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NCT ID: NCT05996796 Completed - Cervical Cancer Clinical Trials

Dry Run of the ScreenUrSelf Trial

Start date: April 10, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The proposed study is the Dry Run preceding the ScreenUrSelf trial.

NCT ID: NCT05994963 Completed - Healthy Clinical Trials

A Study to Compare Different Preparations of Sisunatovir in Healthy Adult Participants.

Start date: September 1, 2023
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to learn how different preparations of sisunatovir are taken up into the blood when taken on an empty stomach or with a meal in healthy adults. This study has two Parts and is seeking participants who: - are healthy males or females of 18 years of age or older. Part 1: All participants will receive treatments: A, B, and C. The participants will be assigned to take medicines A, B or C by chance, like drawing names out of a hat. All treatments will be taken by mouth. - Participants assigned to treatment A will take four capsules of sisunatovir on empty stomach. - Participants assigned to treatment B will take two sisunatovir tablets on empty stomach. - Participants assigned to treatment C will take two sisunatovir tablets with a high-fat meal. Part 2: All participants will receive treatments: B and D. The participants will be assigned to take medicines B and D by chance, like drawing names out of a hat. All treatments will be taken by mouth. - Participants assigned to treatment B will take two sisunatovir tablets on empty stomach. - Participants assigned to treatment D will take two sisunatovir tablets with a low-fat meal. The participants will be in the study clinic for 10 days in Part 1 and 7 days in Part 2, for: - safety checks, - sample collection for lab tests, - understanding how different preparations of sisunatovir are taken up into the blood when taken on an empty stomach or with a meal. All participants selected in the study will be required to go through a screening period up to 28 days. A screening period is the time during which a few participants are tested to see whether they are fit for the study. The participants can join the study only if they are tested be fit and are interested to take part in the study. The participants will be allowed to go home on Day 10 during Part 1, and on Day 7 during Part 2. About 28 to 35 days after being sent home following the final treatment, the participant will be contacted for a follow up visit either in person or by telephone. This is to check up on how the participant is doing and to end the study.

NCT ID: NCT05992142 Completed - Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Trials

ChAracterizing the Remission Status in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Treated by 5-ASA

Start date: January 17, 2023
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

For the last years the aim of the management of ulcerative colitis (UC) has become more ambitious including not only clinical remission but also the achievement of biological remission, endoscopic and histological healing, which are associated with less flares, hospitalizations and surgeries. About 50% of the patients with UC followed in routine are treated by 5-aminosalicylate acid (5-ASA) (oral and/or topical). The aim of the study is to describe the different levels of remission (clinical, endoscopic, histological) in UC patients treated only by 5-ASA, that report to be in clinical remission during a routine follow-up visit. The factors associated with different levels of remission (demographic, 5-ASA regimen, biologic, endoscopic, histologic) will be studied. Adherence and quality of life will be examined through patient questionnaires.

NCT ID: NCT05991635 Completed - Suicide Clinical Trials

Evaluation of a Gatekeeper Training for Pharmacists

Start date: April 12, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to investigate to what extent a gatekeeper training (e-learning) for pharmacists and PTA is effective in changing the attitudes, knowledge, and self-efficacy. Moreover, it aims to examine how they evaluate the training and whether they were able to apply the learned skills in practice.

NCT ID: NCT05974436 Completed - Uremic Syndrome Clinical Trials

Green Dialysis: Dialysis With Reduced Dialysate Flow

Start date: July 18, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Hemodialysis patients consume per year 18.720-26.208L of dialysis fluid (i.e. water). From an ecological point of view, the present study investigated whether reducing this water amount has an impact on the extraction and total solute removal of different uremic toxins. The efficiency of hemodiafiltration with a standard high-flux dialyzer is compared to hemodialysis with a medium cut-off dialyzer with a dialysate flow of either 700mL/min or 300mL/min.

NCT ID: NCT05966974 Completed - Osteoporosis Clinical Trials

GRACE - Study of AGN1 LOEP in Osteopenic and Osteoporotic Patients

Start date: December 15, 2022
Study type: Observational

The study is designed as a retrospective, single-center study for subjects previously treated with the AGN1 LOEP Kit. This will be a non-randomized and non-blinded study. The study will collect retrospective data on the safety and performance of AGN1 LOEP of all subjects treated outside of any other clinical study protocols between September 2019 and November 2022. A prospective questionnaire will be included to evaluate self-reported subject experiences.

NCT ID: NCT05956002 Completed - Clinical trials for Healthy Participants

A Study to Evaluate the Study Medication (Etrasimod) When Mixed With Food in Healthy Participants

Start date: September 4, 2023
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to compare how healthy adults process Etrasimod when taken in different forms. One form is Etrasimod taken without food. The other form is Etrasimod mixed with water and 3 different foods. The types of food used are applesauce, chocolate pudding or yogurt. The study is seeking participants who are: - Aged 18 or older - Male or female who are healthy as determined by medical assessment - Body-mass index (BMI) of 16 to 32, and a total body weight > 50kg. The study will take up to 2.5 months, including the screening period. Participants will have to stay at the study clinic for at least 45 days. This includes 5 study periods in total. Participants will take Etrasimod as a tablet by mouth without food. Participants will also take Etrasimod sprinkled in soft food or water. Blood samples will be taken both before and after participants take Etrasimod. Participants will also answer questions for taste assessment purposes. A follow-up phone call will be made 20 to 27 days after the last study period.

NCT ID: NCT05952908 Completed - Clinical trials for Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice

Effect of Simulation-based Procedure Training for Novice Cardiac Device Implanters Towards Implant Proficiency

Start date: March 8, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is an educational research study involving novice cardiac device implanters willing to further enhance their device implant skills through optional simulation-based training. The goal is to prospectively compare the effect of two different simulation-based training approaches on the quality of operators' implant performance in a simulated environment. The hypothesis is that a novel simulation training curriculum requiring trainees to demonstrate predefined proficiency benchmarks to advance (proficiency-based progression method) would generate superior performances compared to a traditional simulation training curriculum without proficiency requirements but identical content/tools. At the end of the instruction each trainee will perform a final simulated implant procedure which will be (anonymously) video-recorded and consequently scored by independent reviewers using previously validated intraoperative performance metrics. The effect of the two training approaches will be evaluated and performances compared by group for each metric independently.

NCT ID: NCT05951881 Completed - Clinical trials for Medication Adherence

Comparative Study of the Performance of Drug Anamneses in an Emergency Department

Start date: February 15, 2023
Study type: Observational

After the first medical history by the nurse and the emergency physician, the pharmacist and the pharmacy assistant take a detailed history of the patient's medications separately. After checking with the patient's reference pharmacy, the pharmacist and pharmacy assistant compare their results.

NCT ID: NCT05944887 Completed - Clinical trials for Diagnostic Gastroscopy

Intravenous Lidocaine to Reduce Propofol Consumption During Gastroscopy.

Start date: July 21, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this clinical trial is to assess if intravenous administration of linisol reduce the propofol consumption and the sides effects of sedation during gastroscopy in healthy patients (ASA 1 and 2 patients). Prior to propofol sedation, participants will receive either an intravenous bolus of linisol (1.5 mg/kg) = treated group or placebo = control group. After the gastroscopy, patients will be asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire