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NCT ID: NCT05854914 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Appendicitis With Peritonitis

Benefit of Hypnosis on Smartphone for Acute Post-operative Pain (HYPNO-APP)

Start date: May 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Appendicitis is a common pathology and the one of the most common surgical procedures performed in France. Young subjects are the most frequent patients with appendicitis. Appendicular peritonitis increases post-operative pain, morbidity, and the average length of hospital stay compared to uncomplicated appendicitis. Pain alters perioeprative rehabilitation of patients. Surgery, performed urgently, generates more anxiety and pain than scheduled surgery. But, intensity of chronic postoperative pain is in correlation to intensity of acute postoperative pain. In addition, admission of emergency cases is more axiety-inducing, due to wait times, packed emergency room, worklaod of medical staff. Sex and age also modify perception of postoperative pain. Adults under 50 feel more pain than older patients for similar procedures. Medication for pain is required in perioperative period et is administered according protocol of each medical center ; these protocols include analgesics, opioids or not, benzodiazepine... However, opioids analgesic (example: morphine) can induce side effect, such as confusional syndrome, cardio-pulmonary manifestations, ileus, nausea and vomiting... Non-pharmacological approaches have been also proposed to reduce anxiety and pain. Hypnosis is frequently used but not always adapted to the emergency: need for qualified and available staff, environment not conducive to hypnotic induction... Hypnosis is a modified state of consciousness ; it is neither a state of vigilance nor a state of sleep. Several types of hypnosis can be distinguished according to the medical application, such as hypnoanalgesia or hypnosedation. Using hypnosedation during surgical or invasive procedure can reduce the use of painkillers and sedatives. Interest of hypnosis has been observed for extraction of wisdow teeth, delivery... Young patients are very comfortable with the use of their smartphone which is often the first object recovered when they return from the operating room. Many hypnosis videos are available free of charge on Internet, and some of which are produced by specialized practitioners and university teachers. A recent study has shown that among young people, addiction to smartphone is a predisposition to hypnosis. However, the use of hypnosis videos on smartphone has never been studied for the control of postoperative pain.

NCT ID: NCT05853211 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Malocclusion, Angle Class II

Therapeutic Effects of Class II Elastics on Aligners in Different Vertical Skelettal Patterns

Start date: May 30, 2024
Study type: Observational

The objective is to compare the dento-alveolar therapeutic effects of wearing class II inter-arch traction elastics on aligners versus multi-brackets in an adult population. The principal hypothesis is no significant difference in therapeutic effects of using inter-arch elastics on aligners versus multi-brackets.

NCT ID: NCT05851859 Not yet recruiting - Long COVID Clinical Trials

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Breathing Control Technique on Long COVID Symptoms at the Reunion University Hospital Cardiac Coherence and Long COVID Symptoms

Start date: March 29, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Despite the controversy, on October 6, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized Long Coronavirus disease (COVID) by officially defining it: " symptoms appeared 3 months after the onset of the primary infection by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), persisting for at least 2 months and which cannot be explained by any other condition ". Long COVID can affects any type of patient and has polymorphic and fluctuating symptoms over time. The Reunion Island is a French overseas department located in the Indian Ocean accounting more than 860,000 inhabitants. It has recorded since March 11, 2020, nearly 491,825 cases of COVID-19 and 961 deaths of hospitalized patients. Reunion's population is multi-ethnic and younger than the metropolitan France's one. It also has a higher prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes, two serious form factors of COVID-19. This specific context makes this island a particular study site for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Long COVID. In addition, some studies have confirmed the involvement of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the symptomatology of Long COVID and demonstrated that patients with a Long COVID present a dysfunction of their ANS which is objectified by a reduced Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The regulation of heart rate by the ANS is strongly favored by respiration. A regular slow and deep breathing training helps to adjust the baroreflex, which connect heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. The result of this training is an induced state called "cardiac coherence" (CC). The investigator therefore hypothesize that respiratory training to CC could "re-educate" the ANS and durably improve the symptomatology of patients with Long COVID.

