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Clinical Trial Summary

The objective of this study is to compare the performance of x-chest ray in the diagnosis of acute cardiac insuficiency through the interpretation of a senior and a non-senior.

Clinical Trial Description

Acute cardiac insufficiency (ICA) is a leading cause of acute dyspnea in the emergency department (SU) and is associated with a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. An increasing number of tools for better ICA diagnosis are available in the SUs. However, there is likely room to improve the ICA diagnostic approach using widely available routine tools, including chest x-ray . Chest x-ray is a rapid and inexpensive method that is routinely performed in an emergency in patients with acute dyspnea. This is the first-line diagnostic imaging modality recommended in the guidelines. The objective of this study is to compare the performance of x-chest ray in the diagnosis of acute cardiac insuficiency through the interpretation of a senior and a non-senior. A senior emergency physician or resident and an intern, perform a reading of chest x-ray in any included patient by answering to following questions: Is there cardiomegaly? Calculation of the cardio-thoracic index Is there a vascular distribution towards the vertices, if so is it uni or bilateral? Is there pleurisy, if so is it uni or bilateral? Is there an interstitial syndrome, if so is it uni or bilateral? Is there an alveolar syndrome, if so if so is it single or bilateral? Is the diagnosis of heart failure very likely, likely or unlikely? Then there will be a comparison of the two answers. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05135338
Study type Observational
Source University of Monastir
Status Completed
Start date January 21, 2018
Completion date December 21, 2020