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Clinical Trial Summary

"Afib" is a common irregular heartbeat. Afib can cause stroke, blood clots, dementia and death. Medicines used to treat Afib often do not work well and can cause serious side effects. Clinicians need medicines that work better for Afib. Medicines for Afib work by blocking a current in the heart called a potassium current. There is a newer potassium current called IKas that can contribute to Afib. A medicine called ondansetron is used to keep people with cancer from getting sick to their stomach and throwing up. The investigators have found that ondansetron blocks IKas, and the investigators think that this means that ondansetron may work well to treat Afib. So, in this study the investigators want to find out if ondansetron can: 1) Reduce the amount of time that people have Afib, and 2) Slow down the heart rate when people have Afib. The investigators will study 80 people who come to the hospital to have a small electric shock to stop their Afib. After the shock, these patients will be assigned by chance (like flipping a coin) to one of two groups: ondansetron 8 mg by mouth twice daily or a sugar pill (placebo). The people in the study will not know whether they are receiving ondansetron or placebo. The ondansetron or placebo will be started within 7 days after the electric shock. The investigators will find out if ondansetron reduces the percentage of time that people are in Afib. Also, the investigators will find out if ondansetron slows the heart rate while people are having Afib. The investigators will compare the people in the study who take ondansetron with the people in the study who take placebo. This research will help the investigators to find out if ondansetron can be used as a medicine for people who have Afib.

Clinical Trial Description

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia associated with symptoms, stroke, systemic embolism, heart failure, dementia, and mortality. Guideline-recommended strategies for conversion to and maintenance of sinus rhythm (SR) and ventricular rate (VR) control are of limited efficacy and/or are poorly tolerated. There is a critical need for safer, more effective alternatives for AF drug therapy. The apamin-sensitive small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) ion current (IKas) is important for repolarization in the atria and pulmonary vein muscle sleeves. IKas also contributes to sinoatrial and AV node electrophysiology. Therefore, IKas may be a target for rhythm and rate control in AF. Evidence suggests: 1) IKas plays an important role in the mechanism of AF, 2) The antiemetic agent ondansetron at therapeutic concentrations is a potent IKas inhibitor, and 3) Ondansetron is a cardiac-selective IKas inhibitor. Thus, the investigators hypothesize that ondansetron is effective for rhythm and rate control in patients with AF. Specific Aim 1: Determine the efficacy and safety of ondansetron for reducing AF burden. This aim will be achieved via a prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study in patients with AF (n=80). Patients with persistent AF scheduled to undergo elective direct current cardioversion (DCC) will be randomized to oral ondansetron 8 mg twice daily (n=40) or matching placebo (n=40) for 28 days. The ondansetron/placebo will be initiated within 7 days following the DCC procedure. Continuous ECG recording will be performed using 2 consecutive adhesive skin patch ECG monitors, which provide 14-days of continuous recording. The primary outcome measure will be AF burden (percentage of time in AF). Specific Aim 2: Determine the efficacy and safety of ondansetron for VR control in AF. The effect of ondansetron versus placebo on VR control will be assessed. Primary outcome measures will be mean daily heart rates in AF on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 days following initiation of ondansetron/placebo. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05844501
Study type Interventional
Source Indiana University
Contact James E Tisdale, PharmD
Phone 317-880-5418
Status Recruiting
Phase Phase 4
Start date July 1, 2024
Completion date December 31, 2027

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