View clinical trials related to Brain Concussion.
Filter by:A Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multi-center Trial to determine the efficacy of NeuroAiD II™ (MLC901) in improvement of cognitive functioning of adult patients with long-term cognitive impairment following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and to assess safety of NeuroAiD™ (MLC901) in these patients.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a theory-driven intervention (TRAIN concussion education) to improve parental concussion-related attitudes, beliefs, intentions, confidence in knowledge, and self-efficacy. Participants: 180 parents of United States middle school aged children whose children have been engaged in organized sports within the past 2 years. Procedures: The study is a single-blind (participants) randomized control trial. The investigators will randomize eligible parents into two groups: (1) control (standard concussion education); and treatment (standard concussion education AND TRAIN concussion education) to evaluate the effectiveness of the TRAIN concussion education intervention.
Brain photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is an innovative modality for the stimulation of neural activity in order to improve brain function and is currently under investigation as a treatment for several diverse neurological disorders. Our emphasis on this study is to review the use of PBM as a treatment modality for concussions and the use of ImPACT® (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) test to assess improvement in cognition and symptomatology in patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) treated with PBM.
Investigators will conduct a pilot efficacy test of a decision aid about contact sport participation post-concussion.
Service members and/or recently separated veterans with post traumatic stress symptoms and mild traumatic brain injury may participate in 8 sessions including 2 sessions including interviews and questionnaires as well as 6 sessions of art therapy. In the art therapy, participants will be provided with a blank paper mache mask template and invited to alter the mask however they wish using a variety of art materials. The therapist will use the art-making process and culminating product to aid in self-reflection, reframe negative thoughts and feelings, and work through traumatic content. Prior to the session start participants will get set up with a mobile qEEG (worn like a hat and backpack). The qEEG will measure brain activity in a non-invasive way throughout the art therapy session to improve understanding of brain activity during the art therapy process.
The study aims: - to observe a population particularly exposed by the past to brain trauma and concussion: Motorsport Pilots who are retired from a professional practice of motor sport; - to report results of their neuro-cognitive evaluations, - to determine if specific profiles emerge. - to evaluate potential consequences of these traumas' history at a cerebral, physical and psychological level. - to evaluate the contribution of the various examinations performed as part of a concussion assessment in routine care (eye-tracking, brain imaging, Neuropsychological Assessment).
This study will evaluate the practicality (i.e. acceptability to stakeholders; outcome battery feasibility; recruitment, retention, and adherence rates) and the preliminary effect of a cognitive strategy training intervention in adults with post-concussive syndrome.
The purpose of this pilot study is to better understand the effects of chronic cannabis (THC) use on the neural responses to subconcussive head impacts, as a form of repetitive soccer headings. The study is designed to identify the physiological changes of cannabis using cohort (THC) and compare it to a nonusing cohort in order to see if the responses to 20 controlled bouts of soccer headings are exacerbated by the chronic cannabis use, diminished to less of a response, or unchanged, through an array of neurologic measures, including cognitive function, ocolar-motor function, autonomic function, and blood biomarkers. The hypothesis is that repetitive subconcussive head impacts will impair cognitive function in worse memory, attention span, and visual and verbal problem solving; this impairment will be greater in the chronic cannabis use groups than non-using group. The blood and salivary biomarkers neurofilament light (NFL) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) will be measured in plasma, with the hypothesis that repetitive subconcussive head impacts will significantly increase plasma NFL and GFAP level at 24 hours-post heading and decrease by 72 hours-post heading, while remaining undetectable at 2 hours-post heading; the chronic cannabis use groups will see more severe effects on ocular-motor function than the non-using group. The study aims to determine the differences in acute effects of subconcussive head impacts on eye movement, attention, and language function between chronic cannabis use subjects and non-using subjects by evaluating ocular-motor function with near point of convergence and King-Devick tests. The hypothesis is that repetitive subconcussive head impacts will significantly increase impairments of eye movements, attention, and language function, as well as near point of convergence; the chronic cannabis use groups will see more severe effects on hampered ocular-motor function than the non-using group. Lastly, there is a cold pressor test to assess autonomic nerve function, with the hypothesis that repetitive subconcussive head impacts will decrease autonomic nerve function in chronic cannabis use patients to a greater degree than non-using subjects.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as a structural alteration of brain function caused by external causes, where mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) represents approximately 80% of all TBI, and although its prognosis is relatively good, it represents a significant cost to the system due to the need to perform a cranial computed tomography (CT) scan, a test of high economic value and not without risks such as irradiation, especially important and dangerous in the pediatric age. The investigators aim to set-up a point of-care (POC) device to validate a biomarker (H-FABP) able to diagnose the presence of brain damage in children and adults with mTBI at trauma and paediatric Emergency Departments using a blood sample, in order to save resources and avoid subjecting patients to a potentially damaging imaging test. But also, to assess whether the incorporation of new biomarkers improves the prediction of brain damage that can be done with H-FABP. For that, the investigators will recruit a 400 patients' cohort with blood samples using the available POC device for H-FABP biomarker.
Up to 28% of undergraduate college students report a suspected history of traumatic brain injury. Following traumatic brain injury, college students fail and repeat more courses and have lower grade point averages. Further complicating this problem may be the fact that college students lack knowledge of traumatic brain injury definition, its associated symptoms, and individuals involved in post-injury management. In this project, the investigators propose to compare the use of an established treatment model (i.e., the Dynamic Coaching Model) to a novel protocol (i.e., the Apprenticeship Approach) that includes explicit instruction about traumatic brain injury in college students with this population. The investigators will use a group comparison design to examine the efficacy of this instructional component. This work incorporates findings from educational psychology and speech-language pathology (e.g., the included instructional materials adhere to the principles of adult learning). As such, this work will advance the field's basic understanding of currently recommended treatment components and will systematically examine the effects of incorporating explicit instruction into an existing treatment model.