There are about 27 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Afghanistan. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
In areas of which are co-endemic for vivax and falciparum malaria, treatments for the two diseases often differ and this may lead to mistreatment. This places an emphasis on diagnosis at the health service provision level. Diagnosis is also important when malaris endemicity is low - most fevers are not caused by disease. These two issues mean that most malaria and fevers are not adequately treated, even though the drugs may be effective; many patients who do not have malaria are treated for the disease, and patients with malaria may get the wrong treatment for their species. The study aims to test the effectiveness of employing rapid diagnostic tests and will study the effect on correct treatment.
Malaria is a major public health problem in many provinces of Afghanistan the failure rate of chloroquine (CQ) and amodiaquine (AQ) treated Plasmodium falciparum(Pf) malaria has risen to more than 60% overall and as high as 90% in Jalalabad. CQ remains fully effective against P vivax, and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) remains effective against P falciparum (10-15% of cases fail to cure). The current malaria treatment protocol still continuing CQ for P.vivax and adopted Artmisinine based combination therapy (ACT) for treating (Pf) malaria, as most than 50% malaria has being diagnosed clinically, so due to this and other operational reasons the protocol needs to be simplified. By comparing 56 day PCR corrected cure rate of DHA-PPQ with the standard treatment regimen as primary objective and comparing the safety, gametocytecidal effect and parasite clearance time as secondary objectives, our study titled: Randomized, Open Label, controlled, non-inferiority clinical trial for comparison of Efficacy & safety, will provide scientific evidence to lead the simplification and improvement of the standard malaria treatment regimen in Afghanistan; to adopt a policy of treating both vivax and falciparum malaria with the same drug regimen. With a significance level (α) = 0.05 and a power=80%, the calculated sample size is 274 per study arm. Therefore about1100 patients (274 per study-arm: 548 patients with falciaprum malaria and 548 patients with vivax malaria) will be recruited in Malaria reference Centers (MRCs) of three malaria endemic provinces (Nangarhar in the east, Thakhar in the north-east and Faryab in the north-west of country) after signing written inform consent form, according the inclusion and exclusion criteria and will be treated as out patients by giving the randomized drug dose under observation of study team and followed-up daily for 3 days (as treatment course of either arm is once daily dose for three days) and after than weekly up to day 56. and the study is planed to conducted in 3 provinces of Afghanistan for approximately 2 years. Patients will be assessed clinically as well necessary laboratory tests will be performed and all the bio-medical findings will be recorded in special patient case record form, the electronic form of which will be broth to Trop. Med of Mahidol University for final analysis. The patients will be receiving the reasonable transportation cost for follow-up visits as well as one bed-net at the end of enrollment.