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NCT ID: NCT02583880 Completed - Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Screening Day Latin America

Start date: October 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

This is a survey which will be performed on a specific day (the "Screening Day") in Latin American ICUs. In eligible patients who receive enteral or parenteral nutrition a retrospective calculation of the "caloric deficit" will be performed. The caloric deficit is the difference between energy target of each patient and actually administered calories.

NCT ID: NCT02575287 Completed - GERD Clinical Trials

Minimal Injuries From Esophagus Detected by Optical Enhancement System™ Associated to Optical Magnification HD Scopes

Start date: September 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

White light endoscopy remains the gold standard technique to evaluate gastrointestinal tract. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is defined as presence of reflux symptoms (heartburn and regurgitation) associated or not with lesions in esophageal mucosa. Based on findings at videoendoscopy GERD patients can have a complicated reflux disease (erosive esophagitis) or not and be considered as a non erosive reflux disease (NERD). 60% of GERD patients have normal endoscopy (NERD) and requires further studies to achieve a definitive diagnosis. Based on this fact is that the study will be focus on NERD patients. Recently an image-enhanced endoscopic technology using a pre-processor band-limited light called Optical Enhancement system (OE system™), was developed (Pentax Medical). This new technology combines digital signal processing with optical filters that limit the spectral characteristics of the illumination light. The new innovated optical filters achieve higher overall transmittance by connecting the peaks of the hemoglobin absorption spectrum (415 nm, 540 nm and 570 nm) creating a continuous wavelength spectrum. There are two modes with different OE filters (Mode 1 and Mode 2). Mode 1 is designed to improve visualization of microvessels with a sufficient amount of light, and Mode 2 is designed to improve contrast of white-light observation by bringing the color tone of the overall image closer to that of natural color. In addition, new scopes has been developed which combines high definition images with optical magnification called Magniview™. These scopes increase the image up to 136 times with a better quality of image than standard scopes without optical zoom. Sharma et al. evaluated esophageal changes in NERD patients using a similar pre-processor filter called Narrow Band Imaging (NBI). They found that a significantly higher proportion of patients with NERD had an increased number, dilation and tortuosity of the microscopic intrapapillary capillary loops (IPCLs), and were considered the best predictors for diagnosing NERD. They used optical chromoendoscopy technology (NBI) associated to magnification scopes (Olympus GIF Q240Z, 115x), but they did not evaluated if the contribution with this technology to the observations found in GERD patients were as a result of the NBI or the magnification scopes. The investigators opinion is that chromoendoscopy is useful but is the magnification what makes up the difference.

NCT ID: NCT02486289 Completed - Mercury Poisoning Clinical Trials

Pilot Proof of Concept Study of NBMI Treatment of Mercury Intoxication

Start date: August 2015
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

A randomized, placebo controlled, double blind proof of concept study of NBMI in treatment of mercury intoxication.

NCT ID: NCT02451410 Completed - Obesity Clinical Trials

An Intervention to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity in Preschoolers in Cuenca, Ecuador

Start date: September 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study is to design and evaluate an educational and behavioral intervention focused on improving nutrition and physical activity habits among preschoolers in Cuenca, Ecuador, with the overarching goal of preventing overweight/obesity and promoting the formation of healthy nutrition/physical activity habits.

NCT ID: NCT02446873 Completed - Choline Deficiency Clinical Trials

Cracking the Egg Potential: Improving Young Child Nutrition in Ecuador

Start date: February 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The proposed study will fill an important gap in the literature by examining, through a randomized controlled trial, the effect of egg consumption on biochemical markers of choline, vitamin B-12, lipids, and amino acids in young children in a poor rural area of Ecuador. Children from Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador (n=180) will be randomized into one of two groups: 1) intervention, receiving one egg per day for six months; or 2) control. Baseline and endline data on socio-economic factors, and child diet, morbidities, and anthropometry will be collected. Blood will also be drawn from the children at these time points for nutrient biomarker analyses. Through qualitative research the proposed study will provide insight into the attitudes, beliefs, and use of eggs by mothers and other caregivers during the complementary feeding period. The University of San Francisco in Quito (USFQ) will be the lead field coordinator of the research working in partnership with Washington University in St. Louis, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and University of California, Davis.

