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NCT ID: NCT06421025 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Polycythemia Secondary

Blood Viscosity in Polycythemia Patients

Start date: May 30, 2024
Study type: Observational

Polycythemia (PG) corresponds to an increase in erythrocyte parameters on a blood test. A distinction is usually made between primary and secondary PG. The most common primary PG is Vaquez's disease, a hematological cancer. In Vaquez disease, an increase in hematocrit has been reported to be associated with a logarithmic increase in blood viscosity. The main complications of primary PGs (especially in Vaquez disease) are thromboembolic complications. In contrast, thromboembolic complications are rarer in secondary PG. In Vaquez disease, a hematocrit ≤ 45% has been defined as the therapeutic goal for significantly reducing thromboembolic risk. However, this has not been established for secondary PGs. All in all, the definition of the 45% threshold is based solely on clinical studies with no obvious biological argument. What's more, simply lowering blood mass through cytoreduction alone does not appear to be sufficient to significantly reduce thromboembolic risk. To investigator knowledge, there are no studies prospectively evaluating blood viscosity, its determinants and coagulation in different types of polycythemia. Nor are there any data on the direct effect on blood viscosity of the various treatments usually offered.

NCT ID: NCT06421012 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for ICU Patients Under Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Preoxygenation for Tracheal Aspirations in Intensive Care

Start date: June 10, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Clearing the airways is a complex phenomenon involving the production of secretions, the nature of mucus (viscosity, elasticity, stringiness, and adhesiveness), ciliary movement, and coughing. In intubated and ventilated patients, endotracheal suctioning occur when the patient is "unable to clear the airways of obstructions hindering the free passage of air." These suctioning can lead to transient desaturation exacerbated by a decrease in cardiac output due to increased mean arterial pressure, promoting cardiac arrhythmias. To minimize these effects, it is recommended to perform additional preoxygenation, by increasing the fraction of O2 in the air delivered to the patient by the ventilator 2-3 minutes before the procedure. These longstanding recommendations were reiterated in 2022, based on outdated studies involving systematic suctioning that required disconnecting the patient from the ventilator. Currently, suctioning are performed on-demand, based on the patient's congestion status, either through the endotracheal tube cap or a "closed system." Desaturations have become infrequent without establishing that additional preoxygenation can prevent them. Moreover, additional preoxygenation is not without risks. By inducing de-nitrogenation atelectasis with a loss of lung volume, it can exacerbate pre-existing lung injuries in the most severe patients. In less severe cases, preoxygenation leads to transient hyperoxia, with various deleterious effects impacting patient prognosis. Thus, a short-term risk, such as deep desaturations, must be balanced against a medium-term risk of hyperoxia and de-nitrogenation.

NCT ID: NCT06420960 Not yet recruiting - Heart Disease Clinical Trials

Diagnostic Efficacy of Connected WAtch ECG Versus External Holter ECG

Start date: June 17, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Palpitations are a frequent reason for consultation (16% of total volume) and management in the emergency department. Conventional diagnostic management in our establishment is based on a 48-hour external ECG holter, combined with a stress test if symptoms are triggered by physical activity. The diagnostic difficulty lies in the frequency and duration of this transient symptom. At the time of consultation, the patient is often asymptomatic. The initial strategy is to demonstrate an electrocardiographic trace during the attack, in order to adapt management to the chosen etiology. The HOLTER ECG is the gold standard, but it is not very cost-effective due to the infrequent and random nature of the onset of symptoms. The advent of accessible connected tools such as connected watches seems to be an interesting alternative for acquiring a per-critical trace of symptoms. They are widely adopted by the general population, with ease of use by the individual and long monitoring times. The main aim of the study is to establish the diagnostic cost-effectiveness of one or other of the two diagnostic strategies (rate of identification of the causal arrhythmia) at 6 months from the cardiological consultation.

NCT ID: NCT06420921 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Cochlear Hearing Loss

MeasurIng and Restoring Auditory Awareness for Cochlear Implant Listeners in noisE

Start date: July 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this interventional study is to describe how people with cochlear implants perceive the perceive speech in noise and their sound environment on adults who are native French speakers with typical hearing or with cochlear implant(s). The measures and strategies developed in this project could benefit all current and future cochlear implant wearers by improving their perception of the sound environment and their quality of life on a daily basis. Researchers will compare normal hearing participant and participants with cochlear implant to describe the speech in noise and their perception of the sound environment. Participants will perform audiological tests to assess their perception of the sound environment, with and without speech enhancement.

