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Dentin Sensitivity clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT02018783 Completed - Clinical trials for Dentine Hypersensitivity

Single Application of Desensitizing Pastes as Dentin Sensitivity Treatment

Start date: April 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of three desensitizing toothpastes for immediate and intermediate-term relief of CDH, when compared with a control toothpaste. One hundred and thirty-eight hypersensitive teeth were diagnosed and randomized into four groups according to the therapeutic agent of each desensitizing cream tested: 1) strontium acetate and calcium carbonate, 2) calcium carbonate and arginine 8%, 3) calcium phosphate nanoparticles and 4) a control toothpaste. The desensitizing creams were applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. Cervical dentin hypersensitivity was assessed at baseline, immediately, 24 hours and 30 days after the treatment. Cold and evaporative tests were used to assess the sensitivity level.

NCT ID: NCT02017873 Completed - Dentin Sensitivity Clinical Trials

Longevity and Effectiveness of Bleaching in Healthy and Smokers Patients

Start date: December 2013
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and longevity of color and Tooth sensitivity of patients undergoing home whitening peroxide 10% carbamide ( Whiteness Perfect , FGM , Joinville , Santa Catarina , Brazil) , and the relationship with the cigarette use for tooth whitening. They will be selected 120 patients with incisors darker than A2, higher plants will be divided into 2 groups per center (n = 30 ) , GE - Group Experimental ( smoking) and GC - Group Control ( non-smoking) . For the two groups will be used Carbamide peroxide 10% for 3 hours daily for a period of 3 weeks. Color will evaluated through the Vita Classical scale and Vita Easyshade Spectrophotometer in the periods: Home , for tooth whitening (1st , 2nd and 3rd week) and post- whitening ( 1 week and 1 month , 2 and 3 months). Patients recorded the perceived sensitivity through Numerical Analogue Scale (NRS ) with values from 0 to 4, where 0 = no sensation, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe and 4 = significant , also in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS ), with values from 0 to 10 where 0 = 10 = severe tenderness and sensitivity. for color analysis will be made two-way ANOVA (group vs. treatment time ), being Over time the repeated measure ( α = 0.05). Test will be held on Tukey to contrast the average ( α = 0.05). The sensitivity will be evaluated by the Fisher exact test . It is expected that there is no difference on the effectiveness of home whitening and tooth sensitivity between smokers and nonsmokers.

NCT ID: NCT01959789 Completed - Dentin Sensitivity Clinical Trials

In-office Bleaching With a 2-day Interval Between Sessions: Tooth Sensitivity

Start date: August 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

The calcium containing 35% hydrogen peroxide gel employed in this study can be re-applied 2 days after the first bleaching session without increasing the bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity

NCT ID: NCT01860391 Completed - Clinical trials for Dentin Hypersensitivity

Silver and Fluoride Salivary Levels After the Application of Silver Fluoride

Start date: December 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of the study is to measure salivary fluoride and silver levels up to 7 days post-treatment. The participants will be 6 healthy adults. They will be given a fluoride free toothpaste to use the day before the study and all during the study. 3 participants will have 6 teeth treated (Group A).3 participants will have 28 teeth treated each on the facial aspect (Group B). On day 0, the participant will be given 25 ml of de-ionized fluoride free water to swish in the mouth and spit the entire contents into a 50 ml collection tube. This will be done 3 times. On day 0, 10 minutes after the rinsing and spitting, the participant will provide a unstimulated salivary sample into a universal collection tube until 5 ml are collected. The tubes with saliva will be stored on ice and then frozen at -20oC for transfer to the lab at the University of Washington. On Day 0, Isolation and application of silver fluoride. The quadrant will be isolated with cotton rolls, and surrounding gingiva will be covered with petroleum jelly to provide additional protection. After application, participant will be given 25 ml of fluoride free water to rinse as in 1 above and water collected. This will be done 10 times. DAY 1-6 Salivary Collection Measures: Fluoride will be measured using standard fluoride electrode analysis (Martinez-Mier et al., 2011). Silver will be measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (EPA 6020a Rev.1 2007) at the University of Washington

NCT ID: NCT01827670 Completed - Clinical trials for Dentine Hypersensitivity

Investigating the Efficacy of a Dentifrice in Providing Long Term Relief From Dentinal Hypersensitivity

Start date: February 2013
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Clinical studies have demonstrated long term relief from dentine hypersensitivity with twice daily brushing of a toothpaste containing stannous fluoride in comparison to marketed (negative) controls. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a stannous fluoride dentifrice in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity compared to a marketed (negative) control, over a period of 56 days (8 weeks) with twice daily brushing.

NCT ID: NCT01727258 Completed - Dentin Sensitivity Clinical Trials

A Test on a New Experimental Mouth Rinse for Relieving Tooth Sensitivity

Start date: December 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study is for people with sensitive teeth and involves going to the dentist for 4 visits over 6 weeks. At each visit the dentist will look at the mouth, teeth, tongue and gums of subjects, and check for sensitive teeth. During the first 2 weeks, participants will brush their teeth two times a day with the fluoride toothpaste provided. Then, if they qualify to continue in the study, participants will be assigned to a treatment group. All the groups will get toothpaste currently sold on the market, and one group will get a mouthwash with an experimental ingredient to use as well. Subjects will have an equal chance of being assigned to any one of the three groups. For the next 4 weeks, subjects will use their assigned products according to the directions provided. At Visit 1 subjects will be supervised while they brush their teeth to ensure they understand the directions. They will also have supervised use of the product at Visit 2. We will see if the mouthwash helps to reduce tooth sensitivity during the study.

NCT ID: NCT01724008 Completed - Clinical trials for Dentine Hypersensitivity

The Efficacy of a Dentifrice in Providing Relief From Dentinal Hypersensitivity

Start date: March 2012
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

A randomised, examiner blind, two treatment arm, stratified, parallel design, single-site study in subjects with at least two sensitive teeth to compare the efficacy of a test dentifrice against that of a control dentifrice in reducing dentinal hypersensitivity

NCT ID: NCT01691560 Completed - Clinical trials for Dentine Hypersensitivity

Exploratory Study to Evaluate an Occlusion Based Dentifrice in Relief of Dentinal Hypersensitivity

Start date: August 2012
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this exploratory study is to compare the treatment effect on dentinal hypersensitivity of a tubule occluding dentifrice as measured by Schiff and Tactile sensitivity. This proof of concept study will compare the test dentifrice with three other treatment groups.

NCT ID: NCT01669785 Completed - Clinical trials for Tooth Hypersensitivity

NUPRO Sensodyne Prophylaxis Paste With NovaMin Sensitivity Relief Study

Start date: March 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study is intended to verify through clinical measurement that the NUPRO Sensodyne Prophylaxis Paste with Novamin provides immediate sensitivity relief as well as extended relief up to 28 days.

NCT ID: NCT01610167 Completed - Clinical trials for Tooth Hypersensitivity

NUPRO(r) Sensodyne Prophylaxis Paste With NovaMin(r)Sensitivity Relief Study

Start date: September 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study is intended to verify through clinical measurement that the NUPRO Sensodyne Prophylaxis Paste with Novamin provides immediate sensitivity relief as well as extended relief up to 28 days.