View clinical trials related to Anesthesia Awareness.
Filter by:Aim: The aim of the study; to investigate whether there is a relationship between body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue and the skin-epidural space distance measured by USG.
This study aimed to determine whether targeting bispectral index (BIS) readings of 55 (light anaesthesia) was associated with a lower incidence of delirium, dementia (POD), POCD and mortality but higher rates of awareness and complications than a standard of care anaesthesia blinded to depth monitoring.
To evaluate the feasibility of a pragmatic, large scale, comparative effectiveness, randomized evaluation of patient experience of intravenous propofol versus inhaled volatile anesthesia.
Our aim is to investigate the effect of minimal flow anesthesia with sevoflurane on hemodynamics and arterial blood gas parameters in laparoscopic cholecystectomy operations.
Sevoflurane based inhalational anaesthesia is the preferred mode of anesthesia for small duration cases. But in recent times, concept of rapid discharge, day care procedures, and green environment has created the need of new modalities of anaesthesia for such cases. Considering such factor, investigators have planned using TIVA i.e. total intravenous anaesthesia with Inj. Propofol and Inj. Dexmedetomidine infusions for maintenance of anesthesia in Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM). By comparing the two modalities of anaesthesia i.e. TIVA vs Inhalational investigators are trying to find out whether TIVA is feasible, cost effective and comparable to inhalational anaesthesia in terms of intraoperative hemodynamic stability, pain, intraoperative awareness and recovery profile. This comparison and analysis will help to determine if TIVA can be used as the sole mode of anaesthesia during MRM as it will initiate early discharge of patient and will contribute to the Green OT concept.
The study evaluates the general anesthesia management with BIS monitorization in terms of hemodynamic stability, drug concentrations and drug consumption in patients who underwent surgery due to intracranial pathology and who were divided in three different GCS groups.
ConsCIOUS-2 is a multi-site study exploring the cognitive state of the Isolated Forearm Test (IFT) responder while under anesthetic.
Obesity is a chronic disease that affects quality and duration of life negatively. It's not clearly known the effects of low flow anesthesia on cerebral oxygenation with high-risk morbidly obese patients. In this study, it was aimed to compare the effects of general anesthesia with low flow (0,75 L/min) and normal flow (1,5 L/min) on cerebral oxygenation and depth of anesthesia in morbidly obese patients in bariatric surgery.
This study evaluated the effects of preoperative anxiety and dosage of anesthesia on IVF success. Half of participants according to the recorded Beck's Anxiety Inventory (BAI) score: a low-anxiety group, while the other half high-anxiety group.