NCT ID: NCT05850247 Not yet recruiting - CAROTID STENOSIS Clinical Trials

Plaque and Brain Inflammation in Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis: Role of the Ficolin-2

Start date: August 1, 2023
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Carotid artery stenosis is observed in about 3% of ≥ 60 years subjects and accounts for around 10-20% of all ischemic strokes. Beyond the degree of stenosis, plaque composition affects the risk of ischemic stroke. Identification of patients with vulnerable plaques at higher risk of stroke who might benefit from carotid revascularization is crucial. A growing body of evidence suggests that the lectin pathway of the complement system, and especially the ficolin-2, is involved in atherosclerosis. It has been hypothesized that circulating levels of ficolin-2 increase during chronic inflammatory conditions (i.e. growing atherosclerotic plaque) whereas they fall during sub-acute or acute inflammatory conditions (i.e. plaque rupture and acute ischemic stroke) because of consumption (binding to targets). Therefore, ficolin-2 has been proposed as a biomarker informing on the specific state of the plaque. However, in acute ischemic stroke due to carotid stenosis, both plaque rupture and stroke injury contribute to lectin pathway activation, thus affecting circulating levels of ficolin-2. Until now, the relative contribution of plaque and brain inflammation on circulating levels of ficolin-2 has not been documented. In the present study the investigators aim to assess the association between circulating levels of ficolin-2 and carotid and brain inflammation on [18F]DPA-714 positron emission tomography (PET)/MRI in patients with transient ischemic attack or acute ischemic stroke due to carotid stenosis. For that purpose, the investigators intend to include 30 patients with transient ischemic attack or acute ischemic stroke due to ≥ 50%. carotid stenosis. Each patient will have a measure of plasmatic level of ficolin-2 as well a [18F]DPA-714 PET/MRI to quantify the fixation of the radiotracer on carotid and brain.

NCT ID: NCT05848986 Not yet recruiting - Allergy Clinical Trials

Study if the Presence of Functional FcERI/RII on the Surface of Human Blood Platelet

Start date: June 1, 2023
Study type: Observational

Anaphylactic shock is the most severe expression of immediate hypersensitivity reactions. The mechanisms leading to these reactions are still poorly understood and may involve platelets, especially in the most severe forms. The IgE ( ImmunoglobulineE)-mediated mechanism, involving the FcERI(the high-affinity receptor for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor present on the surface of mast cells and basophilic cells, is the most common mechanism. The receptors FcERI and FcERII are also described as being present on the surface of blood platelets, which would imply their activation along with the other cells involved. However, studies showing the presence of the FcERI/RII receptors on blood platelets suffer from many biases. The main objective of the research is to study whether the FcERI/RII receptors are present and functional on the surface of blood platelets from allergic patients.

NCT ID: NCT05848869 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Fetal Growth Restriction

Prostaglandins Versus Trans-cervical Balloon for Induction of Labor in Fetal Growth Restriction

Start date: March 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this randomized trial is to compare two methods of induction in a fetal growth restriction population. The main question it aims to answer is: • Is trans-cervical balloon superior to prostaglandins in reducing the cesarean section rate, without increasing neonatal morbidity? Participants will have an induction of labour by cervical ripening with trans-cervical balloon in the trans-cervical balloon catheter arm and with Prostaglandins in the Misoprostol arm. Researchers will compare two methods of induction: trans-cervical balloon and prostaglandins to see if trans-cervical balloon is associated with a lower risk of cesarean delivery.

NCT ID: NCT05842564 Not yet recruiting - Crohn Disease Clinical Trials

Autophagy in Paediatric Crohn's Disease

Start date: June 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Crohn's disease is a multifactorial complex disease resulting in a between microbiota and immune system. Indeed, GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies) association study pinpointed polymorphisms as genes susceptibility on more than 200 loci. Among them genes coding for proteins involved in autophagy machinery (i.e: ATG16L1, IRGM et NDP52). Autophagy is a ubiquitous intracellular mechanism mandatory for protein and microorganism recycling. So far, the role of autophagy in gut inflammation and intestinal homeostasis in Crohn's disease patients is partially understand. Then, investigators plan to evaluate, on native cells, the autophagic flux in pediatric patients suffering of a Crohn's disease compare to controls.

