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Dementia With Lewy Bodies clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05023564 Recruiting - Dementia Clinical Trials

PUMCH Dementia Longitudinal Cohort Study

Start date: December 1, 2020
Study type: Observational

The PUMCH Dementia Cohort is a hospital-based, observational study of Chinese elderly with cognitive impairment.

NCT ID: NCT05012410 Active, not recruiting - Alzheimer Disease Clinical Trials

WeCareAdvisor Study for Caregivers of People Living With Dementia

Start date: December 13, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The WeCareAdvisor is an online tool to help caregivers manage behavioral and psychological symptoms of people living with dementia. The trial will evaluate its efficacy to reduce caregiver distress, improve confidence managing behaviors, as well as reduce occurrences and severity of behavioral and psychological symptoms. Visit for more information.

NCT ID: NCT04954183 Enrolling by invitation - Alzheimer Disease Clinical Trials

Development of an EEG Diagnostic for Alzheimer's Disease

Start date: October 1, 2021
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this research is to collect and compare electroencephalogram data from all stages of Alzheimer's disease from preclinical through severe dementia.

NCT ID: NCT04948866 Enrolling by invitation - Alzheimer Disease Clinical Trials

Palliative Care for Persons With Late-stage Alzheimer's and Related Dementias and Their Caregivers

Start date: July 26, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Millions of Americans have late-stage Alzheimer's and related dementias (ADRD), causing suffering due to loss of awareness of self and family, progressive dependency, physical and neuropsychiatric symptoms, and physical, emotional and financial strain for caregivers. Investigators now propose a multi-site randomized clinical trial of the ADRD Palliative Care (ADRD-PC) program for persons with late-stage ADRD and their family caregivers, triggered during hospitalization. Investigators aim to learn if this program of dementia-specific palliative care, standardized caregiver education, and transitional care is effective to reduce burdensome hospital transfers, improve symptom treatment and control, augment supportive services, and reduce nursing home transitions for patients, and to improve caregiver outcomes of communication, shared decision-making and distress.

NCT ID: NCT04939818 Completed - Parkinson Disease Clinical Trials

Clinical Feasibility of Speech Phenotyping for Remote Assessment of Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Disorders

Start date: June 14, 2021
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of eliciting continuous narrative speech in different neurodegenerative and psychiatric indications, using remote, self-administered speech tasks, as measured by the average length of speech elicitation for each speech task during the first week of self-assessment. Secondary objectives include (1) evaluating the reliability of speech tasks in the remote self-administered setting, as measured by the intra- and inter-subject variance; (2) accessing the adherence of speech tasks in this setting, as measured by the subject average fraction of days during the first week, where at least one task response is submitted; (3) evaluating the feasibility of using speech tasks in the setting of a telemedicine videoconference, as measured by the average length of speech elicited in each group; (4) evaluate whether a set of acoustic and linguistic patterns can detect each indication, compare to either a control group or all other indications, as measured by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity and Cohen's kappa of the relevant binary classifier; (5) evaluating how the performance of such algorithms can be impacted by speaker and environment covariates, as measured by the Kendall rank correlation coefficient of the AUC of each classifier and each of age group, gender and speech-to-reverberation modulation energy ratio.

NCT ID: NCT04924361 Recruiting - Dementia Clinical Trials

Exploring Biomarkers in Age Stratified PUMCH Dementia Cohort

Start date: December 1, 2020
Study type: Observational

Biomarkers are important for early and precise diagnosis of dementia. However, the causes of dementia in different age are different. We designed an age stratified dementia cohort and tried to explore biomarkers of different groups of dementia, incorporating neuropsychology, multi-model neuroimaging, metabolics and proteomics based fluid biomarkers as well as genetic biomarkers. Autopsy after clinical follow up help to verify the biomarkers.

NCT ID: NCT04844060 Recruiting - Alzheimer Disease Clinical Trials

Cerebro Spinal Fluid Collection (CSF)