NCT ID: NCT02352233 Completed - Colonic Diseases Clinical Trials

Retroview Colonoscope for the Evaluation of Colon Mucosa Study

Start date: January 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

Colonoscopy is the "gold standard" technique for diagnosis and treatment of colonic lesions. Moreover, high definition colonoscopes (HD) associated to digital chromoendoscopy had shown better results regarding adenoma and polyps detection when compared to standard non HD scopes. However, evidence shows that during standard colonoscopy many lesions could be missed, including polyps, cancer and other kind of lesions. This could be correlated to many factors and recently reports show evidence that lesions behind the folds could be missed because the limitation of a forward view examination. Until know, a new auxiliary imaging device called "Third Eye Retroscope" had demonstrated more lesions detection during colonoscopy using a retro view, but with some limitations as absence of HD vision, the need of additional equipment and the fact the device occupies the accessory channel, limiting therapeutic efficiency. Recently a new HD colonoscope called "RETROVIEW" (PENTAX Medical) has been developed. It permits visualization of colonic mucosa in forward view, in retroflex view and allows for performance of diagnostic and therapeutics in a single colonoscope.

NCT ID: NCT02351154 Completed - Atrophic Gastritis Clinical Trials

Grading Atrophic Gastritis by Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Probe (p-CLE)

Start date: September 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Atrophic gastritis (AG) is a chronic disease, associated to gastric adenocarcinoma moreover if severity AG is present. Sydney system classified AG as mild, moderate and severe, but with moderate interobserver agreement, due to this system is based in a visual analogic scale (qualitative analysis). Confocal endomicroscopy showed an accuracy of 98% for diagnosis gastric diseases, but when grading AG still remains a qualitative measure. Recently, a new software called "Cellvizio® Viewer" (CV) permits to measure in micrometers (µm) the structures observed after confocal laser endomicroscopy probe studies. Based on the hypothesis that AG severity is correlated with crypts size diminution, the aim of this study is to determine a quantitative way to classify the severity of AG measuring the crypt area and inter-crypt spaces in patients with AG.

NCT ID: NCT02307201 Completed - Clinical trials for Post Partum Severe Preeclampsia

Magnesium Sulfate During the Postpartum in Women With Severe Preeclampsia

Start date: December 2014
Phase: Phase 2/Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

There is no evidence that patients receiving magnesium sulfate before birth are required to maintain the drug for 24 hours. Therefore the investigators will have a randomized clinical study in patients with severe preeclampsia who have been treated with impregnation of magnesium sulphate and at least eight hours have received the drug before birth. If the patient agrees and signs the consent is randomized to: 1-receive sulfate for 24 hours postpartum as usual or, 2- not receiving the postpartum magnesium sulfate or other anticonvulsant drugs. This study can be conducted in 12 maternity latin america.

NCT ID: NCT02299401 Completed - Pregnancy Clinical Trials

Effectiveness of Two Regimens of Misoprostol Alone for Early Pregnancy Termination and Use of SQPT for At-Home Follow-Up

Start date: December 2014
Phase: Phase 2/Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

This randomized trial will compare the rates of ongoing pregnancy, safety/side effects and acceptability of two medical abortion regimens that are commonly used in Latin America. The first regimen will involve three 800 mcg doses of misoprostol taken buccally in three hour intervals; the second will involve three 800 mcg doses of misoprostol taken sublingually in three hour intervals. This study will also aim to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a semi-quantitative pregnancy test (SQPT) for at-home follow-up in both settings.

NCT ID: NCT02226627 Completed - Physical Activity Clinical Trials

Latin American Survey of Nutrition and Health / Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud

Start date: March 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

This study aims to make a proper scientific assessment on the dietary intake and physical activity levels of a representative sample of the urban population of 8 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela). The study was based on complex, multistage sample design, stratified by conglomerates, being all regions of each country represented, and random selection of main cities within each region according to probability proportional to size method. Sample will be stratified by gender, age (15 to 65 years old), and socioeconomic level. Socioeconomic levels will be balanced and divided in three strata (high, medium and low) based on national indexes used in each country. All the study sites are university-based and will adhere to a common study protocol for training, implementation of fieldwork, data collection and management, and quality control procedures to be performed simultaneously. All participants will be required to provide a written informed consent. A pilot study at small scale will be performed in each country in order to test procedures and tools involved in ELANS. Anthropometric variables, including body weight, height, waist, hip and neck circumferences will be measured according to a standardized protocol. Nutritional intake evaluation will be performed using two 24-hour dietary recalls, with 'multiple pass' procedure and a food frequency questionnaire. Nutritional data will be entered in Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R, Minnesota University) after a harmonization process between local foods and NDSR database. Physical activity and energy expenditure will be assessed by IPAQ-long version questionnaire and 7-day accelerometry.