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NCT ID: NCT06039280 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Comparison of Dexamethasone and N Acetylcysteine (NAC) Versus N Acetylcysteine (NAC) Alone in the Prevention of Post Embolization Syndrome in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Following Transarterial Chemoembolization.

Start date: September 15, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor and potent antioxidant, is known as a liver protector. As a steroid preparation, dexamethasone is known to have efficient anti-inflammation and immunosuppression effects. N-acetyl cysteine and Dexamethasone's roles in preventing post-embolization syndrome following TACE have each been researched individually in the past. Up until now, no study has been done that has compared dexamethasone and NAC in post-embolization syndrome. With this study, we aim to study the efficacy of combining dexamethasone with N-acetyl cysteine in the prevention of post-embolization syndrome within 72 hours among patients who undergo transarterial chemoembolization for HCC.

NCT ID: NCT06038097 Not yet recruiting - Dystonia Clinical Trials

Efficacy and Safety of Radiofrequency Pallidotomy in the Management of Dystonia

Start date: October 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Generalized dystonia is treated with pallidotomy. This is based on observational data which is significantly limited by publication bias and there are no RCTs. The case reports focus on successful outcomes and case series have an inherent selection bias. Bilateral pallidotomy has been used in our institute in a series of patients with generalized and segmental dystonia and have been seen to show good efficacy. However, the existing literature suggests that it is also associated with dysphagia and dysarthria in some cases and thus simultaneous bilateral pallidotomy is not preferred in several centres. However, our center routinely performs simultaneous bilateral pallidotomy. The response rates and compliations of the procedure have not been systematically studied in RCT and we need to generate data on the efficacy and safety of Pallidotomy on generalized and segmental dystonia. This randomized controlled trial will fill the void in knowledge in this field.

NCT ID: NCT06031740 Not yet recruiting - Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Trials

A Comparison of Flexible Endoscopic Polidocanol Liquid and Foam Sclerotherapy in Cirrhotic Patients With Bleeding From Internal Hemorrhoids

Start date: September 7, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Haemorrhoids are the most common proctologic disease, affecting up to 36% of people in the developed world. Sclerotherapy is defined as the injection of sclerosing agents at the apex of the internal hemorrhoidal complex, above the dentate line, leading to scarring, fibrosis, and fixation of the hemorrhoids. Sclerotherapy as a treatment of internal hemorrhoids has been used for a long time by surgeons, using proctoscopic exposure. Even though flexible instruments can be expected to have better manoeuvrability and target site exposure. There is no consensus amongst the major guidelines as to which grade of haemorrhoid that sclerotherapy should be used, whether it is equivalent or inferior to rubber bad ligation (RBL), whether sclerotherapy should be used at all for the treatment of IH, what is the effect of PHT on hemorrhoid prevalence and propensity to bleed, differentiation of internal hemorrhoids from rectal varices, data on EBL or EST in cirrhotics with hemorrhoids, safety of endotherapy with underlying coagulopathy and concerns for infectious complications.

NCT ID: NCT06027970 Not yet recruiting - Variceal Hemorrhage Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Continuous Terlipressin Therapy After Endoscopic Variceal Ligation

Start date: September 2023
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleed of variceal origin is a common medical emergency. Prompt endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) is therapeutic as well as diagnostic. Terlipressin, a vasopressin analog (intravenous, 2 mg q 4 hourly), is widely used promptly in any suspicious cases of variceal haemorrhage (VH) before endoscopic intervention, along with volume and blood resuscitative measures. As per guideline, after EVL Terlipressin therapy (1 mg IV q 4 hourly) is advised to continue for 2-5 day to prevent re-bleed and mortality [1]. But the prolong use of Terlipressin is not completely safe as well as it is expensive also in resource constraint setting. At present, no randomized control clinical trial (RCT) is available to prove the efficacy of post-EVL Terlipressin therapy in preventing re-bleed and mortality in acute variceal haemorrhage. During the post marketing surveillance Terlipressin therapy was found to be associated with life threatening complication like cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, critical vasoconstriction of peripheral as well as internal organ leading to ischemia or gangrene, severe hyponatremia, hypertension, fluid overload and pulmonary oedema (2-4). So the justification of continuing Terlipressin for 5 days after EVL is questionable, as the haemostasis is primarily achieved by EVL and the risk versus benefit of Trelipressin therapy after EVL is still unknown. Continue IV Terlipressin therapy also prolongs in-hospital care causing further increase of health care burden. As per recently concluded institutional study, continuing Terlipressin after EVL in acute VH did not prevent re-bleed or mortality, rather it increased the risk of ADR, duration of hospital stay, in-hospital complications and cost of the therapy [5]. But the study was open level with relatively smaller sample size. There is still lack of RCT on post-EVL Terlipressin therapy, regarding its efficacy in preventing re-bleed and mortality. So, we have planned this study to evaluate the efficacy of continuous Terlipressin therapy after EVL, in acute VH. It will be a double blind randomized controlled clinical trial. The study will be carried out in the 2 arms; denoting the duration of Terlipressin therapy after EVL. Participant with acute VH will be randomized into two study groups after successful EVL. The treatment group will receive injection Terlipressin (1 mg IV bolus q 4 hourly) for 2 days and the control group will receive 10 ml of 0.9% normal saline (NS) IV bolus q 4 hourly instead of Terlipressin for 2 days. Both the group will receive standard care of therapy and will be followed up for 8 weeks. The participants and the recruiter/PI will be unaware of intervention (terlipressin or NS) receiving. The study will enlighten us regarding efficacy of continuous Terlipressin therapy after EVL to prevent re- bleed and mortality in acute VH. The study will also generate significant data regarding adverse drug events (ADE) and cost effectiveness or pharmaco- economics of continue Terlipressin therapy after EVL. In the Indian population there is no study to determine the role gene related to variceal bleed or re-bleed. Endothelial dysfunction is the major contributor for the development of portal hypertension and subsequent varices formation in patient with cirrhosis. Development of blood vessel and endothelial function, endothelial proliferation and neoangiogenesis are regulated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family genes. In a recently published study, VEGF C(+405)G(rs2010963) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype was found to be associated with higher risk of esophageal and gastric varices and bleeding [10]. Since VEGF is the major factor to endothelial proliferation and neoangiogenesis. So, in this study, as a secondary objective, we will also try to explore the association of VEGF genotype with variceal bleed/ re-bleed and mortality.