NCT ID: NCT05841758 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary

Hydroxychloroquine as a Steroid-sparing Agent in Extrapulmonary Sarcoidosis

Start date: April 1, 2024
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology, mainly affecting the lungs and lymphatics. It affects people worldwide (incidence, 4.7-64/100000; prevalence, 1-36/100000/year). Although it is most often a benign acute or subacute condition, sarcoidosis may progress to a disabling chronic disease in 25% of the cases, with severe complications in about 5%, such as lung fibrosis, cardiac or neurosarcoidosis, defacing lupus pernio or blindness due to uveitis. When indicated, corticosteroids (CS) are the mainstay of treatment. Due to the kinetics of granuloma resolution, the usual and quite 'dogmatic' duration of treatment is said to be one year, following four classical steps. The long-term use of CS is hindered by cumulative toxicity and efforts have to be made to taper them, as quickly as possible, to the lowest effective dose. A recent report mentioned 39% of the CS-treated patients requiring a steroid-sparing agent. Chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are anti-malarial drugs that have been used since the 1960's as steroidsparing agents on the basis of a landmark study by Siltzbach reporting their efficacy in 43 patients with skin and intrathoracic sarcoidosis. Subsequently, two small randomized controlled trials have shown significant and prolonged improvement on pulmonary symptoms. Only small case series/reports have shown CQ/HCQ efficacy on extra-pulmonary sarcoidosis with response rates ranging from 67 to 100%. Nevertheless, CQ/HCQ are daily used for skin, bone, and joint sarcoidosis, as well as hypercalcemia. Nowadays, HCQ is preferred over CQ because of a lower incidence of gastrointestinal and ocular adverse reactions, which can be minimized by close attention to the dosage and regular retinal examination. Its profile of safety is well-known since it has long been employed to treat systemic lupus erythematous or rheumatoid arthritis. Its action is thought to rely on its ability to accumulate in lysosomes of phagocytic cells, to affect antigen presentation and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines. The investigator hypothesize that HCQ may be an efficacious add-on therapy for extra-pulmonary sarcoidosis leading to a significant steroid-sparing effect.

NCT ID: NCT05839353 Not yet recruiting - Caregivers Clinical Trials

Evaluation of the Effect of Training in the Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR) Tool on the Feeling of Self-efficacy of Carers of Patients With Lung Cancer in the Face of a Situation of Simulated Respiratory Distress.

Start date: July 1, 2023
Study type: Observational

Dyspnea is defined as a subjective feeling of discomfort in breathing. In respiratory pathologies, dyspnea can be indicative of lung cancer or its aggravation, or even be the most important symptom of the end of life. The prevalence of dyspnea is high in patients with lung cancer, ranging from 50 to 87%. Dyspnea can exacerbate at any time in the course of care for the patient with lung cancer, causing respiratory distress or Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) and putting the prognosis at stake. ARF justifies urgent and effective care, and in pre-hospital, it is based on the call to the Emergency Medical Aid Service (SAMU). The communication of information on the patient's condition in ARF to the SAMU must be as clear and precise as possible in order to avoid medical errors, inappropriate decisions and therefore a loss of opportunity for the patient. In Oncology, caregivers often assume the role of "decision maker" and provide monitoring and assessment of symptoms, including dyspnea. A qualitative study on the experience of caregivers during dyspnea occurring in patients with lung cancer or obstructive bronchopneumopathy revealed an altered emotional state of caregivers, such as anxiety, stress and feeling of helplessness, especially when respiratory deterioration occurs suddenly at night. The unmet need for information could compromise the sense of self-efficacy among caregivers. In this context of monitoring symptoms in lung cancer at home, caregivers are the first witnesses of respiratory distress in their loved ones. However, faced with the sudden deterioration of breathing, they risk forgetting to communicate essential information when calling the SAMU. Since 2014, the High Authority for Health (HAS) has been recommending the use of the SBAR tool (Situation, Background, Assessment Recommendation) to facilitate communication between professionals. Its effectiveness has been proven both in improving knowledge and in the quality of communication. This is why training in the use of the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment Recommendation) tool could be extrapolated to caregivers with regard to the responsibilities they must assume in the management of home care, including lung cancer to deal with respiratory distress.The Serious Game (SG) is an innovative educational tool adapted to training in the field of health.It is an interactive web-based software allowing the repetitive training of medical procedures in a virtual environment, in the form of video games for active, experiential and problem-based learning, without the need to involve patients and therefore without risk.The aim of the research is to provide training in the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment Recommendation) tool in the form of a Serious Game for carers of patients with lung cancer in order to improve the feeling of self-efficacy in the management of respiratory distress at home.

NCT ID: NCT05839145 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Muscular Atrophy, Spinal, Type III

Home Monitoring of Adult Patients With SMA: a Pilot Multicenter Validation Study

Start date: December 15, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

There is no complete cure for SMA yet. However, the discovery of the genetic cause of SMA has led to the development of several treatment options that affect the genes involved in SMA - a gene replacement therapy called Zolgensma, and two drugs, called Nusinersen (Spinraza) and Risdiplam (Evyrsdi). In this context, the evaluation of efficacy and the long term follow-up of patients treated with these innovative treatments in clinical routine is one of the critical points. These evaluations are carried out in a medical context (clinical sites or research unit) using validated measurement tools and outcome measures. Carrying out these evaluations in a controlled environment can be considered from certain aspects as an advantage (reproducibility of measures, neutral environment, etc.), but also raises a certain number of questions regarding the impact on patients, the financial cost, or the relevance of the data obtained in an unnatural environment (stress, fatigue, patient motivation…). Also the regulatory authorities ask for longitudinal data for deciding to reimburse these expensive treatments. As such, the hospital cannot digest all these evaluations due to a lack of resources.