View clinical trials related to Cataract.
Filter by:Clinical safety and efficacy of CT ASPHINA 509 IOLs after implantation
Interventional, Multicentre, controlled, randomized, single blind, twoarmed non-inferiority trial
The purpose of this study is to compare the refractive predictability (prediction error) between the Cataract Refractive Suite (CRS) and standard manual technique at one month post-operative
Obtaining appropriate mydriasis prior to cataract surgery is an important variable in successful surgery. The current practice includes using topical anticholinergic and sympathomimetic agents in the preoperative area prior to cataract surgery, but the pupils are sometimes insufficiently dilated and can often need additional mydriasis with intracameral agents during cataract surgery. Pre-operative topical mydriatic drops take time to take effect, are mildly uncomfortable for the patient, and have a cost to the healthcare system. If intracameral mydriasis alone can achieve adequate pupil dilation, perhaps topical mydriatics would not be needed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether topical versus intracameral versus topical + intracameral mydriasis is the optimal way to dilate pupils during routine cataract surgery. The results of this study have implications for improving the efficiency and reducing time prior to cataract surgery. In addition, it has significant potential to reduce the cost associated with cataract surgery if preoperative drops can be eliminated.
This study aims to demonstrate that presurgical assessement of patients' risk factors and surveillance during surgery, both performed by nurses, are not inferior to anesthetic team's care, concerning the rate of complications in cataract surgery with topical anesthesia. The nurse performs the triage of patients based on a chart of risk factors assessment. The triage, according to the presence or not of risk factors, leads to patients' care by an anesthetic team (medical anesthesist for pre-surgical assessement and anesthetic nurse for surveillance during surgery) or to patients' pre-surgical assessement and surveillance during surgery both performed only by nurses. In the control group, all patients are taken care of by an aesthetic team, with medical pre surgical assessement and surveillance during surgery both performed by anesthetic nurses.
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery consists in nuclear lens fragmentation, followed by ultrasound phacoemulsification of nuclear lens, which is then removed. It can be assumed that fragmenting the nuclear lens in more pieces could facilitate the post-laser ultrasound phacoemulsification to extract the lens, with a lesser amount of ultrasonic energy. The decrease of ultrasonic energy delivered during cataract surgery is beneficial to the patient because it optimizes the vitality of corneal endothelial cells, which ensure corneal transparency.
The objective of this study is to compare the maintenance of intraoperative mydriasis during cataract surgery between two drugs: epinephrine, which has routinely been used for decades, and Omidria, a newly FDA approved combination drug of phenylephrine and ketorolac. Patients undergoing cataract surgery that are enrolled in the trial will randomly receive one of the drugs in one eye, and the other eye will receive the drug during the subsequent cataract surgery.
The purpose of this study is to assess how surgical interventions in glaucoma affect 24-hour intraocular pressure, 24-hour ocular perfusion pressure, optic nerve blood flow, and retinal oxygen saturation.
The use of the femtosecond laser causes an increase in the intraocular pressure (IOP) between 100 mm Hg and 200 mm Hg for a period of about 80 seconds (suction phase). If it is known that elevated IOP accelerates the degradation of retinal ganglion cells, whose axons form the optic nerve. No data has been published to date on potential adverse effects of femtolaser cataract surgery performed in patients with glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Since some time, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD -OCT) provides a detailed analysis of ganglion cell complex (GCC) for which the loss is a marker of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. The resolution of this device, about a few microns, can detect even a tiny loss of this layer. The investigators propose to evaluate the effects of elevated intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients undergoing femtolaser cataract surgery, studying the GCC through SD-OCT.
This study evaluates the association between surgery of the cataract and posterior vitreous detachment, in the emmetropic patient, by comparing eyes operated with eyes not operated in the same group of patients