NCT ID: NCT06420128 Not yet recruiting - Aged Clinical Trials

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Primary Care: Potentially Avoidable Hospitalization

Start date: June 2024
Study type: Observational

The World Health Organization supports collaborative practice in primary care, defining it as "when multiple health professionals from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings" (1). Previous research have shown that collaborative practice in primary care improves care pathways, efficiency of care (2,3), job satisfaction among health professionals (4-6), and economic efficiency (3,7). Riverin et al. found a reduction in post-hospitalization mortality with collaborative practice (8). In France, the establishment of primary care teams following the American model of Centered Medical Homes is encouraged. In the Pays de la Loire region, two models exist: A national and a regional model. A major issue for patient care team is the care of seniors (9,10).Hospitalizations can have adverse health effects for this population (11,12). 45% of emergency admissions follow by a hospitalization concern them (13). The hypothesis of the study is that collaborative practice could reduce the global rate of potential avoidable hospitalizations among seniors.

NCT ID: NCT06419192 Not yet recruiting - Pregnant Woman Clinical Trials

Modifying Nutrition to Modify Delivery in Nulliparous Women

Start date: July 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

In France, around 20% of women exceed the term of 41 weeks' amenorrhoea (SA). Maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality are increased when the term is exceeded, which justifies inducing labour. However, induction also increases maternal and foetal morbidity. According to several studies, regular consumption of dates during the last month of pregnancy may increase the rate of spontaneous labour and natural childbirth. Single-centre, randomised, open-label, 3-arm study : Experimental group n°1: 'dietary advice + food provided'. Advice to eat 7 dates a day from 37 weeks' gestation until delivery. The quantity of dates required will be provided to the women. Experimental group 2: 'dietary advice alone'. Advice to eat 7 dates a day from 37 weeks' gestation until delivery. The food will not be provided. Control group: no specific dietary advice. Routine care group.

NCT ID: NCT06419010 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin in the Surgical Treatment of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

Start date: May 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare but serious side-effect of antiresorptive therapies used in the management of bone diseases, such as osteoporosis or bone metastases. A surgical management can lead to a resolution of the disease, but with perfectible results. For this purpose, the use of autologous platelet concentrates (APC) can be useful. With this study, researchers aim to demonstrate the efficacy of L-PRF (Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin) as an adjunct to the surgical treatment of MRONJ in terms of wound healing.

NCT ID: NCT06418243 Not yet recruiting - Pelvic Tumor Clinical Trials

Contribution of 3D Modeling in Surgical Management of Pediatric Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Tumors

Start date: June 2024
Study type: Observational

This study's purpose is the comparison of the automatically segmented 3D model to the reference manual segmentation, based on the Dice precision index. It is implemented by making parents' patients, surgeons and surgical helpers answer specific questions comparing 3D images to usual 2D images of the patient's tumor.

NCT ID: NCT06416397 Not yet recruiting - Cholangiocarcinoma Clinical Trials

Diagnostic Approach for Cholangiocarcinoma Using Liquid Bile Biopsy

Start date: June 2024
Study type: Observational

The main aim of the study is to develop a diagnostic proteomic profile of cholangiocarcinoma using bile samples. The primary endpoint will be the rate of concordant positive diagnoses obtained from bile samples based on proteomic profiling compared with histological reference diagnoses (concomitant cytological sampling and/or final histological sampling).

NCT ID: NCT06415968 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Prevalence and Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Against Individuals Seeking Hematological Consultations

Start date: June 2024
Study type: Observational

Intimate violence against individuals, which is particularly marked among women, is one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. The Women Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) self-questionnaire is a screening tool validated in French. Our preliminary data describing the association between intimate violence against women and the first attack of unexplained venous thromboembolic disease, show a significant frequency of positive responses to the WAST among women attending a biological hematology consultation at the CHU de Nîmes, for reasons of hemostasis disorders (8% out of the first 200 cases). The study authors wish to establish the prevalence of this situation among patients presenting to the CHU de Nîmes for hematological exploration and management. They hypothesize that the prevalence of violence against individuals seen in Hematology consultations is higher among individuals with hemostasis pathologies (hemorrhagic and thrombotic pathologies) than those with cellular pathologies, and higher among women than men.