View clinical trials related to Diet Modification.
Filter by:This study is the largest supermarket trial internationally and will assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of improving the placement of fresh fruit and vegetables in discount supermarkets in improving the fresh fruit and vegetable purchasing of women aged 18-45 years.
Concomitant interventions included lifestyle modification with a personally tailored program of diet as detailed below and physical activity adjusted for age and specific physical limitations, targeting engagement in physical activity of at least 150 minutes/week. Lipid lowering and or blood pressure lowering drugs were prescribed as needed according to guideline-assisted medical practice. Patients were seen by a physician every 3 month. The dietitian had a weekly meeting with the patients for the first three months, every other week during months 4-6, once a month during month 7-9 and every 6 weeks during the last three months of the study.
The Scientific Premise of this study is that the high level of obesity displayed by African American (AA) women is due to the ability to secrete large amounts of insulin when sugary foods are consumed. When AA women eat a diet rich in starchy or sugary food (a "high-glycemic" diet that stimulates insulin secretion), the food that is eaten is stored as fat rather than being burned as fuel. The investigators previous research has suggested that AA women have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off when eating a low-glycemic diet. The proposed study will be the first randomized clinical trial to test the effect of high and low glycemic diets for weight loss and weight-loss-maintenance in obese AA women.
Adverse influences starting in utero may predestine an individual's long- term risk for developing cardiometabolic diseases. The Keeping Ideal CVH (cardiovascular health) Family Intervention Trial (KIDFIT) will test whether preschool-age children, born to overweight/obese (OW/OB (mothers who did or did not experience a diet and lifestyle intervention to reduce GWG: 1) demonstrate more favorable adiposity (body fat %), body mass index percentiles (BMI%), diet quality (DASH diet score), physical activity, and other CVH metrics at baseline according to antenatal intervention status; and 2) respond to an early childhood intervention targeting diet and lifestyle behaviors with improvement in these same adiposity and CVH metrics. We hypothesize children randomized to the KIDFIT diet and lifestyle intervention group at age 3-5 years, regardless of initial maternal antenatal group assignment, will demonstrate more favorable adiposity changes assessed by anthropometry (body fat %/sum of skinfolds) and a lower cumulative incidence of obesity after the 12-month intervention, as compared with the control group. Additionally, after 12 months of the KIDFIT Intervention, children will have more favorable blood pressure and blood lipids, better diet quality (as measured by the DASH-style diet score), increased physical activity levels, and more optimal sleep duration, without adverse effects on height, compared to the control group
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a bioactive cannabinoid compound in marijuana (cannabis sativa), but unlike Δ9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), lacks the psychoactivity effect of THC. Available evidence suggests that there are marked therapeutic CBD effects for diverse disease processes including inflammation, cancers, psychosis, and epileptic seizures. The purpose of this study, in both younger and older healthy humans, is to improve our understanding of how CBD might control and regulate blood vessel health as well as cognitive and exercise performance.
The investigators previous studies show that community gardening is associated with reduction of key health behaviors for cancer prevention in diverse populations. Community gardeners eat more fruits and vegetables per day, are more physically active, and are more likely to avoid age-associated increase in body mass index (BMI). The effect is partially explained by the finding that gardeners are more socially involved, and feel more social support than non-gardeners. The investigators propose a randomized controlled trial to determine whether community gardening improves cancer-preventive behaviors among a multi-ethnic, low-income adult population and elucidate the pathways that shape cancer-preventive behaviors. A randomized controlled trial is needed to demonstrate that the observed behavioral differences are due to the effect of gardening as an intervention rather than self-selection by gardeners.