NCT ID: NCT06026267 Not yet recruiting - Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Conventional Dose Protocol vs Low Dose Protocol Albumin Use in Patients With Cirrhosis and High Risk Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

Start date: September 5, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The role of Albumin in prevention and Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) who are at high risk of AKI development has been clearly defined, which decreases the morbidity and mortality. However the conventional dose recommended by the guidelines is usually not tolerated by the Indian population. Investigator propose that the low dose is as beneficial as the standard dose in patients with high risk SBP in the prevention/progression of renal dysfunction in cirrhotic patients with high risk spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. If confirmed, these results could support a significant cost reduction in the management of ascites in cirrhotic patients and decrease the side effects of the volume overload in the patient of the cirrhosis.

NCT ID: NCT06022237 Not yet recruiting - Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Trials

Efficacy and Safety of Oral Ibandronate in Patients of Liver Cirrhosis With Hepatic Osteodystrophy.

Start date: September 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Hepatic osteodystrophy(HOD) is a common but frequently overlooked complication of liver cirrhosis with a prevalence rate ranging from 13-70%. Bisphosphonates acting by inhibiting bone resorption are frequently used. Intravenous infusions of bisphosphonates may cause prolonged arthralgia and myalgia whereas oral bisphosphonates may cause digestive mucosal damage causing dysphagia, esophagitis and ulcer. Such side effects have discouraged the prescription of oral bisphosphonates for patients of cirrhosis mainly due to risk of upper GI hemorrhage arising from esophageal variceal rupture. All studies done in past with bisphosphonates are either open labelled RCT/ non- randomized control trial or have enrolled patients of primary biliary cirrhosis only. So, there is a need to have double blind RCT assessing efficacy and safety of oral bisphosphonates in non-cholestatic liver cirrhosis. In this study, we hypothesize that oral ibandronate significantly improves BMD in patients of liver cirrhosis & is safe in patients with low risk esophageal varices. With this study, we aim to assess the efficacy and safety of oral ibandronate in patients of liver cirrhosis with hepatic osteodystrophy

NCT ID: NCT06016023 Not yet recruiting - Gingivitis Clinical Trials

Evaluation of Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α as a Periodontal Disease Biomarker

Start date: September 2023
Study type: Observational

Periodontal disease is a chronic progressive state of inflammation pertaining to supporting tissues of the dentition that culminates in loss of the affected teeth. Currently, diagnosis and monitoring of periodontal disease progression is accomplished by performing a full-mouth clinical and radiological examination which is time-consuming and also requires elaborate infrastructure and equipment, which are not always available. Limitations of the conventional diagnostic techniques necessitate the development of point-of-care testing (POCT) which could serve as a rapid, feasible and affordable screening tool for periodontal disease.MIP-1α is a cysteine-cysteine (C-C) chemokine that is secreted by a variety of cells like macrophages, fibroblasts, epithelial cells and endothelial cells. They principally serve to recruit leukocytes like monocytes, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells, dendritic cells and granulocytes to the site of inflammation. Hence, the current study has a two fold aim; first, to determine the feasibility of MIP-1α as a periodontal disease biomarker; and second, to correlate the value of MIP-1α obtained from oral rinse sample with the periodontal disease severity.

