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NCT ID: NCT06289374 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Gastric Adenocarcinoma

Longitudinal Assessment of Biomarkers After Oesophagogastric Cancer Surgery

Start date: April 2024
Study type: Observational

Oesophagogastric cancer (cancer of the gullet and stomach) is the fifth most common cancer in England and Wales with 16,000 new cases diagnosed every year. Survival rates are poor with only 15% surviving beyond 5 years. There is also increasing research to understand the cancer biology and factors allowing cancers to progress. It is likely there is a relationship between the cancer-specific microbiome, cells related to inflammation, which promotes cancer progression. The BIORESOURCE 1 study has established a comprehensive resource of matched samples from patients with oesophageal and gastric cancer. This longitudinal study aims to obtain further matched biosamples in the follow-up period after cancer surgery to find biomarkers that may predict treatment response, recurrence and/or long term prognosis.

NCT ID: NCT06288503 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Cow's Milk Protein Allergy

Hydrolysed Rice Formula Study

Start date: February 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This non-inferiority study aims to determine whether a hydrolysed rice protein formula is as effective as a cow's milk protein based extensively hydrolysed formula using a double-blind, randomised-controlled design over a 28-day intervention period followed by a 2-month follow-up period in infants 0-13 months of age presenting with symptoms/clinical history suggestive of cow's milk allergy. The primary outcome is growth, and secondary outcomes are gastrointestinal tolerance, and differences in intake, allergic symptoms, parental QOL, acceptability, dietary intake, and safety.

NCT ID: NCT06288464 Recruiting - Bowel Dysfunction Clinical Trials

Enteral Feeding of Fibre to Improve Microbiota

Start date: January 9, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Following surgical removal of diseased bowel, patients often require a temporary redirection of bowel contents to a stoma, to allow healing prior to re-joining of the remaining bowel at a later date. Some patients may experience complications, either during or after reversal surgery, and this may be due to changes in the 'friendly' bacteria that live in our bowels. Previous research shows that the distal section of bowel that is non-functioning undergoes tissue-wasting and the 'friendly' bacteria that help our digestion die. Data shows that patients that have a reduction in their microflora are more likely to experience side effects. This study investigates a method of replenishing the microflora prior to surgery.

NCT ID: NCT06286709 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

FAecal Microbiota Transplantation in primaRy sclerosinG chOlangitis

Start date: March 27, 2024
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

FARGO is a randomised, phase IIa, multi-centre, placebo-controlled trial to compare Faecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) with placebo in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and concomitant inflammatory bowel disease.

NCT ID: NCT06286410 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Accommodation Disorder

Accommodation Response in Hypermetropic Anisometropia (ARIHA Study)

Start date: April 11, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Anisometropic amblyopia is when one eye has a much stronger glasses prescription than the other, causing poor vision in one eye, even with glasses, because the brain favours the better-seeing eye. With standard care treatment (glasses plus either patching or atropine drops given to the better seeing eye), 35% of children with anisometropic amblyopia do not have any significant visual improvements, and will have reduced vision in one eye for life. There is no consensus for the reasons why some children do not respond as well as others. Recent research using the Plusoptix PowerRefractor (PR3), which quickly measures eye focusing (accommodation), suggested that in children with anisometropic amblyopia, the focusing of the amblyopic eye might influence treatment success. However, such measurements weren't previously common due to equipment limitations in clinics. The investigators aim to use the non-invasive PR3 to assess accommodation in hypermetropic anisometropic amblyopia, at the University of Sheffield. This will be a two-phase study of children aged 4-10 years who have hypermetropic anisometropia. The investigators will recruit participants attending the Ophthalmology Department at Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust (SCH). The investigators will take repeated measurements of accommodation at points during standard care treatment (phase 1) and conduct a pilot intervention study (phase 2) to determine whether adjusting glasses prescriptions based on accommodation responses with amblyopia treatment can improve vision in the weaker eye. The goal is to gather evidence to inform a future larger multicentre RCT to improve the visual outcomes for anisometropic amblyopic children in the future.

