There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
A drug utilization study will be performed to describe trends in the number of prescriptions and patients for class REMS ER/LA opioids and comparator products.
The purpose of this research study is to create a prospectively maintained, multicenter database of patients undergoing renal biopsy for renal masses performed percutaneously (through skin), via an 18 gauge biopsy needle (.048 inches). In this database, the investigators will collect and maintain the data from the biopsy procedure. This will allow us to evaluate our experience with this procedure as well as to participate in multi-institutional collaborative studies in the future. At University of California Irvine, the investigators routinely biopsy patients with renal masses under real-time ultrasound control. Percutaneous renal biopsy under ultrasound guidance is a routine procedure performed to diagnose renal mass histopathology. The safety and efficacy of this procedure has been well documented in the literature. The indications for percutaneous renal biopsy have expanded as there has been a substantial increase in the number of renal masses that are being diagnosed, and the acceptance of percutaneous biopsy continues to expand in parallel. The biopsy procedure is part of your normal standard of care and if not being done for this research project.
A visible difference can have a profound impact in a society with a massive emphasis on appearance and "looks". A vulnerable group is adolescents with a condition affecting their appearance as a result of injuries (burns, accidents), treatment (cancer), skin conditions or congenital anomalies (birthmarks, craniofacial conditions). Research has identified potential psychological difficulties, which, if not addressed, can lead to anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. In addition to medical treatment options, aiming at diminishing a difference that may be visible to others, young people with appearance concerns also need self-management skills. However, evidence-based interventions are scarce and specialised psychological treatment is difficult to reach. The Centre for Appearance Research (Bristol, UK) has developed an online intervention for adolescents, now translated into Norwegian ( UNG Face IT provides easy access to specialist advice and support via a home computer, using information, videos, and interactive activities. It provides advice, teaches coping and social skills, strengthening psychological adjustment to a visible difference. A systematic evaluation of the Norwegian version is needed. UNG Face IT could potentially address unmet needs, provide a cost-effective tool to reduce the need for "face-to-face" psychological and surgical/medical services, and contribute to make online health care available for young people with a visible difference.
This Clinical Study is a pivotal study to evaluate the safety of the SiteSealâ„¢ Adjunctive Compression Device across a broad array of patients undergoing interventional endovascular procedures.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is an inherited disease of collagen, found in connective tissues, such as skin. EDS patients suffer from joint and skin problems (skin hyperextensibility, joint hypermobility) along with a large range of other disorders, including, delayed wound healing with atrophic scarring, easy bruising, tissue fragility, gastrointestinal and gum problems. There are many different types of EDS, with different mechanisms of action, and not all of these are well understood. This study will used advanced microscopy techniques called atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyse the changes in collagen as a result of EDS, compared to normal collagen. These changes will be viewed at the micron and nanoscale level (between 1,000 to 100,000 x magnification), and will focus on the differences in collagen construction through a process called cross-linking. These changes could potentially help clinicians understand the root cause of EDS symptoms, and provide a deeper knowledge of cross-linking disorders in collagen. Increasing our knowledge of how collagen is affected in EDS patients, may lead to improved treatment options for patients.
This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the point of care blood analysis obtained from skin puncture blood and conventional blood analysis obtained from venous and arterial blood.
This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of human amniotic epithelial cell (hAEC) transplant in the management of children with spastic cerebral palsy.
The Effect of Mouthwash Containing Green Tea With Aloe Vera and Chlorhexidine Mouthwash on Oral Malodour Among a Group of Egyptian Children: Randomized Clinical Trial
The overall purpose of this project is to answer the following clinical question: Among Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) patients, do those who are treated with the Pentoxifylline and Tocopherol (PENTO) regimen and standard of care, when compared to those treated with standard of care alone, have decreased areas of exposed bone after one year of treatment?
The Houston Emergency Response Opioid Engagement System (HEROES) is a community-based research program integrating assertive outreach, medication-assisted treatment, behavioral counseling, peer recovery support, and paramedic follow-up in Houston Texas. The objective is to compare differences in engagement and retention in treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder.