View clinical trials related to Von Willebrand Diseases.
Filter by:Hemofix is a herbal formula based on traditional Jewish and far eastern medicine created to assist in wound healing and bleeding arrest. It contains herbs such as Red Clover, Liquorice, Raspberry, Ginger and more. The present study will evaluate the formula on the coagulation system.
To evaluate the effect of ARC1779, a therapeutic oligonucleotide ("aptamer") in patients with Type2B von Willebrand Disease.
Von Willebrand disease is an inherited bleeding disorder that impacts the blood's ability to clot properly. Von Willebrand disease is cause by the lack or not working substance in the blood known as Von Willebrand factor. Current therapy for Von Willebrand disease includes desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) and /or VWF/FVIII concentrates. Patients with severe Von Willebrand disease face a lifetime of weekly treatments and mounting medical bills. Gene therapy could help these patients improve their quality of life by providing the missing factors necessary for the blood's ability to clot properly. The gene transfer options being studied include naked DNA, viral gene transfer vectors encoding Von Willebrand factor transgenes, and ex vivo cell therapy. The latter involves transplantation of the patient's own cells modified with a corrected copy of the defective gene. Human blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOEC) display all the properties needed for successful ex vivo cell therapy. We plan to obtain blood samples from normal research subjects and patients with Von Willebrand Disease in order to isolate blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOEC) from peripheral blood, and develop a ex vivo gene therapy for Von Willebrand Disease.
Indirect evidence suggests that hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle also affect the bleeding and clotting system. This study looks at two sensitive laboratory tests at four time points during the menstrual cycle to determine if there is a natural variation in coagulation and platelet function. Laboratory tests in healthy subjects will be compared to women with von Willebrand's disorder type 1, a bleeding disorder. In the future, these laboratory tests may help in the diagnosis of bleeding and clotting disorders and to design treatments for women with abnormal menstrual bleeding.