week between sessions. During these practice periods, the child and therapist will meet over Microsoft Teams and the therapist will administer an enhanced reward task. Children randomized to the waitlist control (WLC) will not receive treatment during the 11-week period. Instead, they will be placed on a waitlist to receive standard CBIT following the end of the study period. Participants in this group will complete a screening visit, baseline assessment, and a final assessment, which will occur approximately 11 weeks after baseline.
Stool4TB aims to evaluate an innovative stool-based qPCR diagnostic platform (with the capacity to become a POC diagnostic tool) in the high TB and HIV burden settings of Mozambique, Eswatini and Uganda, under the hypothesis that it will narrow the extremely large TB case detection gap by improving TB confirmation rates in children and people living with HIV (PLHIV).
Background: Nicotine contained in tobacco is highly addictive and tobacco use is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Every year, more than 8 million people die from tobacco use. Smoking-related mortality is significantly higher in people with serious mental illness. Is estimated that half of all deaths among individuals with mental illnesses are attributable to tobacco use. People with serious mental illness have greater daily tobacco consumption, nicotine dependence, and smoking relapse. While significant progress has been made in reducing tobacco use within the general population, rates of tobacco use remain high among individuals with mental illness. Smoking cessation often requires numerous attempts by these people. Thus, smokers with mental health illnesses may find it more difficult to quit, although highly motivated to quit. Smoking cessation during hospitalization (total or partial) is cost-effective, as it reduces hospital readmissions, and mortality, and improves smokers' quality of life. Available quitting aids are both safe and effective in supporting cessation in tobacco users with mental illness and stopping smoking is associated with an improvement in mental health. The investigators aimed to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of adding an intensive smoking intervention to the usual treatment for patients with psychiatric disorders attending a day hospital of a tertiary hospital.