There are about 8563 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Sweden. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The objective of this study is to assess by what physiological mechanisms patients with heart failure benefit from exercise. Effects of an exercise intervention will be assessed for both central (heart and lungs) and peripheral (muscle fiber and mitochondria) factors.
The risk of cervical cancer after diagnosis with atypical glandular cells (AGC) detected by screening is elevated for 15 years after discovery. The current recommendation is that when AGC is detected during screening, referel is made to a gynecologist for colposcopy with biopsy within 3 months after the index test. Repeated tests should be done after one year and after two years and if these are negative, the woman can return to routine screening. Given the increased risk of cancer associated with AGC a new evaluation of the optimal follow-up and treatment of AGC, which is detected during screening, is carried out. In this randomized study, women with AGC will be randomized to routine treatment according to current guidelines or to conization. The aim of the study is to determine which of the two treatments is most effective.
The aim of the present study is to compare the efficiency of low FODMAP and SSRD to reduce symptoms in IBS, and to study the mechanisms and consequences of the two diets.
Individuals with CAH produce lower levels of epinephrine (adrenalin) than controls. This can be correlated to the CYP21A2 genotype and is most pronounced in the classic forms. Individuals with CAH have an increased risk of developing hypoglycemia because both cortisol and epinephrine are important counter regulatory hormones. Stress dosing is essential in situations of increased physical stress such as infections with fever for example. Glucocorticoid treatment and stress dosing cannot compensate fully during physical stress neither for the reaction to psychological stress. This may render various types of difficulties in the individual's life. We aim to investigate if the deficient epinephrine production can be confirmed and if it is related to the increased level of anxiety and vulnerability to stress that we observe in the patients. Specific aims of the study: - Analyse the epinephrine/adrenalin production in patients with CAH using measurements of epinephrine and metanephrine in blood, during an exercise test - Assess stress vulnerability and anxiety using validated questionnaires - Correlate the results to severity of disease, CYP21A2 genotype - Investigate if psychological and somatic stress symptoms are related to the epinephrine production capacity.
The primary objective of this study is to assess if the unstandardized field exercise challenge test (ECT) using AsthmaTuner can be performed independently by youths that have been investigated for asthma. This is an open feasibility study including youths who have been investigated for asthma. Participants will be equipped with a digital spirometer and mobile phone app to perform an exercise tests in their natural training environment. Feasibility will be evaluated using questionnaires.
Glaucoma is a common eye disease that can lead to blindness. The only known way to reduce the rate of disease progression is by reducing the pressure in the eye (the intraocular pressure, IOP). Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is an ophthalmic laser intervention with the purpose of reducing the IOP. SLT can be performed in different ways, with four of the treatment protocols being evaluated in the Optimal SLT (OSLT) trial. SLT is a repeatable procedure, but scientific evidence is scarce regarding more than one repetition. In this trial, patients included in the OSLT trial will be invited to the extended trial (OSLT-R), for further follow-up and re-treatment with SLT, if needed.
The aim is to evaluate different strategies to improve the experience and effect of the first visit for a cervical screening test (CST). 1. How do the context and the allotted time for the first visit for a CST affect women's i) experience of CST ii) knowledge of and attitudes towards CST and cervical cancer and iii) attitude towards contacting a midwife regarding sexual and reproductive health in the future 2. What effects do the RLP have, when used as a starting point for counselling at the first visit for a CST, on women's i) experience of CST ii) knowledge of and attitudes towards CST and cervical cancer iii) attitude towards contacting a midwife regarding sexual and reproductive health in the future and iv) knowledge of and attitudes towards fertility and preconception health Method: cluster randomised control trial evaluating the effect of different strategies, including RLP-based information, to improve the experience and effect of the first visit for a CST.
Congenital myopathies (CM) is a large group of muscle disorders, presenting with hypotonia and non-progressive generalised muscle weakness, which can lead to motor developmental delay.More than 20 genes can cause CM and currently there is no curative treatment for this disorder. Case reports and a smaller study have previous reported that oral salbutamol has benefited subjects with different types of congenital myopathies by increasing their muscle strength.The exact effect of salbutamol in muscle cells isn't exactly known but it has been hypothesized to have an anabolic effect by triggering different pathways inside the muscle cells which increase cell proliferation, decrease apoptosis, decreases proteolysis and increases protein synthesis. The aim of our study is evaluate if daily oral salbutamol can increase the muscle function and muscle strength in these patients after 6 months on treatment, compared to no treatment.
This qualitative study sought to explore the exerience of change in physical activity due to nerve injury in the arm and hand.
The purpose of this study is to collect information on how NovoPen® 6 works with Tresiba® & Fiasp® for treatment of people with type 1 diabetes and see if the use of NovoPen® 6 can help participants achieve better blood sugar levels. Participants will use Tresiba® & Fiasp® in NovoPen® 6 as prescribed to participants by the study doctor. NovoPen® 6 is a smart pen, which collects and stores the date and time of injections and number of units of insulin participants have taken. NovoPen® 6 can transfer participants insulin dosing information to the mobile application, which participants use to see their continuous blood sugar level. This will allow participants to see their insulin doses along with continuous blood sugar level in the mobile application. Participants will keep using their own continuous blood sugar monitoring device and the mobile application to see these data during the study. The study will last for about 9-11 months. Participants will be asked to complete 2 questionnaires in this study. One questionnaire is about overall satisfaction of using a digital health solution and other is about quality of life. Participants will complete these questionnaires during their normally scheduled visit with the study doctor, on 2 separate occasions