View clinical trials related to Chronic Conditions.
Filter by:Stroke is a leading cause of disability, institutionalization, readmission and death. This research is being completed to accelerate the adoption of evidence-based therapy practices that improve overall stroke care and outcomes. We will implement a feasibility randomized controlled trial (RCT) studying the implementation of a stroke specific chronic disease self-management program. Specifically, if the person is identified to have a chronic vision impairment identified on the vision screen, a specific low vision self-management program will be used. Otherwise the program that will be used is the generic chronic disease self-management program.
The purpose of this study is to learn if Group Health members who participate in the online chronic disease self-management program will experience improved health outcomes, improved health care utilization, and lower costs.
People who have long-term conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc. face challenges in staying active and able to participate in activities that are important to them. There is some research that suggests that a care model that focuses on physical functioning and helping patients to manage their own conditions will assist them to stay active and healthy longer. In this project, the investigators are testing whether physiotherapy and occupational therapy offered to groups of patients and information about rehabilitation offered to other members of the health care team can help people with chronic conditions to maintain their physical abilities.