Start date: February 2010
Study type: Observational

Cognitive neurodegenerative diseases are a major public health issue. At present, the diagnosis of certainty is still based on anatomopathological analyses. Even if the diagnostic tools available to clinicians have made it possible to improve probabilistic diagnosis during the patient's lifetime, there are still too many diagnostic errors and sub-diagnostic in this field. The arrival of biomarkers has made it possible to reduce these diagnostic errors, which were of the order of 25 to 30%. This high error rate is due to different parameters. These diseases are numerous and often present common symptoms due to the fact that common brain structures are affected. These diseases evolve progressively over several years and their early diagnosis, when the symptoms are discrete, makes them even more difficult to diagnose at this stage. In addition, co-morbidities are common in the elderly, further complicating the diagnosis of these diseases. At present, the only cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers that are routinely used for the biological diagnosis of neurodegenerative cognitive pathologies are those specific to Alzheimer's disease: Aβ42, Aβ40, Tau-total and Phospho-Tau. These biomarkers represent an almost indispensable tool in the diagnosis of dementia. It is therefore important to determine whether Alzheimer's biomarkers can be disrupted in other neurodegenerative cognitive pathologies, but also to find biomarkers specific to these different pathologies by facilitating the implementation of clinical studies which will thus make it possible to improve their diagnosis.

NCT ID: NCT04831281 Completed - Clinical trials for Dementia With Lewy Bodies

ATH-1017 Treatment in Subjects With Parkinson's Disease Dementia or Dementia With Lewy Bodies (SHAPE Trial)

Start date: January 20, 2022
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This study is designed to evaluate the safety and treatment effects of fosgonimeton (ATH-1017) in subjects with Parkinson's Disease Dementia or Dementia with Lewy Bodies, with a randomized treatment duration of 26 weeks.

NCT ID: NCT04829656 Active, not recruiting - Clinical trials for Dementia With Lewy Bodies

The PACE-DLB Study

Start date: February 25, 2021
Study type: Observational

The PACE-DLB Study is for people with at least moderate dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and their primary caregiver. The study's goals are to learn more about the experiences of people with DLB and their caregivers as DLB progresses, and what happens as the end of life of the person with DLB approaches. Participants are enrolled through one of five Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA) Research Center of Excellence clinics, or directly via the LBDA. People with DLB will enroll into the study along with their primary informal caregiver, such as the family member or friend who is involved in most of their care and attends the majority of their medical appointments. A legally authorized representative (LAR) for the person with DLB will consent to participate in the study on the person's behalf. If the person with DLB resists taking part in the study, the pair will not be enrolled. The study consists of questionnaires about the progression of the person's dementia and the experiences of the caregiver. The person with DLB will complete one questionnaire themselves if they are able to. If the pair is enrolled at a LBDA Research Center of Excellence clinical site, and completes study visits in-person, a brief physical exam of the person with DLB will be completed by a clinician. Study participation will last for three years, or until the person with DLB dies. Study visits take place every six months, either virtually or in person at a clinical study site. If the person with DLB dies during the study, the caregiver will complete one final virtual study visit three months afterward. Specific Aims of the PACE-DLB Study: 1. To determine predictors of the end of life (death within 6 months) in the DLB population. Hypotheses: Predictors of death within 6 months for individuals with DLB will include symptoms (e.g. worsening hallucinations, fluctuations) not captured in existing dementia end-of-life prediction tools. 2. To identify whether change in caregiver measures can predict the end of life in the DLB. Hypotheses: The investigators hypothesize that there will be worsening caregiver burden, depression, grief, and quality of life preceding the last 6 months of life, controlling for variables such as resilience, support, and living situation. 3. To identify the impact of demographics, health care factors, and specific DLB symptoms on patient quality of life and caregiver experiences at the end of life of the person living with DLB. Hypotheses: Location (rural, urban, suburban), provider experience (e.g. specialist vs not), patient residence (e.g. home, skilled nursing), degree of behavioral symptoms, caregiver type (spouse vs child vs other), and caregiver characteristics (self-efficacy, perceived social support, resilience, and coping) will affect patient and informal caregiver experiences at the patient's end of life, including patient and caregiver quality of life and caregiver well-being, depression, burden, grief, and satisfaction with end-of-life care.

NCT ID: NCT04828434 Active, not recruiting - Dementia Clinical Trials

Virtual Individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy: a Proof of Concept Study

Start date: April 1, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Due to COVID-19, the routine treatment for dementia, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST), is currently suspended in multiple countries. Access to treatment is, therefore, paramount. The investigators seek to bridge the current treatment gap with a virtual and individual form of CST, called Virtual Individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (V-iCST). This psychosocial intervention was adapted from the key principles of CST and developed within the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for complex interventions. The investigators aim to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of V-iCST in a Randomized Controlled Trial. This is a feasibility randomized controlled trial (RCT) for Virtual Individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (V-iCST), an evidence-based teletherapy for people with mild to moderate dementia. This psychosocial intervention is adapted from a routine and established dementia treatment, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy, and developed within the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for complex interventions.