View clinical trials related to Woman Abuse.
Filter by:Female circumcision (FC) is a deeply-rooted practice in Egypt with deblitating physical and psychological consequences, however the previous two decades witnessed sincere efforts to counterfight this practice. The objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of circumcision among young women (12-25 years) in Beni-Suef , Egypt.
A 4-armed cluster randomised controlled trial conducted among secondary schoolgirls in Siaya, western Kenya, where clusters are the unit of allocation and schoolgirls the unit of measurement. The overall aim of the trial is to inform evidence-based policy to develop intervention programmes which improve adolescent girls' health, school equity and life-chances. The primary objective is to determine the impact of menstrual cups or cash transfer alone, or in combination, compared against controls, on a composite of deleterious outcomes (HIV, HSV-2 infection, and school dropout) over 3 schoolyears follow-up.