NCT ID: NCT06007820 Not yet recruiting - Hepatic Hydrothorax Clinical Trials

Efficacy & Safety of Pigtail Catheter Drainage Versus Need Based Thoracocentesis for Recurrent Hepatic Hydrothorax.

Start date: August 15, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

In cirrhotic patients with recurrent hepatic hydrothorax liver transplantation is a definitive treatment. But a significant number of individual are ineligible for liver transplantation. In these patients to ameliorate the symptoms various treatment modalities such as TIPS, serial thoracocentesis, pigtail catheter drainage and pleurodesis are used. We are doing this study to assess the safety and efficacy of serial thoracocentesis verus pigtail catheter drainage.

NCT ID: NCT05985759 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Evaluation of Post Endodontic Pain

Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of 970 nm Diode Laser With or Without N Acetyl Cysteine on Post Operative Pain After Endodontic Treatment in Teeth With Symptomatic Apical Periodontiti

Start date: August 1, 2023
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

One of the most important aspect of endodontic treatment is management of postoperative pain management . Post operative pain after endodontic treatment is a frequent complication. frequency of post operative pain is between 3% to 58% . Post operative pain could also occur as a result of inadequate instrumentation, extrusion of irrigation solutions, extrusion of intra-canal dressing, traumatic occlusion, missed canals, preoperative pain, periapical pathosis and extrusion of apical debris. Furthermore, instrument choice might also play an important role. The apical extrusion of infected debris during chemo-mechanical instrumentation of root canals might exacerbate the inflammatory response and cause peri-radicular inflammation. The use of diode lasers, in addition to conventional endodontic therapy, has recently been proposed in RCT Various researchers have observed effective disinfection of the root canal by diode laser irradiation Due to the large water transmission capacities of diode lasers (810, 940 and 980-nm wavelengths), they can reach bacteria in deeper layers of dentinal tubules(3) Schoop et al. reported that using a 980-nm diode laser resulted in changes in dentinal surfaces and an increased bactericidal effect. Other studies noted that laser irradiation decreases PP after RCT Over the years, studies have focused on identifying molecular mediators of inflammation induction, such as cytokines and chemokines in apical periodontitis. It was widely accepted that the loss of pro-inflammatory mediators was the 'turn off' signal of inflammation, ending subsequent responses passively. Karapinar et al N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been proposed as a potential alternative therapeutic agent in root canal treatment. NAC is an antioxidant mucolytic agent derivative of the amino acid L cysteine. As the precursor of glutathione, NAC can incorporate into cells and neutralize oxygen-derived free radicals (ROS), diminishing the cumulative effects of oxidative stress Previous studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial properties of NAC against several biofilm phenotypes, including oral pathogens such as Enterococcus faecalis, which is often found in endodontic infections. Moreover, NAC has been reported to exert anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the expression of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory mediators. Another study showed that the antibacterial effect of NAC is higher than that of NaOCl and CHX. More specifically, 200 mg/ ml solution of NAC was found to be more efficient than 5.25% NaOCl and 2% CHX in killing E. faecalis and S. mutant bacteria.(5) NAC exerts anti-inflammatory activity through its ability to inhibit the expression and release of a variety of proinflammatory cytokines. NAC can be a substitute for ibuprofen for post-endodontic pain. All these findings provide support for a superior potential for NAC in endodontic treatment.(6) Due to the scarcity of information on the effect of NAC as an intracanal medication, and the lack of systematic review on the same, this study aimed to compare and evaluate the post-operative pain when 970nm diode laser used with or without N acetyl cysteine as intracanal medicament RESEARCH QUESTION : Will there be a difference in the postoperative pain after Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with symptomatic apical periodontitis using 970nm diode laser with or without N acetyl cysteine ? RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS (H1): There will be a difference in the postoperative pain after Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with symptomatic apical periodontitis using 970nm diode laser with or without N acetyl cysteine NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0): There will be no difference in the postoperative pain after Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with symptomatic apical periodontitis using 970nm diode laser with or without N acetyl cysteine

NCT ID: NCT05983471 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Efficacy and Safety of ME-015 (Suplatast Tosilate) in Cough Related to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (COSMIC-IPF)

Start date: November 2023
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Orally administered ME-015 (Suplatast Tosilate) has been available on the market as a prescription drug for allergy-related conditions in Japan since 1995 with a very good safety and tolerability profile. There is preclinical and exploratory clinical evidence suggesting that ME-015 may be effective in treating cough caused by idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF-cough). 80% of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are affected by a devastating dry cough that is often not responsive to standard cough treatments and causes significant psychological and physiological suffering as well as reduced quality of life. As of July 2023, there is no approved treatment for the indication of IPF-cough. There is an enormous unmet clinical need for an effective, safe and well-tolerated oral treatment. The COSMIC-IPF Phase 2 trial is the first clinical trial assessing ME-015 for the treatment of IPF-cough and aims to generate clinical proof-of-concept results regarding the safety and efficacy of ME-015 in this condition.