Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Primary |
Feasibility of the PP-based Health Behavior Intervention |
Feasibility will be measured by examining the number of completed exercises. |
10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in PANAS Scores |
The positive affect items on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), a well-validated scale used in other intervention trials and in patients with HF, will be used to measure positive affect (Range: 10-50). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate higher levels of positive affect. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in LOT-R Scores |
Life Orientation Test-Revised is a well-validated 6-item instrument used to measure dispositional optimism (Range: 0-24). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate higher levels of optimism. |
Change of score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in HADS-Anxiety Subscale Scores |
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)-anxiety subscale was be used to measure anxiety. This is a well-validated scale with few somatic symptom items that can confound mood/anxiety assessment in medically-ill patients (Range: 0-21). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate higher levels of anxiety. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Change in HADS-Depression Subscale Scores |
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)-depression subscale was be used to measure depression. This is a well-validated scale with few somatic symptom items that can confound mood/anxiety assessment in medically-ill patients (Range: 0-21). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate worse outcome (i.e. greater levels of depression). |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in KCCQ Scores |
The Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire is a well-validated questionnaire of health status in HF. The full scale will be used to measure HF-specific health-related QoL (HRQoL), and an eight-question subset of the KCCQ will be used as a measure of HF symptoms (QoL score range: 0-100; total symptom score range: 0-100). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher QoL scores indicate better HF specific health-related QoL, and higher total symptom scores indicate fewer symptoms. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in SF-12 Scores |
The Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-12 (SF-12) will be used to measure quality of life. This is an instrument which has been used in multiple cardiac studies in the past (SF-12 Mental Composite Score and Physical Composite Score Range: 0-100 each). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate higher level of health related QoL. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in MOS SAS Scores |
Three Medical Outcomes Study Specific Adherence Scale (MOS SAS) items assessing medication, diet, and exercise, will be measured individually and as a composite score (Range: 3-18). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate better adherence to health behaviors. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Changes in Daily Sodium Intake (as Measured With the SSQ) |
The Scored Sodium Questionnaire (SSQ) is a self-report scale that assesses the frequency with which participants consume a variety of sodium-containing foods, ranging from "Rarely or Never Eaten" to "At Least Once Daily." It is used to calculate daily sodium intake (Range: 0-215). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. Higher scores indicate higher sodium intake. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Self-Reported Medication Adherence (SRMA) |
The Self-Reported Medication Adherence (SRMA) asks what percent of the time (in 10% increments) participants took all of their medications as prescribed in the past week and in the past 2 weeks (Range: 0-10). Change was calculated by subtracting the score at baseline from the score at 10 weeks. |
Change in score from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Change in Physical Activity |
Measured by Actigraph accelerometer, in number of steps per day. |
Baseline and 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Change in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (Actigraph) |
ActiGraph GT3X+ step counters are validated as measures of physical activity and have been used in numerous studies of physical activity in patients with medical illness. In this trial, participants will wear the accelerometer for one week at baseline and again for one week at 10 weeks to assess the feasibility of doing so and to ensure adequate capture of physical activity. Change was calculated by subtracting the MVPA at baseline from the MVPA at 10 weeks. |
Change in MVPA from Baseline to 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Feasibility of Actigraph |
Feasibility will be measured by examining the number of participants who use of the Actigraph. |
Baseline and 10 weeks |
Secondary |
Acceptability of the Exercises: Utility Score |
Participants will provide ratings of utility after each exercise, measured on a 10-point Likert scale (0-10). Higher scores indicate greater utility of the exercise. Weekly utility ratings were averaged to provide an overall utility score of the exercises. |
Weeks 1-10 |
Secondary |
Acceptability of the Exercises: Ease Score |
Participants will provide ratings of ease after each exercise, measured on a 10-point Likert scale (0-10). Higher scores indicate greater ease of the exercise. Weekly ease ratings were averaged to provide an overall easy score of the exercises. |
Weeks 1-10 |
Secondary |
Immediate Impact of the Exercises: Optimism Rating |
Participants will provide ratings of optimism before and after each exercise, measured on a 10-point Likert scale (0-10). Weekly pre- and post-exercise ratings of optimism were averaged to provide an overall pre- and post-exercise optimism score. Higher scores indicate higher levels of optimism. |
Weeks 1-10 |
Secondary |
Immediate Impact of the Exercises: Positive Affect Rating |
Participants will provide ratings of positive affect, before and after each exercise, measured on a 10-point Likert scale (0-10). Weekly pre- and post-exercise ratings of happiness were averaged to provide an overall pre- and post-exercise score. Higher scores indicate higher levels of positive affect. |
Weeks 1-10 |