NCT ID: NCT06286163 Recruiting - Chronic Cough Clinical Trials

Neuroinflammatory Interactions of ATP and P2X3 Receptor in the Airways of Chronic Cough Patients

Start date: October 1, 2023
Study type: Observational

This study is being done in order to understand what causes people to have a chronic cough, which is defined as a cough lasting for more than 8 weeks. The research team wish to find out whether there is any inflammation in the lungs of patients with chronic cough. The research team will also determine whether a suspected chemical produced in the body, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can be responsible for causing the chronic cough. In order to be able to find out what is abnormal in those who have a chronic cough, The research team will need to compare their results with those that do not have a chronic cough. In this study, the research team will examine 10 participants who suffer from chronic cough and 8 individuals who do not have a chronic cough and are healthy.

NCT ID: NCT06286085 Recruiting - Asthma Clinical Trials

A Comparison of Diagnostic Testing Modalities in the Assessment of Asthma

Start date: February 27, 2024
Study type: Observational

This study aims to assess the concordance of international asthma guidelines in the diagnosis of asthma and explore the presence of airways disease using additional non-guideline physiologic criteria, such as IOS (impulse osciollometry), not included in the guidelines, but available in the Portsmouth lung function service.

NCT ID: NCT06285682 Active, not recruiting - Healthy Clinical Trials

Bioavailability of Hydroxytyrosol in Healthy Adult Humans

Start date: February 3, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Brief summary: There is current scientific interest in hydroxytyrosol due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, efficient protection of vascular tissue and ability to neutralise free radicals via hydrogen donation. Recognised as the potent polyphenol within a commercially available olive-fruit water (OliPhenolia®), data from this research will determine the dose of OliPhenolia® required for the optimum absorption and metabolism of hydroxytyrosol. The primary aim of this research is to identify the dose of hydroxytyrosol (0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 mg∙kg-1) within OliPhenolia® that demonstrates the greatest area under the plasma concentration curve for hydroxytyrosol over a four-hour period. A secondary aim is to assess maximum concentration (CMAX) and time to maximum concentration (TMAX) of total hydroxytyrosol and secondary metabolites (Tyrosol, HT-3-glucoronide, HT-3-sulphate, 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid, Homovanillic Acid and Oleuropein) following consumption of 3 randomised doses of OliPhenolia® on separate occasions with healthy adult volunteers.

NCT ID: NCT06285318 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)

A Study of Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) Treated With T-cell Redirectors Outside of Clinical Trials

Start date: December 18, 2023
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this study is to describe the use of teclistamab/talquetamab in the treatment of patients with RRMM outside of clinical trials.

NCT ID: NCT06284044 Recruiting - Premature Birth Clinical Trials

Facilitating Safe Transition to Home for Preterm Infants - a National Database Study

Start date: December 1, 2023
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Preterm infants (i.e. born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy) often require additional care and are admitted to neonatal units. Readiness for discharge home typically requires a level of physiological maturity, such that an infant is: 1) able to breathe spontaneously without additional support; 2) able to maintain body temperature; 3) able to take all nutritional requirements orally; 4) weighs ≥1700 grams and is consistently gaining weight. Staying in the hospital longer than necessary can be detrimental to infants, stressful for families, and costly to the NHS. Reducing the length of stay by just one day would be meaningful to parents and could save the UK National Health Service (NHS) almost £25million per year. Currently little is known about whether, how long and why preterm infants stay in hospital beyond the point at which they are physiologically ready for discharge. This study will use data from babies' medical records from the whole of England and Wales to identify the age and postmenstrual age when preterm infants reach each of the physiological barriers to discharge and identify which physiological discharge barrier requires preterm infants to remain in hospital the longest. The study will quantify the difference between the time preterm infants become physiologically ready for discharge and actual discharge home and describe factors associated with extended stays.